All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 294 What is a Raptor?

On the 8th, the Canadian Airlines Center Arena was full.

Although basketball is not the favorite of Canadians, this season, with the rise of the Raptors, the entire Canada has been inspired by the Raptors.

The Raptors, who have reached the playoffs for the first time since the team was founded, now seem to be the hope in the hearts of all the Canadian village elders.

In the stands, Raptors owner Chad was supervising the battle with his gorgeously dressed female companion.

From last in the league last season to first in the league this season...

On the court, when star players such as Su Feng, Jordan, and Carter appeared one by one, the entire stadium instantly erupted in deafening cheers.

Canadian fans who didn't know how to express their excitement decided to support the team in the most fanatical way.

Stern, who was far away in New York and watched the game through a live text broadcast, took a "bland" sip of coffee when he heard the ratings data reported by his subordinates.

At the scene in Toronto, after the players from the two teams finished warming up, the big screen showed the starting five of the two teams tonight.

Knicks: Thomas, Johnson, Houston, Sprewell, Ward.

Raptors: Ben, Jordan, Su Feng, Carter, Nash.

Similar to what Su Feng hinted to Davis before the game, with Ewing being reimbursed early, Van Gundy, who was very imaginative, actually put up a small lineup when facing the Raptors.

In Su Feng's previous life, even though Ewing's reimbursement was slightly later than in this life, in fact, the key to the Knicks' success all the way was thanks to the talents of Johnson, Houston, Sprewell and others. Excellent play.

The other thing is that sentence.

Basketball is not a sport where you will definitely win if you crush your opponent in terms of ability.

The high-spirited Knicks, in the eyes of the steady Su Feng, are definitely a team worthy of respect.

In the center of the field, Ben and Thomas jumped the ball to start the game.

Thomas, who is 206 centimeters tall, has good athletic ability and is an excellent blue-collar player. With his wingspan, Thomas can reach the basketball in one step.

The Knicks played their first attack. Ward dribbled the ball across half court and handed the ball to Sprewell.

As for the Raptors, Su Feng will be responsible for guarding Sprewell tonight.

Smith, who saw this scene on TNT TV, said with emotion: "Su is really the backbone of the Raptors now.

When attacking, he will always face the opponent's strongest perimeter defender, and looking back, he has to be responsible for marking the opponent's player with the strongest perimeter offensive firepower. "

On the sidelines, Smith's commentary partner Derek echoed: "It's more than that, Kenny.

Because of the Raptors' infinite rotation defensive strategy, Su often had to return to the inside to reinforce Ben and Michael during games. "

Look, what is a professional commentary?

Under the wonderful comments from Smith and Derek, Su Feng's brilliance tonight was invisibly amplified.

Speaking of which, before the game, Su Feng used the system's query function to query a lot of Sprewell's small data.

Then, besides lamenting that the NBA is a superhuman league, what else can Su Feng say?

If you only look at physical fitness, then Sprewell is definitely a superstar template.

On the court, Sprewell held the ball and singled out Su Feng on the wing, and Su Feng decisively adopted a retreat tactic.

On the basketball court, because the offensive side takes the initiative, there is no absolute blockade on the defensive side.

Su Feng knew very well that Sprewell, nicknamed "Madman", was a crazy player. As long as he couldn't get crazy, his power would be greatly reduced.

As for pressing him?

Wake up.

A true master is always tight and loose when defending.

Dealing with a player like Sprewell, Su Feng would not stick to him all the time.

Because that will only make it easier for Sprewell to get space to break through.


Well, under Su Feng's single defense, wouldn't Sprewell's ball be a hit?

In the penalty area, after entering the playoffs, Ben stopped his regular season joking.

This time, facing Thomas's rush, Ben opened his ruthless iron elbow and directly picked the rebound into his arms.

It's the Raptors' turn to attack.

The biggest advantage of Van Gundy's small lineup against the Raptors is that their defensive speed can keep up with the Raptors' transition attack.

