"Life will find its own way."

"Perhaps, it is precisely because of the gradual invasion of dark forces that the earth has glowed with a new vitality?"

"Bruce, did you see that?"

"Even without Superman, we're not..."

"There is no hope!".

Chapter 117 The official hole card! We must act now!

No surprises.

The press conference had just ended, and the whole world fell into an unprecedented carnival, while Admiral Scudder and a small group of people rushed to the White House immediately on a fighter plane.

Another meeting of the highest power was held overnight.

What is different from the previous few times is that this time the meeting is imminent, and it has already involved the fundamentals of the country!

"This is digging our foundation!!"

As a person who participated in the entire press conference, Scudder's first sentence at the meeting was to roar: "All our previous speculations about mutants were wrong! We completely underestimated their ambitions! How could this be the first release?" A game? You clearly want to subvert the whole world!"

Everyone on both sides of the conference table was silent with gloomy faces.

No one who can participate in this level meeting is an idiot, and everyone is well aware of the upcoming impact of "Oasis".

Why has the earth been in contact with alien civilizations for a long time, why has it been concealed?

Because stability is the foundation of the ruler's rule!

But now, mutants have come up with something like "Oasis", saying that it is possible for all people in the world to have genetic evolution...

Regardless of the probability of success, this matter itself is a huge impact on the existing order!

It directly changed the underlying logic of the world!

Before that, people pursued power, money, and status. Those in power maintained their stable rule because they controlled these resources and ascending channels, and at the same time supplemented by the deterrence of military power.

However, after today, what people pursue has changed!

Become an extraordinary force!

When people with superpowers are no longer a minority, when ordinary people evolve through genes, they will be able to master the power that can rival the army...

Thinking of that scene, everyone present could not help but tremble!

"Perhaps, this is all a second world conspiracy?"

Finally someone couldn't help but speak, but they didn't propose a solution, but doubted the authenticity of "Oasis": "Those one hundred so-called extraordinary players are probably unknown mutants. How could there be such a thing in this world?" Things that can evolve by playing games?!"

There are quite a few people who hold this idea.

After all, it didn't happen to me, and I didn't see it with my own eyes. Who knows how Wanda and a hundred new magic apprentices mastered extraordinary power?

Because of this, many people feel that all this is just a gimmick released by the second world!

Mutants must have other plots!

"Oasis" is a cover!

"The guns of the mutants are pointing at our foreheads, do we still have to deceive ourselves?!"

Admiral Scudder slammed on the table, startling everyone.

His eyes were red, and his face was slightly distorted: "That Lynn is right in saying something, times have changed, and things that were impossible before, who knows if they will happen now? Under normal circumstances, "Oasis" The game is at the current level of technology, can it be developed?!"

"Don't forget, the Rubik's Cube has already fallen into the hands of mutants!"

"That thing, we have been researching it for so many years, and we have only created some weapons. The only achievement that has crossed the era has been hidden by Tony Stark, and he refused to hand it in!"

"Judging from the technology shown by the mutants, who can guarantee that they will not use the Rubik's Cube to develop some scientific and technological achievements that go against common sense?`ˇ!"

Everyone looked at each other with extremely complicated expressions.

"That's right, we must attach the highest level of importance to this matter!"

President Matthew Ellis single-handedly created the last nuclear bomb incident, but in the subsequent power struggle, he became the biggest winner.

As soon as he opened his mouth, all the senior officials paid attention.

"Regardless of whether or not that "Oasis" can make humans evolve, this incident has already caused a global shock. If we forcefully ban the sale, the consequences will be disastrous..."

Matthew Ellis obviously thought about it a long time ago, and said in a deep voice: "Besides this, what other ways do we have to deal with it?"

After a while of silent thinking.

Some people made suggestions one after another: "The production of those login devices and the maintenance of the game world require both people and time. Perhaps, we can attack the employees of the second world? Those tens of thousands of employees will not all be superhumans." Right? Even if they are, don’t they have family members?!”


Matthew Ellis and Admiral Scudder shook their heads almost simultaneously.

The consequences of doing so are not much different from banning sales.

Preventing people from evolving is like killing their parents.

Those people who have red eyes and dream of grabbing a login device will go crazy because of this!

Moreover, even if the sales of "Oasis" can be delayed, it will only treat the symptoms, not the root cause!

"Then, try to block the spread of news?"

Another person said: "This press conference has been seen by people from many countries around the world, but there are billions of people in the world, it's impossible for everyone to know about it..."

Before finishing this kind of nonsense, he was stared back by other people's eyes.

For a moment, everyone here understood Admiral Scudder's anger.

What the mutants did was a blatant conspiracy.

And they seem to... have no effective means of counterattack!

In other words, normal means cannot cope with this crisis!

The meeting room fell silent again.


