All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 587 Yesterday, today, tomorrow! (The 4,000-word mini-chapter is late but here!)

Shortly after the Heat took the lead in advancing to the Eastern Conference Finals...

The next day, in the Western Conference, the Mavericks also swept the Trail Blazers with a score of 4-0.

After the war, G2 publicly stated that Davis' tactics were nothing more than this. In this life, my gun can be said to have perfectly avoided the "58" joke.

Because now, even if you want to take advantage of me...

You also have to switch to the "61" meme.

Rose Garden Arena, in the Western Conference semifinals G3 game between the Mavericks and the Trail Blazers, under the strict defense of peak Kidd and boxing champion Chandler...

The young me and Garnett, who was still thinking about whether to change his registration position to center next season, successfully helped the Heat fans who were planning to open the champagne in advance to celebrate the championship completely calm down.

In this game, the Mavericks, who have Howard, Terry and others on the outside, not only showed the world their powerful offensive firepower...

And after further training in the regular season, the Mavericks' increasingly tacit teamwork has also given the Blazers' proud defensive line a first-hand experience...

What is despair.

On the court, after three quarters, the score of the G3 game between the two teams had reached 104 to 51.

In the final quarter of the game, when a close-up shot showed the Trail Blazers bench...

The dull, dull eyes of Paul and Garnett at that time...

It's painful just to look at it.

What makes Trail Blazers fans even more heartbroken is...

On the court, with a 53-point lead, the Mavericks' bench players were still frantically trying to expand the Mavericks' lead.

TNT television station.

Although Buckley didn't say it directly, from the subtle hint of the flying pig...

It's not hard to hear what he wanted to express at that time.

"When I was with the Raptors...

John often told me that he never cared what people thought of him.

But as far as I know...

He's not the kind of coach who doesn't read postgame comments at all. "

In the end, after the Pistons were hammered by the Heat in the Eastern Conference semifinals in the "58" tragedy...

In the West, on this night, the Mavericks also showed their "championship" to the world with a 134-73 slaughter.

On the 16th, after defeating the Trail Blazers again with a score of 117 to 94...

The Mavericks also advanced to the Western Conference Finals with an overwhelming advantage in two consecutive rounds.

In Miami, after watching the Mavericks' performance in this year's playoffs from a bystander's perspective, Su Feng clearly realized how powerful this Mavericks team was.

Compared with the regular season match against the Heat, under the guidance of the Mavericks' first assistant coach Mike Brown, the Mavericks not only learned how to hide Nowitzki on the defensive end, but also on the offensive end, Nowitzki The growth of Ski, Howard and others cannot be ignored.

Although in Su Feng's view, Paul's previous evaluation of Davis was not wrong...


If you look at it from another angle...

Isn't Davis a genius coach?

Because for this Mavericks, where do they need too complex and advanced tactics?

As long as they can unleash their offensive potential on the offensive end, they will be one of the best teams in the league.

Just like when cooking, the more high-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods to cook...

On the surface, Davis' tactics are unremarkable.

But actually...

It was this mediocre set of tactics that caused the Mavericks to undergo a qualitative change invisibly.

On this day, after exchanging their views on the Mavericks with Riley, Su Feng and Riley agreed that if the Heat's opponent in the finals this year is the Mavericks...

Then the Heat must be prepared to play seven games with the Mavericks in advance.

"If Dirk can keep feeling like this...

Then I hope you can return to the outside by then.

Because if you can't restrain Dirk, continuing to put you at the power forward position will only waste your energy. "

In the Heat's general manager's office, Riley said that day, looking at Su Feng.

This season, as Nowitzki has made great progress in post-up play, it has been difficult for Su Feng to bully him like he did in the 2002 World Championships.

Therefore, after nodding, Su Feng did not reject Riley's proposal.

"Beyond how to guard Dirk, Pat...

I think we'll have to take full advantage of Shaq's dominance in the paint. "

In Su Feng's view, for the Heat, the only good news about playing the Mavericks in the finals is...

It is difficult for Chandler, who stands out among the Western Conference insiders, to perform like he does now when facing O'Neal.

And once the Mavericks are forced to use a meat shield to fight against O'Neal, then...

