Chapter 113 The earth is never alone, nor safe!

This is the first time Lynn has appeared in the public eye.

But his identity is no longer a secret in the eyes of many people.

Among the people sitting in the audience, the mayor of the contract, Smith, the head of the FBI's contract branch, Stan, the chairman of the Armed Forces Committee, Major General Meade and General Scudder of the military...these official and military officials , almost everyone knows that he, the president of the second world, is a mutant.

He is also the honorary principal of New X Academy.

It is precisely because of his identity that today's press conference attracted these people to attend in person.

They all want to see what the new X academy wants to do!

"Good evening, everyone."

Spotlight and wait, when Lin En's handsome figure appeared on the stage, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. People who watched the live broadcast through various channels subconsciously held their breath.

And Lin En's first sentence surprised everyone.

"As everyone has guessed, I... Second World President Lynn... is a mutant!"

"The Second World is a company founded by mutants!"

"The black bracelet that everyone is very interested in is also the login device for the upcoming "Oasis" game in Second World!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and there was an uproar in the audience.

The hearts of the audience watching the live broadcast jumped even more.

No one expected that Lynn's opening remarks would be so simple and direct, completely different from those previous press conferences at science and technology fairs, and he would reveal all the secrets from the very beginning!

What is this operation? !

"Please be quiet, everyone, please?"

There was always a faint smile on Lin En's face, and his unhurried voice was heard by the audience with a touch of magic power, easily suppressing the noise.

He looked around the audience with burning eyes: "Everyone must be very curious now, why a company founded by a mutant has such a high-profile and aboveboard global conference..."

"Although the Mutant Affairs Bureau has been established now, and the relationship between humans and mutants does not seem to be as tense as before, it is only an official agency of one country after all, that is to say, there is currently only one country in the world that barely admits It's just a mutant's legal status...`ˇ..."

"In other countries, the status of mutants is still very embarrassing..."

"Since that's the case, if I stand here openly today, facing six billion people around the world, and publicly selling our product "Oasis", I won't be afraid of being blocked by various countries and not allowed to sell it?!"

In addition to ordinary audiences, this is obviously something that high-level officials, S.H.I.E.L.D., and various organizations also want to know.

"That's really a problem."

Lynn walked on the stage leisurely, smiling confidently and calmly: "But I believe that after today's press conference, no one will think this is a problem."


Where do mutants get their confidence?

The eyes of countless people narrowed.

Under the attention of everyone, Lin En suddenly changed the topic: "I believe everyone knows that in recent years, the earth has undergone more and more changes. First, the large-scale appearance of mutants, then the appearance of Krypton Superman, and then All kinds of superheroes and criminals with super powers appeared one after another, and some time ago, the earth ushered in the Thor of Asgard..."

"Even, the large-scale invasion of the Chitauri from the cosmic starry sky almost destroyed the earth completely..."

"It seems that suddenly, the earth is exposed to the vision of alien civilizations. We, who have not yet developed to the stage of star civilization, have to face the dimensionality reduction blow of alien civilization..."

"Fear, restlessness, confusion, despair..."

"These emotions must be the psychological portrayal of all the people on earth in the recent period, right?"

"Will the Chitauri come again?"

"Are there other civilizations in the universe that are also eyeing the earth?"

"If there is another invasion like this, how many times can the earth resist?"

"Where is the future of the people on Earth?"

"Is there really a way out for Earth?"

Calm words, telling the facts that have happened.

This instantly resonated with all the audience.

In the recent period, the tragedy of the five major cities, such as Twilight and Wudu, has appeared on the news screen countless times, but it has also appeared in people's minds countless times.

How many people wake up suddenly when they dream back at midnight.

It seems that the next moment, aliens will come again.

This is life's instinctive fear of extinction, and it cannot be appeased by a few official announcements. In fact, the official does not pay much attention to ordinary people's emotions.

But at this moment, Lynn spoke out.

As a result, the game company's press conference seemed to have turned into a chat between him and the global audience.

"I think, while thinking about these issues, some people can't help but wonder why the earth was invaded by aliens? Or, for so many years, in the vast universe, has the earth really been so peaceful? ?”

"These two issues, the official may not tell you."

"But smart people must be able to figure out the answer by themselves."

Lin En seemed to be determined not to startle and endlessly talk, and he said directly: "For example, why does Thor, the prince of Asgard, have the same name as the gods in myths and legends and come from the same place? Does this mean that …the Asgardians came to Earth thousands of years ago?"

"For example, S.H.I.E.L.D., since it was made public, everyone must know that this organization belongs to the World Security Council, and its existence is to protect the safety of the world... But why can their fighter planes carry nuclear bombs? What kind of crisis, Will all countries allow this organization to acquire nuclear weapons?"

".For example, the American team of the Avengers has been frozen for seventy years, why can it still wake up and be alive and kicking? With the level of technology during World War II, how can it be possible to develop a super soldier drug that spans the ages?"