After a long time, Matthew Ellis suddenly sighed heavily: "Do you still remember Magneto? He was arrested and imprisoned because he created a machine that can transform ordinary people into mutants..."

"Although it turned out afterwards, that kind of machine is immature, rather than transforming mutants, it's better to say it's a killing machine..."

"After such a long time, who can guarantee whether this kind of machine has matured?"

These words were like a heavy hammer.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they understood the meaning of the president's words.

Sure enough, Matthew Ellis continued: "So, regardless of whether there is intelligence and evidence to support it, we should conclude that "Oasis" can really allow humans to have superpowers, and it..."

"Now in the hands of mutants!"

"In other words, the so-called evolution rate and the so-called [Dharma God's Trial] task are meaningless. Whoever the mutant wants to have superpowers can have superpowers!"

"This is the scariest thing!"

As expected of the president of a country, even if he didn't come to the press conference in person, he saw the crux of the problem in a short period of time.

Everyone gasped.

If this is the case, they will know with their toes that the players who finally obtain the evolution qualification will only be close to mutants, at least they will not reject mutants...

As for these people present, and even the official and military elites?

There is no drama at all!

What's more, mutants will discover and support their own people within the government and military to achieve the purpose of dividing and attacking!

This is almost certain!

Just look at the FBI senior agent Jamie Wu and S.H.I.E.L.D. ninth-level agent Hill who appeared at the press conference, and you will know!

"So, we want to ban insiders and buy "Oasis"?"

A member of the Senate swallowed his saliva.

"Can this be forbidden?"

Admiral Scudder sneered, and patted the table again: "Everyone, give up all unrealistic fantasies, the situation has reached a critical moment of survival, if this continues, you, me, everyone present, and the whole world will be destroyed. You will be trampled under the feet of mutants!"

"We must act!"

"It's no longer the kind of petty action in the past, but a real action that can seal the victory in one fell swoop!"

As word spread, the order in the conference room could no longer be maintained.

Whispering and whispering continued for a long time.

Matthew Ellis and Admiral Scudder didn't stop, just watched quietly.

Finally, the eyes turned from suspicion, hesitation, fear... to firmness!

Seeing this, Matthew Ellis straightened up immediately, and looked at a participant with majestic eyes: "Director Worthington, your laboratory and company have been in charge of researching potions for eliminating abilities. Now, I Order you to prepare a sufficient amount of stock as quickly as possible!"

"The manufacture of plastic guns and anti-psychic helmets will also keep up with your progress!"

Old Worthington, Angel's father, was the head of the department.

Hearing this, he frowned slightly: "Your Excellency, the elimination potion is not mature yet..."

"No need to be mature!"

The president's tone became heavier, and he did not give Worthington a chance to raise objections. He turned to General Scudder: "We still need a sufficient number of special elites!"

"No problem, I'll pick it myself!"

Admiral Scudder nodded, and his eyes turned slightly: "General Ross, you have been in full charge of the super soldier project. Now, can you give me a usable super army? It doesn't take everyone to be like Captain America In that case, it will be enough to have the same fighting power as Bronski (abomination)!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

General Ross, who seems to have faded out of the power center, but has been secretly in charge of the super soldier plan, said with a confident smile: "Besides, I can also provide an army of Hulk!"


This news made both the president and Admiral Scudder look happy.

"The serum is not mature enough, but at least it is available!"

General Ross nodded without hesitation, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The S.H.I.E.L.D.A. is leaving, isn't it just thinking about releasing it to destroy it at a critical moment? Of course we can too!"

With this smile, I don't know how many experimental subjects will become dead.

But the President and Admiral Four Khader no longer cared.

(The king is good)

"For the S.H.I.E.L.D., I will go to pressure Sandra Pierce, and I will also communicate with the World Security Council to get S.H.I.E.L.D. to cooperate with our actions!"

The president spoke coldly.

Admiral Scudder said fiercely: "Although the X weapon project has been stranded, according to the previous research results, it is enough to manufacture a batch of weapons. It doesn't matter if it has defects, as long as it can be used!"

"At last…"

The two looked at each other, and Qi Qi looked at a person in the corner of the conference room: "Sir Trask, how far has the Sentinel project progressed? Can you..."

Don't wait for them to finish.

Bolivar Trask took the initiative to speak.


In just one word, the president, Admiral Scudder, and even many people at the scene were relieved.

Those who didn't know about the Sentinel Project understood this scene.

This is obviously one's own ultimate weapon.

Time passed slowly, the meeting was still going on, and orders were issued one by one. In addition to the various preparations that the government and the military had been making, many people also proposed new ideas.

"Today, what is the origin of those people who broke into the press conference? Can you contact them?"

"Also, in Gotham's Arkham Asylum, there are many criminals with superpowers imprisoned, can they also be used by us?"

"If that's the case, there are also many super-powered criminals in Belle Reve Prison. Maybe we can reach an agreement with them?"

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