American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 160: Assassination of Osborn (15/20)

In the blink of an eye, all the reinforcements outside rushed to the street. Carrie clapped her little hands proudly, and said proudly, "How is it, Dad Goofy, am I good?"

"You're amazing!" Goofy said approvingly, but because of Carrie's limited height, Goofy couldn't see her from the small window on the metal gate after she stood on the ground, and only heard her voice and didn't see her.

Steve next to Gao Fei was shocked and asked in a stunned manner: "Gao Fei, is your daughter also a strengthener?"

"Almost, not an ordinary kid anyway." Gao Fei said with a smile.

In fact, since the last time he saw the death of one of the five creation gods of Marvel, and heard Carrie's name from her mouth, Goofy had vaguely guessed Carrie's true identity.

But this identity is too shocking, and the existence of the God of Creation has surpassed human cognition, so Gao Fei does not intend to reveal this, let alone tell this secret to his friends.

Steve took a deep breath: "It's really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves, Gao Fei, your daughter's fighting power is much stronger than you."

Gao Fei was proud of being a father. Although Carrie was not his biological daughter, he was still quite proud to have such a good daughter.

At this time, Steve instructed Carrie outside the door: "Hey, little one, go search Norman Osborn's pocket, the key to the closed room should be on him..."

However, the voice did not fall, only a "bang" sound was heard.

Carrie took down the iron door of the closed room with one hand, and stood at the door holding the iron door, asking blankly, "Uncle Steve, what did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly."

Steve: "…"

"It's okay, I didn't say anything."

Goofy walked over and rubbed Carrie's little head.

"Nice job, little one."

Carrie sighed earnestly and looked up at her old father.

"Father Gao Fei, be careful next time. I'm worried to death when I see you locked up."

Gao Fei laughed: "Silly girl, your father was locked up by him on purpose."

"Clam?" Carrie looked blank. "Why?"

Steve still didn't understand Goofy's plan: "Goofy, what are your plans?"

Goofy smiled lightly: "Isn't Norman Osborn trying to fake the illusion that he was assassinated? Since he wants to be assassinated so much, I will fulfill him."

Having said that, Goofy patted Steve on the shoulder.

"Steve, take Carrie out first, and I'll stay and deal with the scene. Remember, if someone from the NYPD came to ask, they said that the gangster kidnapped Carrie, set us two apart, and finally caught Norman. Mr Osborne."

Steve finally came to a realization, and then hesitantly said, "Goofy, are you really going to do this?"

Goofy nodded: "Norman Osborn has done all kinds of bad things, countless people died because of him, and he actually dared to hit my daughter, how can I let him go? He can escape the punishment of the law. , but he can't escape from me, he is guilty and must die."

Steve pondered for a moment, and finally did not dissuade Gao Fei, but picked up Carrie and turned to walk outside.


In the dim basement corridor, Norman Osborn collapsed weakly in the corner.

The punch Carrie had just punched his insides out, and there was no way he could fight back now.

Gao Fei walked slowly in front of him, then looked down at him.

"Mr. Osborn, you are really an old wit. In order to deceive me and Steve, you actually lied that you were assassinated. You are criticized by bulls. Your idea is really strange, don't you think? Are you digging your own grave after the plan failed?"

Norman Osborn wanted to cry without tears, this Nima really shot himself in the foot.

But who would have thought that Gao Fei's real killer was his elementary school girl?

Gao Fei smiled coldly.

"It's alright now, your conspiracy plan has failed, you can't get a sample of the undead body and the super soldier serum, and you have been beaten up by yourself... But this time you are not without gains, since you are so If you want to be assassinated, I will fulfill you."

Norman Osborn's eyes widened, looking at Goofy fiercely.

"Gao Fei, you dare to kill me? Aren't you afraid of my people revenge on you? Even if you kill me, my allies will not let you go, and they will not let the people around you..."

Gao Fei smiled lightly.

"No, Mr. Osborn, you got it wrong. You didn't die at my hands, you died at the hands of the assassin who killed you, and I, just a failed mission, failed to properly protect Just your little NYPD cop."

Before he finished speaking, Goofy's fist slammed into Norman Osborn's head.


Like a hammer breaking open a watermelon.

The Green Goblin died on the spot.

"Huh? The system didn't restrict my movements? It looks like Osborn is really damned." Goofy wiped his fist with Osborn's high-end pajamas and said to himself, "But I do need to strengthen it. With my own strength, I can't always rely on Carrie for help..."


Half an hour later, the NYPD arrived at the scene.

Due to the weak police force in Manhattan, Superintendent Schneider specially seconded Goofy's old friend George Stacy from Queens.

In the end, they found seven or eight police cars and surrounded Norman Osborn's mansion. When the police came in, Norman Osborn was already dead. .

Superintendent Schneider is very depressed, what is the origin of this gangster? To be able to kill Osborn under the protection of Goofy and Steve is too superb, right?

"Officer Goofy, what's going on?" Schneider looked at the corpses of the enhanced man in the basement, and Osborn, who looked disgusting in the distance, frowned and asked, "Have you seen the murderer?"

"I didn't see it, the murderer was very kidnapped my daughter as a hostage, lured me and Steve away with a trick, and successfully killed Mr. Norman Osborn. "

Steve and Carrie stood by and didn't speak, and they were worried that they would be exposed as soon as they spoke.

"I'm so sorry, Superintendent Schneider, I couldn't complete the task." Gao Fei sincerely apologized.

Superintendent Schneider hurriedly shook his head: "Don't say that, Goofy, you and Steve are willing to help me with this already to give me face. What's more, this time we have also affected our lovely little Carrie, which is even more important. I'm so sorry... As for Norman Osborn's death, I can only say that he was unlucky, and the gangster was too cunning. We have done our best, don't blame yourself."

Goofy agreed: "Yes, Mr. Osborn is really unlucky."

Schneider sighed: "Now the Osborn Group can't escape the fate of decay. Well, Officer Goofy, you've worked hard these two days, hurry back with Carrie, and leave the rest to me. Bar."

Goofy was not polite to him, turned around and left the scene with Steve and Carrie.

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