"There is also Iron Man's Ark reactor. Why is it so far ahead of the earth's technology? Shouldn't the development of technology be gradual? Why can he develop by leaps and bounds?"

"There is also the cosmic Rubik's Cube that the Chitauri want to grab, a powerful item that can open space channels. Why is it on Earth, a planet that has not even reached the interstellar civilization?"

This series of questions directly confused everyone.

The high-ranking officials and military sitting under the stage felt something was wrong immediately, and wanted to get up to interrupt, but Lynn waved his hand, and forced them down on the chair, unable to even make a sound.

"Crazy! This is a madman!"

These people all had their hearts beating wildly and their scalps tingling.

Who can ascend to such a high position is not a smart person, who doesn't understand what Lin En wants to say (Wang Lehao)?

Just as they thought!

Lynn mercilessly revealed the truth that only a few people knew: "So the answer is very simple. This planet we live on has never been the first contact with aliens, nor is it the first time. Invaded by an alien civilization for the first time..."

"Threats are always there!"

"The war never ends!"

"It's just that these things were done by some people who silently guarded the earth, so even today, the public is still kept in the dark!"

"In the vast universe, we are never alone..."

"Never safe either!"

As soon as the word came out, countless people directly broke their defenses.

The live broadcasts of Global Daily, Bugle Daily, and other media were cut off almost instantly.

But more people poured into X Daily's live broadcast room.

With the joint efforts of Alice and Jarvis, this live broadcast room is like a lighthouse in the dark, emitting a faint but inextinguishable light!

The truth is known all over the world! .

Chapter 113 Life will find its own way out!

It is undeniable that the earth has never been ignorant of the extraordinary.

It's just that this secret has been concealed by those in power.

Ordinary people all over the world, except for those who accidentally experienced extraordinary events, who would know that there is a completely different extraordinary world in some unknown corners?

This is of course for stability.

But in fact, now, with the large-scale emergence of mutants, and the successive appearances of Kryptonians, Asgardians, and Chitauri, this secret can no longer be hidden!

Today, Lin En simply lifted the lid in front of the whole world!

In an instant, the whole world was shocked!

"Earth... has aliens always existed?"

"Have you been in contact with alien civilizations?"

"The place we have been living in has been shrouded in external threats since ancient times?"

"The real world is not what we see at all?"

"And these things, the official has always known? SHIELD was formed for this?"


"What are we?!"

"We've been living a lie?!"

In the minds of countless people, turbulent emotions emerged, shock and anger intertwined, fear and uneasiness coexisted.

More confused.

Like a frog at the bottom of a well, someone suddenly catches it up, and suddenly realizes the vastness of the world and the vastness of the world!

It seems that the life of so many years is just a dream!

Compared with these ordinary people who know the truth, high-level officials and military figures in various countries in the world naturally do not have such thoughts.

At this moment, there is only one voice roaring in the hearts of these people—

"What does he want to do?!"

"What is this for?!"

"Are mutants going to stir up chaos in the world, and then start a war against us?!"

Admiral Scudder, who was in the auditorium, was furious, and felt the noise coming from his ears was extremely harsh. If he hadn't been unable to move, he would have already rushed to the stage to stop Lynn regardless of his identity...

And his performance made the mayor, congressmen, senior officials of the federal court and others sitting in the same row change their expressions!

The status of these people is already considered high-level in a city, but they don't know this kind of secret that involves the deepest level of the earth.

On the contrary, the top executives of the FBI and CIA know a little bit about it because of their profession.

This leads to a very interesting phenomenon.

A top figure like Admiral Scudder can't wait to sew Lynn's mouth shut immediately, but officials and military personnel who know nothing about these things can't wait to...listen to Lynn!

They also want to know the truth of the world!

"After thinking about this, everyone will be curious again..."

Lynn deliberately paused for a long time, giving the audience enough time to adapt, and then continued: "Even though it has been threatened by alien civilizations and evil forces, the earth seems to be generally peaceful? Except for the recent appearance of Kryptonians and Qi Except for the Tari people, there seems to be no danger of extinction for thousands of years?"

"Does this mean that we are actually safe?"

It is still raising questions and arousing people's active thinking.

Then Lynn began to explain: "For this question, we can look at the superheroes who guard the safety of the earth..."

"When the Kryptonian spacecraft invaded, it was Superman who stood up and killed General Zod..."

"And Superman is a Kryptonian!"

"When the Chitauri invaded, Thor stood up, because the (bgag) instigator of this invasion was his brother Loki..."

"And Thor is an Asgardian!"

"When Doomsday ravaged Metropolis and Gotham, besides Batman, there was also a heroic female warrior who joined the battlefield and fought side by side with them..."

Lynn raised his fingers and glanced lightly at Wonder Woman Diana in the audience: "I can tell you responsibly, this Wonder Woman is of the gods!"

Diana, who had been watching the excitement, quietly had doubts in her eyes.

This mutant named Lynn seems to be...

Know the existence of Amazons and gods?

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