It was when Su Feng, a super assaulter, dealt a fatal blow to this calf.

In short, compared with the previous two rounds of the series, which were like playing house...

The next two rounds of the series were the real nightmare difficulty in Su Feng's eyes.

On the 20th, the Warriors successfully eliminated the Suns with a score of 4 to 2 and became the third team to successfully obtain tickets to the conference finals.

In the last two games against the Suns, Nelson changed his mindless run-and-gun style and actively chose to slow down.

As a result, the Suns, who were unable to crack the pick-and-roll between Stoudemire and Nash in the positional battle, lost the G5 and G6 battles between them and the Warriors.

This season, with D'Antoni's desperate efforts, where is there any extra drop of oil in the already exhausted Tracy McGrady and Hill's tanks?

And just relying on Marion...

The Suns can't stop the rest of this Warriors roster.

When many main players are in critical condition, D'Antoni still stubbornly insists on using a six-man rotation. This is the main reason why the Suns cannot reach the end this year.

On the other side, the battle of the century between the Celtics and the Numbers reached the seventh game.

Since the Eastern Conference officially entered the era of the "Royal Three", Su Feng discovered that the "Royal Three" record in the regular season has become the key to deciding who wins last among the Heat, Celtics and Digital Players.

Because in stark contrast to last year…

This feeling of watching others go crazy and internally conflicting...

It’s simply not too fun.

Although Su Feng always likes to challenge the highest level of difficulty...

But this doesn't mean that he likes to forcefully create difficulties for himself.

Judging from the comparison of lineup strength, it is basically a 50-50 split between the three Eastern Royal teams.

Therefore, when the Celtics and the Digital Man had to fight for one round first, Su Feng knew very well that the balance of victory would inevitably tilt towards the Heat in the next Eastern Conference Finals.

According to the schedule, the Celtics and the Digital Man will have a tiebreaker in Philadelphia on the 23rd.

In Miami, while eating melon, Su Feng also patiently acted as a spectator this night.

On the field, after the players from the two teams finished warming up, the big screen at the Zhongzhou Arena immediately showed the starting lineups for tonight's tiebreaker.

Celtics: Randolph, Duncan, Tony Allen, Ray Allen, Parker.

Numbers: Yao Ming, Ratliff, Christie, Iverson, Snow.

In the center of the field, Yao Ming defeated Duncan in a jump ball, and the digital man took the lead.

As for TNT TV, during the commentary, Barkley also mentioned the current injury situation between the digital players and the Celtics.

Because five of the first six games between the two teams went to overtime, eight of the ten starting players from both teams tonight were injured.

On the court, the digital man made the first attack. Xiao Yao, who was in the best physical condition tonight, hit Duncan with a back-up in the low post and succeeded.

0 to 2.

Thanks to Carlisle's usual protective use of Little Yao, and the fact that this Little Yao lacked the 5 kilograms of weight that crushed his knees, in Su Feng's opinion, in this life, this Little Yao will not be able to fight even if he is 35 years old. There is no problem.

Back on the court, Parker also used Duncan's cover to easily break through Snow's defense from the outside.

As the other player who played without injury tonight, Parker's good physical condition is mainly due to Carter's excessive hip stretch last season.

Because he was eliminated early last year with the Raptors and got enough rest in the summer, Parker's physical fitness has been very good in the new season.

In the penalty area, after passing Ratliff, Parker hit a layup.

2 to 2.

At this time, on the court, when Iverson was responsible for dribbling the ball across half court, the close-up shots of the scene were also focused on his knees.

According to local media in Philadelphia, before the start of the tiebreaker, Iverson could only take painkillers to participate in the team's daily training.

In Su Feng's eyes, whether in his past life or in this life, Iverson's tenacious fighting spirit on the court is worthy of admiration.

However, when Iverson's engine cannot be started at full power...

The Digital Man's subsequent offense was obviously more affected than the Celtics.

With the development of modern basketball and the continuous weakening of rules, the living environments of outside players and inside players on the court are no longer the same.

Let’s compare Xiao Yao and Parker tonight...

Although Duncan suffered from varying degrees of knee and ankle injuries before the start of this game...

But at least Duncan can still use his experience to counter Yao Ming when he gets into the low post.