Therefore, this ball failed to be counterattacked, so Nash touched the top of his head with his hand and motioned for Su Feng to come over and play a pick-and-roll with him.

As for the Knicks, although Ward's ball bypassed Su Feng, after receiving Nash's pass, Su Feng's iconic unreasonable three-pointer still completed the shot immediately.

In Davis' tactics, this kind of free-spirited style of play is completely allowed.

Because unlike a third-in-command like Carter, in normal games, such an opportunity is already "vacant" for Su Feng.

This season, under the premise that the offensive environment is better than before, if Su Feng controls his shots a little, it will not be difficult for his three-point shooting percentage to reach 40%.

But in that case, Su Feng's intimidation and the team's offensive rhythm will be greatly damaged.

In Su Feng's previous life, take Stephen Curry, Su Feng's eldest nephew in this life, as an example.

If Curry can be a little more reasonable, then maybe he can enter the "180 Club" for N consecutive years, but it is definitely difficult for him to be taken care of by his opponents on the court.

However, although Su Feng shot the ball very quickly, the basketball disobediently hit the neck of the basket and was picked up by Johnson who was retreating from defense.

Looking back, the Knicks counterattacked.

Van Gundy, who copied Davis' work, now also allows the Knicks to attack in transition.

However, Sprewell, who was in charge of the assault, was stopped by Su Feng again.

Among the outside players in the NBA, Sprewell rarely encountered players who were faster and stronger than him, so for a while, the "madman" was unable to do anything to Su Feng.

In desperation, Sprewell tipped the ball back to Ward.

Houston was on the other side, using Johnson's screen to slip from the baseline to the wing.

This is a classic NBA wing screen tactic.

Before Ewing was injured, the Knicks rarely used such tactics, but after Ewing was injured, Van Gundy discovered that as long as he drew a few more tactics for Houston, Houston would give the team very high returns.

In terms of follow-up defense ability, Carter is obviously not as good as Su Feng. On this shot, Houston took one step inside the three-point line and made a mid-range shot.

2 to 0.

In terms of competitive status tonight, the Knicks, who took the lead, are two different teams from the Knicks who were swept 2-0 by the Raptors in the regular season.

TNT TV station, Smith said: "Vince needs to learn defense from Sue and Michael, because if you want to be a superstar, you can't just attack."

On the court, I don't know if Carter heard Smith's comments.

With the involvement of Su Qiao and the two of them, Carter got an open shot from the bottom corner.

Look, this is the chain reaction caused by Su Feng's decisive first ball just now.

Because both Su Feng and Jordan are the type who dare to take action as long as you let them go, Carter's output environment this season is not to mention how comfortable it is.


2 to 3.

Carter's three-pointer instantly ignited the atmosphere of the Route Center Arena.

Because this is the Raptors' first goal in NBA playoff history.

After scoring the goal, Carter glanced at Houston angrily. His expression was as arrogant as he wanted to be.

Knicks offense.

Seemingly irritated by Carter, Houston continued to run along the corner this time.

But just when Carter followed Houston, Houston suddenly braked hard and completed a wonderful reverse run.

He said without hesitation, if it were Su Feng who played this ball, Su Feng would definitely not be fooled.

Because Su Feng, who had teased Jordan countless times with his moves in his early years, knew very well the psychology of these pitchers when they moved.

However, young Carter still has to pay some tuition fees for his pride.


A mid-range two-punch from Houston.

4 to 3.

To be fair, even though he copied Davis' homework, Van Gundy was still poisonous in Su Feng's eyes.

Because this kind of mid-range shot that steps on the three-point line...

The price/performance ratio is really "too high".

On the court, the Knicks scored two consecutive attacks, while on the Raptors' side, Su Feng and Jordan were tightly defended by the Knicks during their attack.

Tonight, Houston is responsible for stalking Su Feng, while Sprewell is ready for Houston to fill in at any time.

As for the other side, "Aunt" used his big butt to fight with Jordan's big elbow.

Defensively, the Knicks adopted a "pseudo zone defense" tonight, but compared to the past, the Knicks' "pseudo zone defense" tonight had many loopholes.

