Am I A Superman?

Chapter 368, Competitors

After listening to Barry's words, Li Ya got angry, grabbed his collar, and said angrily, "Do you know what you did?"

"Wait, Li Ya, I just saved my mother, you shouldn't be so angry!"

In Barry's view, he longed to enjoy the love of his parents, which was an unrealistic expectation for him who was adopted by Joe West as a child.

When Brainiac invaded, Speed ​​almost killed Barry's father, which brought back a shadow of Barry's childhood.

At that moment, he had never had such a strong emotion that he wanted to meet his mother.

So when his brain was hot, he ran over, and when Reverse Lightning killed his mother, Nora Allen, he appeared and rescued his mother.

"Don't you know that any small change in the past will set off a huge wave in the future?"

"Is there? I think everything is fine now!"

Barry looked at Li Ya's serious appearance, and felt extremely guilty for no reason.

Li Ya rubbed his brows, "Superman has disappeared, so has Batman, Atoshitas and Green Lantern lost contact, that's what you said, everything is fine?"

"What? What do you mean by saying that Superman and Batman disappeared?" Barry asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Literally, no one in this world knows Clark Kent except you and me, he never existed, as for Batman Bruce Wayne, dead, now by Damian Wayne, four generations of Robins Inherited the Batman name."

"And what about Atohitas and Green Lantern?"

"Atoshitas has never met us, the parallax monster destroyed the entire seaside city, Hal Jordan became a parallax monster, destroyed the Green Lantern Corps, and started the Battle of Color Lanterns ahead of time, do you still think that there is not much change? "


Barry rubbed his face with his hands and panicked, "I didn't think about it, I just wanted to save my mother, I didn't want Superman and Batman to disappear, so... Maybe I can do something to stop it. Superman they..."

Barry doesn't have self-confidence in what he said. Batman and Green Lantern are okay to say, Superman has never been to Earth, how can this be rectified?

"Don't travel through time and space at will, you will only make things worse!"

Li Ya is thinking about whether to throw Barry Allen into the Wall of Origin, and save this guy from causing trouble everywhere.

At this time, the voice of steel bones sounded in the communication channel.

"A speeder appeared in the central city, claiming to be a competitor, threatening the Flash to fight him... Now the Flash has gone to support..."

"Why did the speeder appear again?"

Li Ya now has a big head when she hears the word "speeder".

"What happened?" Barry saw that Li Ya's expression was wrong, so he asked.

"There is another speeder in the central city..."

"Is it reverse lightning, or extreme speed?"

"It's a competitor, a new enemy that appears because you changed the past. Maybe there will be more enemies. No one knows what impact your changed past will have on the world."

Li Ya shook his head. Barry saved his mother who should have died. In this world, he should have no superpowers.

However, Barry traveled through time and space with the speed force, and came to a changed era.

Because of the characteristics of traveling through time and space, Barry retains the speed force, but what he doesn't know is that time has the function of self-repair, and he should not have super speed. The longer he stays in this era, time will deprive him of his power. Let him lose his speed, forget his past memories, and completely become an ordinary person in this era.

Unless Barry is like Reverse Lightning, forever fleeing in time and being hunted by the ghost of time forever.

Hearing that it was because of the enemy he had appeared, Barry felt guilty, and then turned into lightning and appeared in the center of Central City.

I saw a speeder in black with a yellow lightning engraved on his chest, fighting with the Flash boy Wally.

The two chased each other, as if two lightning bolts were scrambling together.

"Who is he? Two speeders?"

Barry didn't know that Wally became the Flash instead of him. After all, Barry kept the memory of the first world and knew nothing about the Flashpoint world.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to wait until Li Ya told him to know about the disappearance of Superman and Batman.

Li Ya followed closely and chased after him: "The other speeder is Wally West, the son of your adoptive father... But this is not something you should care about, Barry, you must be responsible for your actions. Take charge, I will send you to the court of the Three Sages, during this period, you'd better not cause trouble."

According to the rules of the Justice League, each hero controls a city.

Just as the Flash rules Central City, Green Arrow rules Star City, and Batman rules Gotham City...

Unless there is a situation that someone can't handle, or actively asks for support, other superheroes rarely go to other cities to join in.

Now that Wally is in charge of Central City instead of Barry Allen, Li Ya will not take the initiative, and naturally he will not let Barry show his speed.

After all, in this central city, Wally is the real Flash.

In the city, Wally was chasing his competitors, but his speed was a little slower than his competitors, and he was still unable to beat his opponents in speed.

"The Flash, try this!"

Competitors are having fun overtaking Kid Flash, which is, to put it more informally, 'I just love seeing your teeth tickling when you can't catch up to me'.

In the next second, the competitor moves fast, racing along a circle.

In place, the photoelectric circles around, forming a circle of red lightning circles.

During the lightning time, Wally, Barry, and Li Ya could see the competitors waving their arms and throwing red lightning bolts at Wally and the police behind him.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Lightning rained down, and all those lightning throws at Wally were dodged.

Looking at the lightning that was thrown behind him, Wally moved quickly, trying to save all the police, but the speed of the lightning was also very fast, and it was almost impossible to save all the people in a very short period of time.

"Sorry, I have to do something!"

Barry rushed out in an instant, turning into a flash of lightning in front of the police officers on the edge.

That's something Wally can't take care of.

Barry's speed was a little faster than the lightning throw. He reached out and grabbed the two policemen and took them away from the scene in an instant. Then the lightning throw fell and exploded a large piece of sparks.

"Who are you?"

Wally breathed a sigh of relief at first. After all, no one was injured at the scene, but he was very confused about Barry's identity, and unexpectedly... Another speeder appeared.

The competitor frowned. Although he wondered about Barry's identity, he was very surprised.

"You are also a speeder, haha... I didn't expect to capture two speeders today!"

Before he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in the glass near Barry in the surrounding tall buildings. The figure reached out and grabbed Barry's arm, and then dragged it into the glass mirror.

"Wat Hale!"

Barry was caught off guard, and half of his body was dragged into the mirror. Wally wanted to step forward to help, but the competitor stepped forward to stop Wally.

"Let go of me!" Barry struggled desperately.

However, the person in the mirror laughed horribly and tried his best to drag Barry into the mirror.

A silver lightning flashed across.

With a fist of divine power, Li Ya smashed the glass mirror with one punch. Strangely, although the mirror was broken, the glass was not smashed through.

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