Am I A Superman?

Chapter 417, The Destruction Begins

"Roar!! Who is it?"

The Anti-Monitor roared with incomparable anger, because he knew that it was not another power that hurt him, but the forbidden power that had just gotten rid of not long ago, the Anti-Life Equation.

Along the source of the beam, everyone saw that Li Ya was still holding out his hand.

There was still a wisp of blue smoke rising from his arm.

"Avengers, are you going to kill me too?" Superman sweated for himself.

If it is hit by the beam of light just now, even Superman's body of steel will be easily penetrated, and even under the sun's rays, Superman can quickly recover.

But no one likes the feeling of being pierced through, and Superman is no exception.

When Li Ya heard Superman's scolding, an apologetic expression appeared on his face.

"Please, it's good that I can use this power, please don't ask so much!"

At the moment of speaking, the anti-life equation on Li Ya's body rioted again, and the scarlet flame-like light once again enveloped Li Ya's whole body.

The anti-monitor roared, and the terrifying energy exploded, forcibly forcing Shazam and Sea King to retreat.

The earth trembled, and Batman sat on the blue seat, suspended in the air, silently watching the entire battlefield.

Seeing this scene, Batman yelled at Superman: "Superman, be careful, the Anti-Monitor is going to attack you from behind, and then rush to the Avengers!"

With Batman's reminder, Superman hurriedly turned his head, just in time to see the anti-monitor's figure rioting, so he flew up and threw his fists at the same time.


Facing the anti-monitor, Superman was shocked back ten meters again, but the anti-monitor's footsteps also stopped.

Batman saw the opportunity and continued to command: "Aquaman, the next target of the anti-monitor is you, you should dodge quickly, Shazam and Green Lantern are moving sideways to attract the attention of the anti-monitor, Superman, support the anti-monitor to deal with Sha When Zan and Green Lantern, punch him in the head..."

boom! boom! boom!

Almost in sync with Batman's words.

The Anti-Monitor originally planned to launch an anti-matter energy cannon at Aquaman, but after being reminded by Batman, Aquaman immediately avoided it, and Shazam and Green Lantern also moved sideways to attack the Anti-Monitor as promised.

Thunder and will energy exploded, and the moment the anti-monitor glared at Shazam, Superman's fist had already smashed into his head.


The huge body of the anti-monitor leaned back, and after moving several meters, it hit the ground heavily.

"Get out of my mind!!!"

The reason why Batman can see through the behavior of the anti-monitor is like predicting the criminals in Gotham City before. He connected the Mobius chair with the anti-monitor, so he can spy on the thinking of the anti-monitor.

The most annoying thing is that the Mobius Chair was originally made by the Anti-Monitor.

"Get off my chair!"

The anti-monitor stomped on the ground, taking him as the center, and it collapsed within a few hundred meters to form a huge pothole. The anti-monitor rose into the sky and stretched out his hand to grab Batman.


Superman followed closely, but Batman didn't rush back, but yelled at Superman: "No, Superman, he's targeting you!"

Before he finished speaking, the anti-monitor's outstretched hand towards Batman turned abruptly and grabbed the neck of Superman who was chasing him.

"Yes, my target is you! Superman, don't think you are invincible under the yellow sun, my antimatter energy can destroy everything!"

The Anti-Monitor's huge hands gripped Superman tightly, and dark particles erupted from his hands.

That's antimatter particles!

Opposite of antimatter, it is everything in this normal universe, which should probably be called positive matter.

Only positive matter can cancel out antimatter, positive and negative cancel each other out, submerged and invisible.

"Ahhh... no!"

Superman felt his power fading away, unlike the wounded one, but a feeling of being wiped out directly, something that the yellow sun couldn't fix.

"Let go of Superman!"

Batman was furious, he hated himself for believing too much in the Möbius chair.

As the designer and maker of the Mobius Chair, the Anti-Monitor must be able to find the defects of the chair and make use of them.

"Shazam, Aquaman, Green Lantern... You focus on attacking the Anti-Monitor..."


The anti-monitor stretched out his right hand and waved fiercely at the crowd.

Antimatter energy exploded, and the entire space barrier was shaken by this force.


A black lightning turned into a flash, and Shazam and the others disappeared in place in an instant.

It was Death Lightning that brought everyone out of the Anti-Monitor's attack range.

Li Ya stood not far away, Diana had stabilized the situation, and the battle between her and Greer would be indistinguishable for a while.

With the previous experience of using the anti-life equation, Li Ya began to control the anti-life equation commands in his brain and tried to attack the anti-monitor again.

"Grell ordered me to destroy the entire universe, then I will destroy it...starting with the Anti-Monitor!"

Li Ya carefully weakened the output of the speed force, and immediately, his mind was occupied by the violent desire to destroy.

The order Greer gave him was to destroy the entire universe. Li Ya's mental power was extremely powerful, so he took advantage of a loophole and started to destroy selectively.

In the next second, the beam of annihilating life erupted again.

The anti-monitor has broken through Superman's biological force field, annihilating Superman's battle suit and flesh and blood, and at this moment, the energy that made him feel numb in his scalp reappeared.


The anti-monitor's face changed, and while turning his head, he immediately controlled the anti-matter energy to form a defense in front of him.


With a loud bang, the dead light was like a broken bamboo, shattering the anti-matter energy defense more powerfully than before, penetrating the body of the anti-monitor.


The cry of the Anti-Monitor spread throughout the battlefield.

Li Ya's eyes were red, and his body was burning with blazing flames. He ran fast on the battlefield and rushed towards the anti-monitor.

Every step, a hole is left on the ground, which is the trace of material being corroded and annihilated.

"The Flash, take Superman out of there!"

Batman roared, and the death lightning turned into a black electric light, which instantly rescued Superman from the hands of the anti-monitor, and then took him away from the place.

"The forbidden power is beyond your control!"

The Anti-Monitor had an angry expression on his face, his fists wrapped in antimatter energy, and he swung heavily.

When Li Ya rushed to less than five meters in front of the anti-monitor, he stomped on the ground, soaring into the sky, and raised his fist to meet the huge iron fist of the anti-monitor.

One big and one small, two disproportionate fists converged in mid-air.

Antimatter energy collided with the antilife equation.

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