American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 124: Richard Parker

The villain William struggled twice in Goofy's hand before he was honest, because he soon found out that he was not Goofy's opponent at all.

When William calmed down, Gao Fei released him, pointed to the sofa, and Gao Fei said solemnly, "Sit down and talk."

William sat down obediently and looked down at the package that was opened in his hand.

"You said it was... a bomb?" William asked.

Gao Fei nodded slightly.

"What about the bomb?" William asked again.

"It has been disposed of by my colleague." Gao Fei glanced at Carrie and said, "But don't worry, I didn't lie to you, there is indeed a real bomb in this package."

"Damn..." William didn't doubt Goo Fei's words. He seemed to have guessed that there was nothing good in the package. He clenched his fists angrily and gasped heavily.

Gao Fei said straight to the point: "William, I have found out that you are suspected of participating in a kidnapping case, but I know that you are not the mastermind. The real mastermind is the person who just sent someone to deliver the package to you. The mastermind behind the scenes learned about the kidnapping case. After the failure, I tried to kill and silence, so I sent the bomb to your home... William, you are now an abandoned child, and the person who bought you wants your life!"

"It looks like that..." William spread his hands, "So Mr. Police, can you really protect me?"

"If I didn't have this ability, you would have been blown away now." Gao Fei laughed.

The villain William pondered for a moment, and finally nodded: "Well, since that's the case, then I'm willing to cooperate with your work."

"Very good." Goofy was very satisfied, the villain seemed to be a very good guy.

"Now tell me the story of this kidnapping, who is trying to kidnap that poor kid in Queens, tell me all the inside, and I'll make sure you won't be hurt by this gang, and I'll bring them to justice , make them pay the corresponding price.”

The villain William sorted out his thoughts, and then revealed the whole plan.

The client who asked him to kidnap Peter Parker was a very cunning person. The client did not reveal his identity. He attached great importance to his personal privacy. Every time he called William, he used an encrypted mobile phone number.

But William is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. When dealing with this "customer", he prepared with both hands. Only by knowing the identity of the "customer" can he prevent the "customer" from crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

Just like the current situation, after the kidnapping mission failed, the "client" was in a hurry to kill and silence, and William had the chance to fight back only when he mastered the "client"'s personal information, otherwise he would have to sit still.

Therefore, William had already secretly investigated this "client".

"This client of mine comes from a large company, the Osborne Group." William said confidently, "but his position in the Osborne Group is not high, and many things need to be done by himself..."

When Gao Fei heard this, he nodded lightly, the news given by William was quite reliable.

If someone is going to kidnap Peter Parker, then of course this person is from the Osborne Group.

"Besides that? What else do you know?" Gao Fei said, "There are thousands of employees in the Osborne Group, and your client is not one of the executives. I can't go to screen one by one to find Get this client out?"

At this time, William smiled lightly and gave a key clue.

"This client of mine is very easy to find. He is a disabled person. According to my investigation of him, this client has only one arm..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei nodded with satisfaction. With this clue, the mastermind can basically be locked.


After questioning the villain William, Goofy drove him back to the police station.

Hank, who was in charge of investigating Peter Parker's parents, also successfully completed his work. He and Gao Fei held a simple exchange meeting at the workstation.

"Peter Parker's father, Richard Parker, is a researcher at the Osborne Group. It seems like a very ordinary job, but when I dug into Richard's background, I found that this guy is very simple..." Han K said in a low voice.

"Oh? Why isn't it easy?" Gao Fei asked knowingly.

"From the perspective of personal files, Richard Parker is as clean as a blank sheet of paper, but the dossier about his disappearance was marked as confidential and transferred to a higher-level department..." Han Ke whispered, "This means that Richard once had a double identity, and he was not just a researcher of the Osborne Group."

"Double identity?" Goofy said, "It seems that this Mr. Parker has a very exciting life... Is he an agent?"

"Eighty percent of him is a special agent. FBI, CIA...not an ordinary person anyway." Hank said, "In this way, it also explains why someone would want to kidnap his poor son."

Speaking of which, Hank asked Gao Fei, "Have you found any news over there?"

"Of course Gao Feidao," otherwise I wouldn't come back. "

While speaking, Gao Fei retrieved a person's personal information from the computer.

"Come and see this man."

Hank looked at the screen and saw a picture of a gentle man.

Look at the name again: Curtis Connors.

"This is..." Hank asked blankly.

Gao Fei introduced in an orderly manner: "This friend's name is Curtis Connors, a professor of biology at the university and a researcher of the Osborne Group. He used to be with Peter Parker's father, Richard Parker. A partner."

"Is that so..." Hank immediately and keenly noticed the relationship between Professor Connors and Peter's kidnapping. "He also participated in this kidnapping?"

"If the judgment is correct, this guy may be the mastermind." Goofy said, "He hired the villain William to kidnap Peter Parker, but he did not expect the plan to fail. In order to protect himself, this guy sent someone to the villain William with a The package of bombs, trying to kill people, but luckily I broke the plan and failed to let him succeed."

"What? You intercepted a package with a bomb?! What about the bomb?" Hank asked nervously.

"I dealt with it." Goofy said lightly, but it was actually Carrie who dealt with the bomb.

"Can you handle bombs?" Hank was shocked, "Have you never heard of this skill?"

Gao Fei smiled with a guilty conscience: "Hehe, I taught myself..."

System: [Admiration from Hank +2]

However, the old partner still reminded kindly: "The bomb is too dangerous, so I'll leave it to a professional bomb disposal team in the future..."

Gao Fei nodded lightly, but said in his heart: It depends on whether Carrie is willing to let go of the opportunity to fill her stomach...

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