Because I sprained my ankle in the sixth game between the two teams...

Therefore, no matter how angry the TV sets and digital fans are, it will be difficult for Snow to stop Parker's breakthrough on the court like before.

And the obvious thing is...

Bird and Miller Carr's tactical thinking tonight is to take advantage of your illness and kill you.

On the court, in the first quarter alone, Parker contributed 12 points to the Celtics.

In the second quarter of the game, in order to prevent Parker from breaking through unscrupulously on the court...

On the digital side, Carlisle had no choice but to shrink back into the penalty area to make it more difficult for Parker to break through.


On the premise that he sprained his shoulder before the game, Ray Allen was a gentleman's sword...

But it's murder without blood.

In the second quarter, Ray Allen hit three valuable three-pointers for the Celtics from the outside.

After half the game, relying on the outstanding performance of Parker and Ray Allen, the away Celtics led 54-45.

And the third quarter of the game...

With Iverson still unable to find his touch, the scoring responsibility of the digital man had to fall on Xiao Yao's shoulders.

And although Xiao Yao did a great job scoring 16 points for the Digital Man in this quarter...

But in the final quarter of the game, the Celtics, at a desperate moment...

Ray Allen continued his firepower.

Finally, at Zhongzhou Arena...

In this tiebreaker, the Celtics had the last laugh with 97-91.

At this point, all four teams participating in the East and West regional finals this year have been produced.

In front of the TV, when Su Feng saw the sad expressions of Xiao Yao and Iverson...

Su Feng couldn't help but think of himself at this time last year.

no way.

Competitive sports are so cruel.

Yesterday's king may very well become someone else's stepping stone tomorrow.

This season, in Su Feng's view, the Heat's most successful thing has never been how many games they won before.


O'Neal, Mourning, Payton and others got a lot of rest time in the regular season.

As a team sport, no matter how strong Su Feng is, in this kind of strong dialogue, as long as your team has loopholes on the court, it will be difficult for you to fight against those teams whose overall strength is far above yours.

Because miracles don't happen every night.

In front of the TV, after thinking about how to call Yao and Iverson to comfort him later...

At this moment, Su Feng also focused his gaze on Duncan, who was sitting on the bench and breathing heavily on the TV screen.

All right......

This is the first confrontation between Su Feng and Duncan?

Since entering the NBA, except for a few seasons...

Almost every season, Duncan would appear in front of Su Feng as the defensive BOSS in the East.


Judging from the current state, after this brutal battle with digital people, the Celtics now only have half a life left.

But Su Feng will never forget that sentence that he wrote in his notebook as early as the Raptors era...

A motto gained in exchange for painful lessons of failure.

That is......

Against an opponent like Celtic...

Unless you knock it out, don't be confident that you will have the last laugh.

According to the schedule, the Eastern Conference Finals between the Heat and Celtics will officially begin on May 26.

The Heat are first the host and then the guest.

On the 24th, in order to prevent the Heat from underestimating their opponents in the next round of the Eastern Conference Finals, Su Feng held an impromptu team meeting with only the participation of players.

At the meeting, in addition to naming and criticizing some Heat players who have been somewhat lax in their attitude recently, Political Commissar Su also conducted a detailed analysis of the current strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves.

"Guys, we've reached this point in the season, you're not telling me that you don't want to be a championship player, right?" At the end of the meeting, looking at the Heat players, Su Feng said word by word.

And hearing this...

O'Neal, who was planning to eat a snack after training, suddenly lost his appetite.

In addition, the expressions of people like Mourning and Payton immediately became heavy.

For this group of veterans who have never tasted the taste of a championship...

The lethality of Su Feng's words, UU Reading, is the same as telling an LSP that you threw a cute bunny girl on his bed and let him do whatever he wanted.

And for young players like Ariza...

The allure of a championship is also higher than anything else.

In Su Feng's view, in the next round of the Eastern Conference finals, since the Heat have the right time, location, people and...

Then the Heat must be prepared to never play one more game with this Celtics if they can sweep it.

As the saying goes, opportunities cannot be missed and they will never come back.

Before the unknown tomorrow comes...

Only those who keep grasping today can control their own destiny!

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