After all, Ewing is ugly, but if you say that after his retirement, he did not damage the Knicks' defensive system at all, then Ewing will jump off the roof of the Empire State Game to fight you.

With this ball, Nash, who understood the Knicks' defensive intentions, passed Ward in one step.

In Su Feng's previous life, Nash was very good at this kind of one-step pass with his left hand.

Yes, one step with the left hand without even a fake dribble move.

Nash, nicknamed "The Son of the Wind," is very good at combining man and ball. He was extremely fast and succeeded in a layup after breaking into the Knicks' paint.

4 to 5.

After the game started tonight, no one expected that it would be Carter and Nash who stood up one after another, not Su Feng and Jordan.

However, this is the Raptors that Su Feng and Davis want to see.

After going through a shortened season of training, the current Raptors have significantly improved compared to the beginning of the regular season.

And with tools stepping forward to share the pressure for the two elder brothers, Su Feng and Jordan can focus more on developing in the jungle...

Ah no, that means you can focus more on the defensive end.

Although Boss Qiao is already 36 years old, he has gained weight this season and is really not at a disadvantage when defending "Auntie".

This season, many fans believe that the Raptors are an offensive team.

But in fact, the prerequisite for them to attack well is to defend well.

In the playoffs, Su Qiao, one inside and one outside, will definitely become a nightmare for many teams.

With this ball, Sprewell attacked again and barely managed to get past Su Feng, but was slapped away by Jordan who came over to defend him.

Before Wade breaks Jordan's record, you must know that in the NBA, the guard who can block shots best is named Michael Jordan.

The Knicks sent a baseline kick, and with little time left, "Auntie"'s hook at the bottom of the basket also missed the basket.

Ben once again grabbed the rebound ahead of Thomas, but this time, the Raptors' counterattack was unstoppable to the Knicks.

Su Feng, who rushed towards the Knicks' position as quickly as possible, succeeded in a one-handed dunk after receiving Nash's pass.

4 to 7.

At the Airline Center Arena, after the team leader scored the first dunk in the team's playoff history, the fans at the scene also booed while making gestures like a plane taking off, while making cheers similar to airplane engines.

On the Knicks' bench, Van Gundy has finally found the answer to the problem that has troubled Van Gundy for N years.

That is, whether it is the 76ers or the Raptors...

What really gives Van Gundy a headache is not the tactics.

But Su Feng.

Because in Van Gundy's view, no matter how ridiculous Davis' tactics are, he didn't have that much trouble when he led the Knicks to beat the Raptors last season.

In the past few days, the more Van Gundy studied Su Feng, the more frightened he became.

Because, after Van Gundy analyzed Su Feng's data and performance on the field in depth, he came to a shocking result.

That is......

Although Su Feng's dominance on the field is not as intuitive as O'Neal's, but this guy's performance on the field, in a sense, you can only describe it as terrifying.

On the offensive end, even though Carter's overall shooting percentage is still three percentage points higher than Su Feng's, the strong attacks that Su Feng scored are not bragging. If you give it to Carter, Carter may not be as high as Su Feng. hit rate.

As we all know, defense will affect the attacker's touch when attacking, so in other words, so far, Su Feng has never played a game that allows him to devote 100% of his energy to the offensive end.

Therefore, in a sense, Su Feng and Jordan are the same kind of people.

Even if the current Su Feng cannot reach the height that Jordan once achieved, what will happen if he grows up in a few more years?

In addition, in Van Gundy's view, Su Feng's future may be more promising than Jordan's.

Because maybe some pseudo-fans in the future will make an issue of Su Feng’s three-point shooting percentage of less than 40% this season, but for this era...

Even though Su Feng's unreasonable three-pointers, which were almost as random as those thrown by Xia Jiba, accounted for most of his three-point shots, he could still maintain a shooting rate of over 38%. You said, this kind of person... Is it scary?

And even in the future, the three-point shooting rate of 38% is not low.

Because reality is not about playing 2K, let alone some people’s obscene ideas.

