American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 108: after the event

Facts have proved that the side effects of human enhancement reagents are only temporary. These mutants turned into green goblins at the same time point, and returned to normal at the same time point, so under the search of the NYPD branches, the four green goblin were all on the spot. captured.

But even though they have changed back to normal people, capturing them is not an easy task. After all, they have all been injected with human enhancement agents, and their combat effectiveness is several times that of normal people.

The mutants at Aunt Wang's supermarket had no resistance in front of Gao Fei, and were easily handcuffed into the police car by Gao Fei. Sam and Anna were responsible for escorting him back to the police station, while Hank and Gao Fei stayed behind to help clean up the scene. .

Although the neighbors are all people who have seen the world, the disaster still scared them into fear, especially Aunt Wang and Cheng Jieqian, the mother and daughter were so frightened that their faces became abnormal.

Aunt Wang grabbed Hank's hand and asked shiveringly, "Officer Hank, you said this monster won't come back, right? It's thanks to me that I closed the door early and wasn't in the supermarket just now. If I was there just now, it wouldn't be worth it. Was torn to shreds by this green monster?"

Hank said helplessly: "Aunt Wang, we don't know the situation. We should discuss this matter after we investigate it clearly."

Auntie Wang was still worried, and turned around and took Gao Fei's hand: "Goo Fei, I heard that there are more than one green monster? Is it an organized and premeditated terrorist attack? Will your police be in danger? You must not get hurt..."

Gao Fei quickly comforted: "Don't worry, Auntie Wang, I won't be hurt."

Just as she was talking, Carrie also jumped over and asked with concern, "Grandma Wang, are you alright?"

"Oh my baby Carrie..." Aunt Wang liked Carrie the most, and hurriedly put her in her arms, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Seeing Carrie, Hank asked curiously, "This little girl is..."

Gao Fei's expression was embarrassed, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

You can't tell Hank that Carrie is a little homeless, otherwise Carrie will be sent to a shelter according to local policy, but Gao Fei, a single dog, doesn't even have a girlfriend, and suddenly a little loli appears beside him. , which is difficult to explain.

Fortunately, Gao Fei became wise in a hurry, and a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred in his mind. He lowered his voice and said, "This is my cousin, the illegitimate daughter of that old guy Frank."

"What?!" Hank was shocked on the spot.

Frank is fifty years old, and his hair is almost bald. He didn't expect to be so romantic, and he even had an illegitimate daughter.

"Tsk tsk..." Hank shook his head repeatedly and whispered, "I really don't know what to say, let alone whether to congratulate Frank or scold him."

Gao Fei spread his hands: "Well, this old guy is really absurd."

Hank pouted, and then asked, "Where's this little girl's mother? She's also a local?"

"This..." Gao Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know that either. You also know that guy Frank. He wouldn't tell me anything."

"Yes, the old guy really didn't have any truth in his mouth." Hank smiled bitterly, "Did Frank give you this little girl? You have become his free nanny."

Gao Fei pretended to be helpless, shook his head and sighed, "What can I do?"

While chatting, everyone cleaned up the supermarket, and gradually cleaned up the scene that was messed up by the Green Goblin. In this disaster, Auntie Wang lost a lot of goods, but fortunately no one was killed.

It didn't take long for Eddie to call Goofy. This guy was well-informed, and immediately got the news that the Green Goblin had ravaged Brooklyn.

"Goofy, I heard that several green monsters appeared in Brooklyn tonight? What are they? Aliens?" Eddie asked excitedly, not worried that these green monsters would cause turmoil and panic.

"It's our old friend, the next step in the human experiment at Holt Pharmaceuticals." Goofy didn't hide the matter, but gave Eddie a correct direction for the investigation, "Go check Norman Osborn. Well, 80% of these green monsters were created by him. They were originally normal humans, but they mutated into such monsters after being injected with human-enhancing reagents..."

"So it is!" Eddie suddenly realized, "Goofy, do you have any evidence over there? Can you share it with me?"

"There is no evidence, and our NYPD has no clue now." Gao Fei said helplessly, "So you have to investigate other clues yourself. By the way, if you have any clues, remember to notify me in time."

"Okay, don't worry." Eddie agreed, then hung up the phone.

Gao Fei put away his mobile phone and returned to the scene. Aunt Wang's supermarket was almost cleaned up.

As for the broken doors and windows, they must be repaired the next day. Auntie Wang is afraid that she will have to stay in the supermarket overnight.

Gao Fei originally proposed to help Auntie Wang watch the night, but Auntie Wang insisted on not letting it go.

"Carrie ran with you all night, and she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. Hurry up and go home and rest. I can handle it at the supermarket."

Hank also patted Gao Fei's shoulder: "Let's go back with the child first, there is still me here, tonight's case will definitely attract the attention of the bureau, it is estimated that it will be revolved again from tomorrow, you hurry back to raise your sperm Get sharp."

It was indeed quite inconvenient for Gao Fei to bring Carrie, and the little guy was really sleepy enough to fight with his eyelids, so Gao Fei quickly picked up Carrie, said goodbye to everyone and left.

Carrying Little Lolita on his shoulders, Gao Fei turned around and walked towards the car. After a few steps, Carrie's even heavy breathing was heard on his shoulders, and the little guy had fallen asleep soundly.

On the streets of this cold winter, Carrie is like a human scarf, hanging on Goofy's shoulders to keep Goofy warm.

Turning his head to look at the little girl who was Gao Fei couldn't help but smile. He carefully opened the car door, put Carrie gently on the seat, started the car, and drove home.


Carrying Carrie back to the apartment, Goofy was surprised to find that Frank had actually come back. This old guy was sitting at the dining table eating the leftovers from everyone, looking pitiful.

"Frank? Are you back?" Gao Fei was afraid of waking up the little loli on his shoulders, so he asked in a low voice.

Frank raised his head and glanced at Goofy, and his eyes landed on Carrie on his shoulder in surprise.

"Good boy, who's daughter did you steal home from?"

Gao Fei glared at Frank, put Carrie back in the bedroom first, covered the quilt and closed the door before returning to the living room, and said in a deep voice, "Frank, don't think nonsense, this little girl is an orphan, I don't take her until she is not taken in. She's back."

"There are shelters for orphans to go to. Anyway, there are a large number of people waiting to adopt children in society. I think that little girl is very cute, and there will definitely be a large number of people rushing to adopt her."

"But this child doesn't want to be adopted, her situation is a bit special." Gao Fei explained.

Frank smiled slyly: "What's the special situation? I think you want to adopt this little loli yourself? Why, you can't wait to be a baby daddy without even finding a girlfriend? Nephew, you have a great personality."

"Bah!" Gao Fei spat quickly, "Don't talk nonsense, who wants to be a dad, I can't wait to get rid of this little loli!"

This is a sincere statement. Gao Fei is still in a hurry to go home, and he has no time to take care of Carrie.

But now that Ole is injured and Carrie is homeless, since Gao Fei has met, he can't just stand by.

(Want to ask for a recommendation ticket!)

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