American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 134: declare war on S.H.I.E.L.D.

In front of Carrie's terrifying fighting power, the three agents were powerless to fight back. In the blink of an eye, the three fell to the ground and lost their ability to resist.

Gao Fei did not let Carrie kill him, but let her take it as soon as possible. He must let Carrie understand the difference between self-defense and intentional hurt, otherwise the ignorant little loli is very likely to develop into bloodthirsty Sexually violent tendencies.

Confiscating the weapons of the three agents, Gao Fei looked at them coldly.

"Go back and tell your boss, don't hit my daughter, this time I can save your life, but next time I won't be so kind."

Grant Ward struggled to get up, gritted his teeth and said, "Goofy, you don't understand the meaning of this girl at all... She is an unstable factor, we must monitor her!"

Gao Fei smiled disdainfully: "You don't need to worry about my daughter's affairs. Besides, I don't care what her factors are. First of all, she is my daughter. If you want to beat my daughter, you must first ask my father's opinion! Don't blame me for being rude if you come to arrest people without permission!"

Grant wanted to say more, Goofy had lost his patience.

He directly picked up the collars of the three agents and threw them out of the door, then pointed to the bodies of the other two agents in the corridor, and said in a deep voice, "Take your accomplices and get out of my house!"

After saying that, Gao Fei closed the door with his backhand, walked to Carrie, squatted down and rubbed her little head.

"Aren't you scared? Little guy."

"No, Dad Goofy..." Carrie said obediently, "It's just that these people won't let us go, right?"

Hearing this, Gao Fei slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, they are indeed a difficult organization, but don't be afraid, Dad has a way to deal with them."


Grant Ward was swept out by Goofy, and with his accomplices, he retreated into the off-road vehicle downstairs first. He did not rush to evacuate, but quickly called Coulson for help.

Agent Ward has a tenacious character and will do anything to achieve his goals. He will never give up if he doesn't capture the monster Lolita Carrie today.

However, just as he lowered his head to contact Coulson, a ghostly figure appeared beside the off-road vehicle.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

The man knocked on the car glass.

Grant Ward rolled down the car window, and then saw a half-smiling face.


Agent Ward's expression changed, he put down the communicator and asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?"

"I should ask you this." Frank pretended to be lying on the car window lazily, but before the agents could react, he put the barrel of an M1911 automatic pistol in and stabbed Ward in the neck.

"You should know that Goofy is my nephew, and Carrie is my granddaughter, right?" Frank asked slowly, "You should know that the one you broke into today is my home, right?"

"What? Frank, you dare to threaten us?" Grant Ward didn't change his face even though Frank held a pistol to his neck, "Frank, don't forget who helped you clean up those messes back then, if it wasn't for us , how could you have successfully cleaned up and become an ordinary citizen? You can't be ungrateful!"

"Hehe...I'm calling myself my benefactor? Then, where were you when my family was killed?" Frank smiled coldly, "Where were you when I was fighting with those criminals? ? What you did was to convince me to wash my hands and disguise me as an idle vagrant... But then again, since you know my past, you should know what my family means to me! What happened to the guys in the family, don't you understand?"

"But this girl is not your family at all, she is a monster!" Grant Ward said solemnly.

"Be careful what you say." Frank took his pistol forward and held Ward's Adam's apple firmly, "She is my granddaughter, not a monster."

"Are you really going to turn your back on us, Frank? Just for that little girl?" Ward asked in a deep voice, his voice hoarse due to the pressure of the pistol.

Frank snorted coldly, the shameless smile on his face suddenly faded away, and a murderous intent shot out from his originally cloudy eyes.

"What? Is it because I've acted so realistically all these years that I've made you all forget my original temper?"

"You can't take advantage of us, Frank." Ward was still stubborn, "You'll understand this sooner or later."

Frank smiled disdainfully.

"Just you, and that sneaky organization with a bunch of names behind you? I doubt it."

Speaking of which, Frank turned his hand slightly and put away the pistol that was against Ward's neck.

"Go away, brat, don't let me see you again. Next time you dare to come to my house, I will kill you."

"I hope you can continue to be arrogant, Frank!"

Agent Ward did not show weakness in his mouth, but his body was honest and hurriedly put the gear on, and drove to the highway to escape.

However, the black off-road vehicle just speeded up and drove out 30 meters. When it turned to the corner of the street, there was a loud noise, and the entire off-road vehicle turned into a huge fireball and exploded on the spot!

Booooom! !

Standing on the side of the road, Frank grinned, took out a Marlboro from his jacket pocket and lightly lit took a slow sip, and said leisurely: "I'm sorry, I changed my attention, don't next time. Now, this time I will take your life."


The violent explosion alerted the neighbors of Brooklyn, as well as Goofy and Carrie upstairs.

Gao Fei stood by the window and stared at Frank who was smoking by the side of the road. He shook his head and smiled, "You really know how to play, Frank."

"Father Goofy, what happened?"

asked Carrie blankly.

Gao Fei turned his head and smiled: "We have declared war head-on with that organization."

"That organization? The organization that wants to arrest me?" Carrie whispered, "The Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau?"

Gao Fei couldn't help being surprised: "You can actually memorize its full name?"

Then he said: "Yes, it is this organization, you can call it S.H.I.E.L.D. for short."

" it an evil organization?" Carrie asked in a low voice.

"It's a powerful organization." Gao Fei said, "Their intentions may be good, but the mistake is being too self-righteous."

"'s an evil organization?" Carrie concluded.

Gao Fei smiled and rubbed Carrie's head: "When it comes to dealing with your problem, they are an out-and-out evil organization."

"But they must be very powerful, right?" Carrie began to feel worried for Goofy. "Father Goofy, if you declare war with them, will you be in danger?"

"There will be danger." Goofy said with a smile, "but I'm not afraid of danger. Don't worry Carrie, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't beat me. They can't even take you away from me."

Hearing this, Carrie nodded reassuringly.

She knew that Goofy's father would not lie to her.

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