Even counting the future, in the history of the NBA, how many players can there be like Su Feng who can shoot a large number of snipers and still maintain accuracy?

In Su Feng's previous life, he had read many basketball articles, in which the protagonist could easily become a member of the 180 Club, especially one whose protagonist was named Lin Yi, who lived in the 180 Club for his entire career.

But in reality, how can it be so easy to live in the 180 Club as a superstar?

Wake up, this is the NBA!

It was still the NBA in the 1990s, where defense was the main theme.

On the court, just when Van Gundy felt Su Feng's fear, it turned out that Van Gundy really got what he wanted.

Well, the difference between reality and comics is here. Even if Van Gundy is bald, his "invincibility" has its limits.


On the court, a somewhat impatient Sprewell had to squeeze in even though he couldn't completely get past Su Feng, and then...

There will be no more.

After Su Feng took the basketball away from Sprewell with his big hand, the Raptors quickly launched a counterattack.


A personal fast break three-point show from Su Feng.

5 to 10.

On the other side, Jordan, who knew that Su Feng usually put a lot of energy into three-pointers, couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

Because like Su Feng, he uses double-action shooting, and he is very aware of the shortcomings of double-action shooting.

That's right.

Before the [Hundred Steps to Pierce the Yang] badge was unlocked to a higher level, practicing hard day and night was the key to Su Feng being able to maintain an excellent feel.

And this is one of the reasons why Su Feng gradually conquered Jordan.

Because even Michael Jordan dare not say that he can compare with Su Feng in terms of training volume.

You know, no matter in the past or present, no double-action player in the NBA can guarantee his three-point shooting percentage.

Even if the future Leonard devotes a lot of enthusiasm to three-point training, his MVP card can only be accurate on time.

If the reasonable blacksmithing system helped Su Feng break through these natural limitations of talent one by one, then how many people can reward their hard work like Su Feng?

No matter how good the opportunity is, you have to take the initiative to fight for it.

Of course, some people who were born in "Rome" are a different matter.

At the Canada Route Center Arena, after seeing the Raptors' hot start, Van Gundy decisively took a timeout.

It has to be said that since Ewing was reimbursed, Van Gundy's brain circuit can only be described as extremely clear.

After the timeout, Van Gundy decisively stopped Sprewell's attack and began to make fuss around Johnson and Houston.

Van Gundy knows very well that in this season, breaking through Su Feng's defense is really not much different from committing suicide.

Perhaps before the start of this game, Van Gundy also imagined that Sprewell could defeat Su Feng.

But in front of Su Feng, who is so stable that he is even ready to play five games with the Knicks, where can Sprewell get a chance?


Although Van Gundy's arrangement is very targeted.

But in front of the equally cautious Boss Qiao, "Aunt" was also at a loss with the old Joe tonight.

Boss Qiao, who is born with supernatural powers, can be said to be one man in charge tonight.

For Jordan, who even reached various PY deals with Su Feng in order to win the sixth championship, how could he despise any opponent who made it to the playoffs?

Especially when the pain of being beaten by the 76ers is still wrenching in his heart.

On the Raptors bench, looking at the "iron slave" pairing of Su Feng and Jordan, Davis also said with emotion:

“The ace of the team who never underestimates an opponent and gives 100% in every game.

Old and steady, UU Reading is the former No. 1 player in the NBA who can always step forward at critical moments.

Although he is reckless, he is a team attacker who dares to fight and fight hard.

He has an excellent overall view, is thin in body, but is a team brain who can organize the team's offense in an orderly manner.

Not afraid of hardship or fatigue, he is an inside fortress that never disappoints in defense and rebounding.

Plus a group of excellent substitutes...

The above is the Toronto Raptors. "

Staring at the players under his command, Davis felt for a moment that he was the son of destiny...

PS: The author of Qingbigou will be reduced by another 200 (the state continues to recover, and he is tired after 5,000 words!)

PS2: Continue on the 18th! If the liver is not in good condition, then reduce the money, there is nothing to say!


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