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Chapter 326, the town of the wicked

When I finished the Weiweiwei, I looked up and looked at the high walls and covered with green vines. It was very chic with the yellow soil.

The plaque on the wall, adorned with white and red flowers, reads the words "the town of the wicked", and a white dragonfly hangs between the three characters of the villain.

It seems that there is a bit of a scary momentum, but Wei Weiwei knows that the white cockroach is just a fake.

The area of ​​this wicked town is not large, but the small temple is small, but it has everything, but it is also in all walks of life. Everyone is dressed very openly, and it seems that there is not much male esteem.

No matter in which country, as long as it is in ancient times, all the people in the same way, the women will walk behind the man, and almost the young women travel very little, mostly women who have become married and older.

This wicked town is not like this, some are side by side, while others are women walking in front of men.

The scenery of this villain town is not particularly beautiful, and the population is not particularly large, and this so-called town is estimated to have only one ordinary village.

However, when Wei Weiwei entered, the first thing I felt was that people here were not troubled, life was carefree, and everyone was kind and amiable. No matter what they didn’t know, everyone’s face was filled with a simple smile.

This kind of atmosphere Wei Weiwei likes it very much.

When Wei Weiwei and Li Chugang walked into the town of the wicked, they immediately walked to the front of Weiwei in a black uniform. "Welcome to the town of the wicked, bother to register here!"

The same is the tolerance, but the tolerance of the villain town is much more harmonious, and the attitude is very friendly.

Wei Weiwei followed the tolerance and went to a small house. I saw a white-haired old man sitting in front of a table for some years. There was a thick yellow page on the table.

"Girl, son, since you passed the test to get the right to live in the town of the wicked, but you want to survive in the town of the wicked, you still have to test yourself. This wicked town now has 370 people, what profession? There are, but there is no embarrassment, so if the girl and the son want to live in the town of the wicked, they must rely on their own skills to earn money from the town of the wicked in exchange for food and resources, but the outside money is in the wicked. The town is not circulated. You have just come to the wicked town as a governor. I will give you 500 yuan per person. You can use this money to find a place to live, or you can take a small shop. How to You decide on your own, but once you have spent the wicked coins on your body, you will be expelled from the town of the wicked!" The voice of the old man is very honest, but it is not like a multi-word person, some serious, but there is no Deliberate martyrdom.

It is only routine to read the rules of the villain town.

Wei Weiwei and Li Chu left the 500 wicked coins given by the old man.

This villain town is getting more and more interesting...

It seems that people who do not have certain strength can not continue to stay in the town of the wicked. This only rule seems to be somewhat cruel, but in reality it is to protect the system of the whole wicked town and the rights of the villagers of the wicked town.

"What do the master intend to do with this money?" Li Chu put the hand of the five hundred evil people in the palm of his hand and pulled it.

Wei Weiwei also looked down at the five hundred wicked coins in his hand. "That depends on how much the value of these 500 wicked people is. If it is only enough for us to eat a meal, we should come to the wicked town." Let's go!"

The Weiweiwei face is a little relaxed. These evil people's coins can't be enough for them to eat a day. Since this rule is fixed, it must be given some time for the implementer.

Otherwise, if she only has enough food for a day, she thinks that many people will choose the simplest and straightforward method, that is, steal money and steal money!

The establishment of this wicked town by Yao Sheng is not really intended to gather the wicked people in the world, and it is even more impossible to let such a rule continue.

Li Chu smiled and laughed. "Where does the master think about what we should do first? Is it to eat first or find a place to live?"

"First ask about the situation in this town!" Wei Weiwei showed a faint smile. When he came to a strange place, he naturally had to understand this place.

The people in the town of the wicked are very simple and very enthusiastic. They don't need to open the mouth of the scorpion. It is convenient to know that Wei Weiwei just entered the town of the wicked.

Then he said that some things in the town of the villain, such as the bamboo tube, were all said to be with Wei Weiwei.

The idea of ​​waiting for the other party to say that the heart of Wei Weiwei is finished is even stronger.

This villain town is really interesting, and the two people, Medicine St. and Chess, are also more interesting.

In fact, it is not difficult to enter this wicked town, because as long as you have the skills and then pass the assessment, you can become a villager in the villain town.

For example, if you are a doctor, then the content of the assessment is medical skills. If you pass the assessment, you can enter the villain town.

Therefore, it is not too difficult for people who have real talents and skills to enter the town of the wicked, but it is difficult to stay in the town of the wicked.

There are only 370 villagers in the town of the wicked. The doctor only needs two at most. If there is another doctor, then there will be a competition between the three doctors. There are two, and the other one is leaving.

It is not difficult to conclude a sentence into the town of the wicked, but it is somewhat difficult to survive in the town of the wicked.

Wei Weiwei walked all the way from the street of the villain town. The shops on both sides of the street did not see the type of shop she was going to open.

In the residents who look at it, the looks can only be regarded as ordinary, naturally beautiful, but also ugly.

If she opens a beauty clinic here, she is confident that the business will not be less, and the first is not competitive. In the second world, I am afraid I can’t find a small scalpel like her. Let people completely change their face, from ugly to beautiful people! Third, nature is human curiosity!

At the end of the night, Weiwei rented a room in a farmer's house, while Li Chu rented another room, and the price was very cheap. One person only needed five evil people for one night.

If you want to open a shop on the street, the monthly rent will only need between 100 and 200 wicked people. The rest of the money is enough for her to eat and eat some necessary surgical drugs. Look at the refreshing to the apex O

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