Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 100: grow independently

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Lin Xuan, who was clearly arranged, could only accept this arrangement reluctantly. After all, the old man in front of him was the Principal of Di Yi, so he naturally had the power to arrange the students' graduation hunting targets, and with Lin Xuan's potential, he might be able to touch it by the third year of high school. Going to the edge of the ground level, it is more than enough to deal with a sea of ​​worshipping beasts that has no ground level!

"Then I'm going out of the city for a trial now, and there won't be any more demon kings jumping out!"

"Hahaha, if they dare to jump, we will dare to kill them! Don't worry, let's go around, we old men are still there!"

Lin Qingming said that he was extremely domineering, and he did have this strength, and the wild monsters on the land could not become a climate now, and there were barely one or two overlords to support them. Now, the sea is the battlefield that Taixia needs to be prepared for.

"Oh, yes, headmaster, look at this."

Lin Xuan remembered the dungeon gems he had harvested. This thing can't be played alone. The best way is to hand it over to those big forces. They have the ability to organize a large number of capable people to continuously generate resources from the dungeon.


He was not surprised that Lin Xuan was able to clear the dungeon alive and walked out of it. As long as he was not slapped to death by the Demon King of the Earth Rank, it would not be difficult for someone like Lin Xuan to clear the Yellow Rank dungeon.

But this dungeon gem really surprised him. Yellow rank limit, Overlord template? !

He wanted to get an easy dungeon. The difficulty was beyond his imagination. If it wasn't Lin Xuan who entered, the final result would probably be that the pioneers were killed, the wild monsters in the dungeon escaped from the dungeon, and the wild monsters were demon tree demons?

The environmental damage caused by Tai Xia's beheading of the demon tree demon decades ago has not recovered yet!

"Good job! I will report you to the Taixia Elders Home, and there will be certain merits distributed. Besides... What do you want?"

After thinking for a while, Lin Qingming nodded and praised that the students of his school had made meritorious deeds, how could he not reward him as the principal.

"Skills, I think I still lack some auxiliary skills. This time the dungeon is reclaiming wasteland. If it wasn't for luck, I'm afraid I would have died early in the morning."

This is the truth. If the Demon Dryad Lord was not sleeping at the beginning, if he was discovered by the Demon Dryad Lord at the beginning, if... he was able to survive this time, he was really lucky!

"Okay, then I'll give you the right to choose a skill card again. Of course, it's limited to the app. In addition, I want to tell you that you are not alone, you have teammates, you should learn to go. Trust them."

The old principal smiled and patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder. After giving permission to Lin Xuan, he turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

"Do you trust your teammates?"

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes and murmured in a low voice.

Through the team contract, I could vaguely feel the position of the two sisters of the Lin family. Following this vague direction, Lin Xuan walked all the way. This direction is... Emperor Yi Wang Yang (comparable to the battlefield)!

On the Santian Island (the third battle arena, the Tianzi Xiaobidou arena), the sisters of the Lin family are in harmony... Who is this, a little familiar, oh, right, who, remember, it's called Guiyuan, Ba The power of the high-ranking dragon bloodline swept the audience, coupled with the use of the true meaning of the earth, Zhen, and one-handed Zhenshan Fist, which put a lot of pressure on the two angels.

Today's two sisters are no longer the low-level Huang Rank, but have been promoted to the peak of the Yellow Rank. The same Zhi Angel-Yan and Hui Angel-Xi have also been promoted to the level of three-winged angels. With the assistance of Zhu Yuan, he managed to resist the attack of Zhu Yuan and the two teammates behind him.

"Breaking evil!"

Yan let out a loud roar, and the great solar sword was swung down towards Zhu Yuandang's head. Xi fluttered three pairs of wings, and with a finger of the radiant staff in his hand, three rays of light descended from the sky, firmly sealing Zhu Yuan's actions. This is the seal of light. sword!

But Zhu Yuan was not afraid of Yan's "Evil Slashing", and he didn't even have a defensive posture. With a wave of his supporting teammates behind him, a bubble wrapped Zhu Yuan's entire body. The bubble cage and water system control skills were taken by him. for defensive use.

But the effect is really good. Yan's Evil Slash just smashed through the bubble cage, and was unable to continue. At this time, Zhu Yuan himself also broke free from the seal of the Seal of Light, and a shocking seal was struck in front of Yan, and the space was full. Slightly broken.

Zhu Yuan was much stronger than before.

"Don't fight, don't fight, we have few people, it's too annoying!"

Lin Zhenxing complained angrily, that guy Lin Xuan had already come back, but he didn't answer her calls, which made them always lose two to three these days.

Lin Zhenyue didn't say anything. It's the same thing if you lose a battle in the arena, but it really doesn't feel good to lose.

"Xiaoyue Xiaoxing, are you two okay? I didn't hold back my strength just now, so I didn't hurt you. It's all my fault..."

Zhu Yuan scratched his head and leaned forward to greet the two sisters, but unfortunately he didn't say much. Because he lost, Lin Zhenxing was in a bad mood and saw Lin Xuan who was eating melons in the audience, so she jumped down. out of the ring.

"Yeah, you still know how to come back!"

Lin Zhenxing, who was feigning anger, ran in front of Lin Xuan and said angrily.

Looking at Lin Zhenxing, who is quite cute in front of him, he nodded to Lin Zhenyue on the ring with a smile, and looked at Zhu Yuan, who was a little stiff on the other side, with a half-smile, "Bully my teammates while I'm not around!"

"What bullying, I'm a sparring, hum, it's you, you haven't shown up these days, you know that I have accomplished a lot and dare not come out! Hahaha."

"Then, practice!"

Zhu Yuan's heart trembled. The last time Lin Xuan defeated him with ease, he was naturally unwilling. He endured the discomfort and showed his elder brother the video at that time and asked him to help him practice. This time, he left because his elder brother said Now, he will definitely have the power to fight against Lin Xuan again.

Well, that is the one who has not broken through the twelve transformations of the dragon and elephant, the bloodline has not been transformed, the talent and expertise has not been promoted, the magic pattern has not yet coexisted, and he has not comprehended the extreme meaning of the earth. The ultimate meaning of the wind, the floating Lin Xuan.

If Zhu Yuan knew about Lin Xuan's growth, he might despair!

"Hey, what are you practicing, the winter vacation is coming soon, I have to take my teammates to open up the dungeon, hunt the mysterious monsters, and start the school team selection in the next semester. The time is tight and the tasks are heavy, but I have no time to waste here. , Lin Xuan, I recognize your strength, I hope you don't fall behind! Let's go."

In the fiercest tone and the most arrogant words, this Zhu Yuan is also a talent!

Seeing that Zhu Yuan took his two teammates to leave Wang Yang proudly, Lin Xuan shook his head.

"I have made great progress, and I have been training a lot recently."

Lin Xuan said with a smile, recognizing their current strength.

"Humph!" Lin Zhenxing was disdainful, she was not training hard to gain Lin Xuan's approval.

"Hahaha, go for a walk, buy something to eat and gather at my house, and give me a reference to the practice skills by the way."

He directly took the two sisters out of Wang Yang and went straight to the food street outside the school.

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