Am I A Superman?

Chapter 187, here he comes

That night, Lex received news that he agreed to sell the kryptonite in his hand.

He made a deal with Batman three days later at the military site twenty miles north of the metropolis.

That night, Batman called Li Ya, Flash, Atom, and Shazam to explain the situation and arrange a detailed plan.

"Li Ya, how long are you sure to hold Superman?"

This is the fifteenth time Batman has asked this question.

Li Ya didn't know what to do. After all, he didn't know the strength of this world's superman. He said, "I have kryptonite, so I should be able to hold it for a while. If you can bring our world reinforcements, then everything is easy to say."

"Okay, then we'll be the bait to attract Superman's attention, Flash, you open the time-space corridor, Atom, Shazam, you follow the Flash to ensure the opening of the time-space corridor," Batman said.

Everyone nodded, "Understood!"

Li Ya's consciousness sneaked into the system. Shazam in this world is not as simple as himself. After an afternoon of contact, the friendship between this Shazam and himself was only 80% of the normal.

There is no problem in upgrading to friendly in three days, but it is somewhat difficult to upgrade to trust.

Even if it is only friendly, Shazanka can still provide Li Ya with a high magic bonus, especially if it is equipped on the main card.


Three days later, Batman assembled a group of mercenaries, got into the van with Li Ya, and arrived at the agreed location.

This military region was once the seventh military region, after Superman intervened in the world's disputes.

American ZF, worried that he would get out of control, brought in Superman's adoptive parents, Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent.

I want to have a good talk with Superman.

However, when Superman found out about the matter of finding someone's parents, he was very angry. He flew to the Seventh Military Region without saying a word, and his thermal vision swept across, destroying the place in an instant.

In the huge seventh military region, there are only Superman's adoptive parents in the command room, and Superman's father-in-law, General Sam Lane.

Others, none survived.

Li Ya and Batman hide in the wreckage of the Seventh Military District, looking at the scorched and broken buildings everywhere, even the bravest people will feel timid.

"God, Batman, we just made a deal with Lex, don't tell us you messed with Superman!"

The head of the mercenary, holding a cigar, paced inside the wreckage of the military area, half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Batman shook his head quickly, "Of course, it's just a small transaction, don't worry!"

Although they got Batman's sworn assurance, these mercenaries still felt guilty. After all, Batman is now Superman's most wanted criminal.

That is, there is no bounty, otherwise these mercenaries will definitely bundle Batman and send it to Superman.

Batman can probably guess the thoughts of these people, but if Superman really comes, these mercenaries must be cannon fodder.

Everyone has different thoughts, lurking around and waiting for a long time.

Soon, the sentry standing on high alert reminded everyone that a group of armed vehicles was approaching, and the logo on the body showed that it was a vehicle of the Lex Group.

"They're coming, let's go out to meet them." Batman waved and said.

The head of the mercenary was a little nervous and said, "Boss, there are many people on the other side, is it really okay?"

"I believe in Lex Luthor."

Batman said something he didn't believe, got up and walked out of the ruins. The mercenaries were divided into three teams, hiding on both sides, and the rest followed Batman out.

Lex's vehicle approached and stopped in front of Batman and the others.

The door of the first car opened and no one got out yet. Li Ya first saw a big bald head.

Really Lex Luthor!

"Batman, it's really you, I brought what you want!"

Lex Luthor got out of the car. He was wearing a green suit, which was similar to Li Ya Universe's Krypton alloy suit, but the color and design were very different.

"Where's the stuff?" Batman looked arrogant and didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all.

"The thing is in the car, will you come and take a look?"

Lex showed a smile and waved at his man. The mercenary under him jumped out of the car, trotted to the trunk of the second car, and carried out a large lead box.

"What you want is in there, Batman, can you open it yourself?" Lex said.

Batman nodded, put down the rifle in his hand, and stepped forward to the lead box.

The mercenaries on his side also came up curiously.

Opening the box, there was a burst of green light inside.

However, this green light is not the green light of kryptonite, but a green light bulb connected to a point.


The next second, the mercenary on Lex's side picked up the weapon in his hand and aimed at Batman's side.

Lex showed a winning expression, "Batman, Superman has been looking for you for a long time. If you go to ask him to spare you now, it may be too late."

Faced with so many guns, Batman slowly raised his hand and glanced at the crowd in front of him.

Then he slammed into the lead box in front of him.


This was called by Batman. After he shouted this, his body suddenly flashed to the right, and he threw himself on Lex's mercenary, blocking the man in front of him with both hands.

The gunshots sounded, the man was shot several times, and Batman grabbed the rifle and counterattacked in the direction of Lex.

The people who had been ambushed on both sides heard Batman's order and fired one after another.

blah blah blah...

Tongues of fire burst out, and in an instant, the two teams began to confront each other.

Although the people on Batman's side had a geographical advantage, after all, what he called was a group of amateur mercenaries. Whether it was equipment or other, compared with Lex's side, it was obviously a grade lower.

The battle went on for five or six minutes, and the people on Batman's side suffered heavy casualties.

At this time, there was a sound explosion in the sky, and everyone looked up, there was a black spot in the sky, and the air tail was dragging behind them, and it was flying rapidly in this direction.

"You betrayed me, Lex!!"

Batman roared, his voice was extremely pathetic, as if it was the last cry of a person who was locked in a desperate situation.

Li Ya, who was paddling all the way, listened, the corner of his mouth twitched, and the bat was addicted.

Those who didn't know really thought he was driven to a dead end.


There was another explosion in the sky, and a red and blue figure descended from the sky, smashing the ground with a bang.

Lex gave his subordinates a wink, and his mercenaries gradually gave way, and blocked the back path of the rest of Batman.

Superman stood up slowly and looked at everyone on Batman's side indifferently.

With just one look, all the mercenaries on Batman's side were so frightened that they knelt down and shivered.

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