All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 265 Surprise

265、Unexpected Surprise

Chunyuyan, Yiyi and Walter were walking in a vast wilderness. Today's weather is a bit foggy, and you can't see too far. The only recognizable thing is the viaduct that is faintly visible to the south.

It can be seen as far as the eye can see, it is full of desolation, even the sparse plants are in a semi-dry state, with drooping branches and standing dejectedly.

Occasionally, some traces of civilization can be seen here, the broken asphalt road is under the feet, and occasionally a small section of railings can be seen. A large number of vines and unknown plants grew out of the cracks in the asphalt pavement, widening the cracks, and soon withered due to the harsh growing conditions.

Gradually, such a strange scene of mixed asphalt road and bushes formed. In this world where human beings have destroyed themselves, nature has gradually begun to reclaim the territory that originally belonged to them.

On the broken road, some scattered car wrecks are also scattered here and there. The shape of these cars is very rounded, quite 60's car style.

If you want to make a comparison, then throwing the SH brand car and the Volga brand car here is completely harmless.

These car wrecks have been weathered and rusted into disrepair, almost only a basic shell is left, and even the original color can no longer be distinguished. Chunyuyan tried to scan silently by putting his hand on the wreckage of one of the cars. The shape of the wreckage of this car is a bit different, and the engine in front is longer than other cars.

[The scan is complete, the data integrity of the nuclear-powered car is 1%, and the data can only be entered into the infinite base database after the data is complete. 】

Nuclear powered cars! ! Chunyuyan's eyes lit up, it was just an unintentional insertion, but he actually found out such an incredible piece of information! Such a car is actually nuclear powered! what does that mean?

Miniaturization of nuclear reactors, harmless nuclear fuel rods, and low construction costs! And most importantly, civilian use! ! Among other things, even if he could get the small and powerful engine of this car, it would be a very big leap for his army of ruins!

Old Hardy said that the Great War has been going on for more than 200 years. In other words, although the world has been destroyed by nuclear war, it had a very bright civilization before the war! At least they have very advanced nuclear technology!

It seems that this world is not so miserable! Chunyuyan's originally depressed heart cheered up again.

But the data integrity is only 1%? Chunyuyan walked over and lifted the hood of the wrecked car, and it was really empty inside, not even a single wire was left. Looks like it's already been visited by someone. But it’s okay for someone to take it away, at least it means that someone wants this thing. Since it is useful, then maybe technology has not been completely lost!

"This kind of car..." Chunyu Yan was about to ask, but was suddenly interrupted.

"Be careful!!" Walter yelled and rushed forward, trying to protect Yiyi behind him.

Only then did Chunyuyan look over, and found a few beasts the size of a big dog rushing forward. This kind of beast has fat accumulation all over its body, rough skin and thick flesh, only a few sparse hairs, making it look extremely ugly. The limbs are short, and there are two protruding incisors on the upper and lower jaws. It is actually a mole!

But compared to the stupid and cute animals that Chunyuyan knew, the moles in front of him could only act as ugly. It must have been mutated due to the nuclear radiation after the war.

"Be careful! They will attack humans! Yiyi, you stand behind me, and I will protect you!" Walter yelled manly.

However, before he finished speaking, a figure beside him suddenly flashed, and then only a few bang bang bangs were heard, and those moles were immediately kicked more than ten meters away like a ball!

Before Walter could fully digest the facts in front of her, Yiyi had already walked back. While walking, she rubbed the pair of shoes that the system had put on for her on the ground, and said to Chunyuyan, "Dad... I want to change clothes." .”

The clothes are really inconvenient, the fabric is very hard and rough, not only uncomfortable to wear, but also affects movement. Chunyuyan thought for a while and said, "Go ahead and see if there is a suitable place to change clothes."

Only then did Walter recover from his stunned state, and said seriously to Chun Yuyan: "It was too dangerous just now! We should be more vigilant. There are dangers everywhere in the federation. It would be terrible if Yiyi gets injured!"

Chunyuyan had question marks all over his face, "Do you think Yiyi will be in danger?"

"She's a girl! We should protect her!" Walter argued plausibly.

"The problem is that this girl can hit you a hundred times..." Chunyuyan rubbed his forehead and said, "Okay, I know you have good intentions, but we don't understand you. The wasteland of the capital is also very dangerous, And we've been fighting over there for years."

Walter looked suspiciously at Chunyuyan and then at Yiyi. It seemed that he didn't trust them very much, but he continued to move forward.

Chunyuyan chatted with him a lot along the way, generally speaking, apart from having a little unrealistic fantasy about Yiyi, this guy is quite an honest person.

However, he also learned that the villagers of Shisongzhuang basically stayed in the village all their lives and rarely went out. After all, there are very few people who are capable of dealing with the dangers on the wasteland, and because of the lack of medicines, especially antibiotics, a small wound can often kill a person, so they will not venture out.

The only entertainment for the villagers is to listen to radio stations. Diamond City has high-power signal transmission towers, so their broadcasts will be transmitted to far away places, and they can also be heard here. Generally, some music is played, and sometimes some interview programs are randomly interspersed-most of them are also for the mayors to show off.

And the only channel through which the village can communicate with the outside world is the caravan like Old Hardy. There are many such caravans, so if you are lucky, two or three caravans will come a month. These people set off in caravans in groups of three or four. As long as they walked along the main road, the general dangers could still be dealt with.

The people in the caravan basically collect everything, all kinds of garbage, and they sell everything, sometimes even the glass pieces they pick up on the road.

Sometimes, you can really buy some good things from the caravan. For example, the homemade rifle that Grassi wanted to give to Chun Yuyan was bought from the caravan for 50 bottle caps.

However, the villagers in Shisongzhuang don't have much to trade, just some crops, and after removing the rations, there are even fewer things that can be traded. So over time, the caravan didn't like coming here very much.

Speaking of the bottle cap, Chunyuyan was a little surprised. Because this thing is actually the currency in this world! Specifically, it is a metal bottle cap for a cola drink with an odd brand—Nuka Cola, whose trademark is almost exactly the same as Coca-Cola.

What exactly happened to make this Coke bottle cap become the currency used in almost the entire wasteland, Chun Yuyan felt that if she took this matter back and told Gao Liangzhi, she would be very interested.

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