American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 165: Really fragrant (twenty/twenty)

General Ross was very bad for the old man. He only wanted to find out his daughter. He didn't want to think that when the Hulk and his hatred were transformed, these innocent people on the campus would have to be photographed into meat patties.

Goofy and Steve didn't bother to pay attention to him, and they evacuated the crowd on their own, but soon the military arrived at the scene, and they both exploded in anger when they saw Goofy and Steve who had blatantly disobeyed General Ross' orders.

"Hey! Who are you two? What is Blind Jaguar directing?"

Steve sneered: "We're Brooklyn police!"

Several soldiers rushed over to surround Steve, and said solemnly: "Didn't you hear General Ross' order? He asked you to block the scene instead of evacuating the crowd!"

Steve curled his lips: "Sorry, General Ross is not qualified to order me."

One of the soldiers was furious and stepped forward and pointed the gun at Steve.

"You, a little policeman, dare to fight against the military?"

Steve smiled contemptuously and whistled at his partner not far away.

Goofy turned around and walked back to the car, took out Steve's vibranium shield from the trunk and threw it.


The vibranium shield spun in the air and made a sound, and then passed through the crowd and landed on Steve's hand with precision.


Steve stunned the leading soldier with a backhand blow, and sneered, "You think I'm... just a policeman?"

Seeing this vibrating gold shield with the same design as the national flag, and looking at Steve's chiseled face, the other soldiers finally noticed it and asked in a low voice, "You, You are…"

Steve put away his shield and stared at the audience.

"Did I sleep for too long and have been forgotten by you long ago?"

After hearing this, the other soldiers were finally convinced of Steve's identity.

"Captain America!"

"You are the captain!"

"team leader!"

As a war hero, Steve is the benchmark for every soldier in the United States. If every soldier can only have one idol, then this person must be the American team.

Some time ago, they had heard the news that Captain America had returned from the dead and returned to New York, but they did not expect to meet this hero here.

But on second thought, this is the hometown of the US team, Brooklyn. If you don't meet him here, where will you meet him?

So the soldiers quickly retreated, not daring to disrespect the US team again. Steve smiled contemptuously, turned around and jumped back into the car to start evacuating the crowd.

Goofy didn't dare to delay any longer, he had to restrain the Hulk immediately, because just a few seconds ago, he really heard an angry roar from the laboratory.

This means that Bruce Banner has successfully transformed into the Hulk.

Nightmare is coming.


Goofy trotted with Carrie all the way, and finally came to the biology laboratory of Greyburn College. At this time, the laboratory was in a mess, and it was obvious that Bruce Banner turned into a Hulk and smashed everything.

When he walked to the door, a woman with a **** head and unkempt hair rushed out, Gao Fei collided with her, and the result was that the woman flew out all the way.

Out of humanitarianism, Gao Fei hurried over to help her up, and upon closer inspection, she was Bruce Banner's girlfriend Elizabeth.

"Where's Banner?" Gao Fei asked in a deep voice.

Elizabeth said desperately: "He... he has transformed..."

Gao Fei said angrily: "nonsense, of course I know he has transformed, tell me where he is?"

Elizabeth covered her face in despair and cried: "I don't know, I can't catch up with him at all... It's all my fault, I shouldn't persuade him to come to Mr. Lan..."

Gao Fei picked her up irritably.

"Go out and cry, and also, let your dad evacuate the crowd. He blocked the scene in order to find you. This is to let the innocent people on campus bury you with you!"

After finishing speaking, Goofy stopped paying attention to the crying Elizabeth, and walked to the laboratory with Carrie.

Just two steps away, they found a person lying on the ground in the laboratory.

This guy is an unfamiliar face, wearing a white coat.

"You are Mr. Lan, Samuel Stern?" Goofy asked in a low voice.

Mr. Lan was also bleeding and appeared to be seriously injured.

"Yes, please... help me..." Sten whispered, struggling to stand up.

Gao Fei gave him a hand and pointed to the door.

"Exactly, follow Elizabeth out of here. By the way, where did Banner go?"

Stern pointed to the depths of the laboratory: "He's inside, being pursued by a force..."

Goofy nodded and continued inside with Carrie.

Before she took two steps, Carrie suddenly wrinkled her little nose, and her big eyes shone brightly.

"It's delicious!"

"What?" Gao Fei was stunned, almost suspecting that he heard it wrong.

The little girl gently sniffed the air, and praised again: "It's really fragrant!"

Gao Fei was fascinated on the spot, and he smelled like Carrie.

As a result, except for a **** smell, I didn't smell anything.

This is the result of Goofy's sense of smell being strengthened.

What did the little girl smell?

Could it be that she smelled the blood on Elizabeth and Stern just now and wanted to eat people?

The more Gao Fei thought about it, the more wrong it became, and he asked in a low voice, "Carrie, what's so fragrant?"

Carrie, who was being held by Gao Fei, stretched out her hand and pointed into the depths of the laboratory: "There's something so fragrant over there, Dad Goofy, let's go and see!"

Goofy nodded, carried Carrie into the depths of the laboratory, and soon, he found what Carrie said was "really fragrant".

Those green liquids in the entire freezer should be Bruce Banner's blood of the Hulk, only a small part of which is the original, and the rest are copycats copied by Samuel Stern.

But whether it was the original or the knockoff, Carrie was coveted. The little girl looked up at Gao Fei and asked expectantly, "Dad, Dad, can I drink these drinks?"

Gao Fei rubbed Carrie's little head and nodded, "Of course."

So Carrie hurriedly opened the glass door of the refrigerator, picked up these Hulk blood and drank it, and praised while drinking: "It's so good, it's so much better than juice or milk."

Gao Fei asked worriedly: "Drink slowly, don't choke."

Carrie shook her head from the drink, and was so happy.

There was a muffled sound not far away, followed by screams from the street outside the laboratory.



"What a terrifying big monster!"

Goofy rubbed Carrie's head.

"Little one, you drink it first, and after a while, go out and find me."

"Okay, Dad Goofy, be careful yourself!" Carrie knew that Goofy was immortal, so she wasn't very worried about this dad.

Gao Fei turned and rushed out of the laboratory. It was obvious that the Hulk was there. After he rushed out of the laboratory, he saw the Hulk wandering in place on the campus.

"Hey, big guy."

Goofy whistled at the Hulk.

"You should go home and sleep."

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