Am I A Superman?

Chapter 351, Guardian of the Universe

Being stared at by Sinesto, Atoshitas shrugged, "I did it, what do you think?"

Atoshitas was beaten hard by Li Ya, and until now the bones have not fully healed, let alone facing Sinisto, even an ordinary Green Lantern fighter can beat him to the ground.

But Atohitas is not afraid of the other party at all. The leader of his own legion is here, and he expresses that he is not at all cowardly.


Sinisto was very angry at the rogue-like expression of Atoshitas, and made a gesture to go up and beat someone, but Atoshitas directly hid behind Li Ya, with an expression that asked Li Ya to support him.

A sturdy alien who is close to three meters is hiding behind Li Ya, and Li Ya's mouth twitches. Is Atohitas broken?

what about your hatred? What about your anger? ! !

Li Ya was speechless to the extreme. Did he feel like he had broken Atohitas' head?

Or to say that it has already been disgraced once, and I don't care if it is disgraced again!

Thinking so, Li Ya still stood up and stood in front of Sinisto, "I need the guardian to give me an explanation, what is the parallax monster, and is it related to them!"

"What are you talking about? You can see the Guardian if you want!" Sinesto felt that this was an insult to the Green Lantern Corps.

At this moment, the green light rings on the hands of several people present flashed, which was a message from the guardian.

"The guardian actually summoned you... I don't know how the ring on your hand came from, but if you and this red monster dare to be presumptuous in front of the guardian, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Sinesto threatened.

Li Ya shrugged indifferently, secretly thinking in his heart, after you listen to the guardian's explanation, you will be thinking of betraying the guardian and starting your own business!

Under the leadership of Kenthal, everyone came to the highest peak of the OA star.

On the top of the mountain, there are ten and four hundred-meter-high stone pillars surrounded, except for one of the broken stone pillars, a guardian sits on each of the other nine.

Guardians are the oldest race in the universe. They have long lifespans and almost no end, but they are small in size and look like centenarians with prominent foreheads, pale blue skin all over their bodies, and eyes closed all day long. , but know everything.

"Young god...why did you come?"

One of the guardians suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes fell on Li Ya, and he asked a question indifferently.


After listening to the guardian's words, Sinisto, Atoshitas, and Kenthal all looked stunned. They naturally knew the existence of gods, but they didn't expect that there was a god standing beside them!

Atoshitas suddenly straightened his back.

The legion he founded has a god to join!

And looking at the way this god beats himself, it is obvious that this is a god with extraordinary combat power!

At this time, Atohitas has already let go of the last meaning and burden in his heart!

That is a god, and being beaten by a god, can that be a shameful thing?

Ignoring the shock of the few people around, Li Ya looked up at the guardian and asked, "What's wrong with the parallax monster? Tell me everything honestly, or I'll be very angry!"

The guardians closed their eyes one after another, they were contemplating and spying on Li Ya's reality.

Although their guardians do not belong to the Protoss, they are the earliest intelligent creatures in the universe. They have witnessed the rise of one race after another, and the weakening of one race after another.

In terms of combat power, they are not comparable to the Protoss, but in terms of level, they are not weaker than the Protoss.

However, when these ancient guardians spy on Li Ya's past and future, there is a commotion among the nine guardians.

Something terrible seemed to touch them.

"Lord Guardian, what's wrong with you?" Sinisto asked with a frown.

Several of the guardians shook their heads and said to Li Ya: "Will is the weapon we have always used to fight against the dark power. When this power is not enough to defend the enemy, there is an argument between us..."

Another Guardian continued: "It has been said that we need to explore another energy source, a force we swore never to touch... the force of fear!"

"But the power of fear is too difficult to control. There is only a thin line between depravity and power!"

While speaking, all the guardians looked at the tenth stone pillar, which was also the only broken stone pillar present.

"We rejected the proposal to explore fear as a source of energy, and everyone agreed, except for him... the guardian walked into the forbidden room alone, his intention to prove to us that the light of fear can also be harnessed, his purpose Very simple, but his wishes are naive."

Li Ya sneered, and then said, "So he was swallowed by the power of fear and turned into a parallax?"

"Yes, after being swallowed by fear, he lost his mind and turned into a parallax who wanted to destroy everything!" The Guardian told the truth, "Then we wanted to make up for this mistake, Abin Sur led the Green Lantern Corps , sealed the parallax monster in the lost land."

"But it escaped again!" Sinestro yelled at the Guardian.

Sinisto respects the Guardians, but he respects his teacher even more. Hearing that the Parallax monster is related to the Guardians, he was furious on the spot.

Li Ya patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be presumptuous in front of the guardian, or someone will be rude to you... By the way, who is that person?"

Hearing this, Sinestro's expression changed, as if he had been slapped.

Atoshitas, who was beside him, had a bad look and shouted: "What are you excited about, my home planet was destroyed by the parallax monster, if you want to be angry, it is also my anger!"

Saying that, red energy fluctuations rose from Atoshitas' body.

"Another energy source?"

Sinesto's eyes changed. He just thought that Artohitas was already more prosperous, but now that the other party's energy rioted, he immediately felt the red angry energy of Atocitas.

"Other energy sources can be mastered, but... the way is wrong?!" Sinesto's eyes fell on the red ring on Atoshitas' hand.

It was a fiery red ring similar to the Green Lantern Ring.

Li Ya raised his hand and slapped Atocitas on the head, "Give me some peace, did you hear what the guardian said? The parallax monster is a guardian who violated the agreement, and has been blamed. The debtor has the owner, even if you want revenge, you should go to the parallax!"


Atoshitas' mind didn't turn around for a while. He was about to argue a few words when Li Ya slapped his backhand again:

"But what, is it possible that one person in the legion betrayed, and everyone else has to be punished? Think about it for yourself, is this the truth? The parallax monster is your enemy, do you want revenge?"

After hearing the last half of the sentence, Artohitas blurted out, "Think!"

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