American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 178: Sand Sculpture Skill 2.0

Goofy struggled to persuade Hank, but the old sheriff finally gave in.

"Okay, Goofy, I can obey you, but I hope you don't let me down."

"Of course, Hank, when have I ever let you down?"

Hanging up the phone, Goofy dialed Eddie's number again.

"Eddie, my old man, have you heard about the host of Iron Man Vendetta TV?" Gao Fei asked straight to the point.

"Of course!" Eddie was already in a state of excitement, "Goofy, tell me the inside story, this guy is actually murdering on your territory, it's really arrogant! But even if he is Tony Starr So what about Ke? I'm sure you'll bring him to justice, right? We Goofy officers will never allow anyone to be above the law and justice, even if he's rich!"

"No, Eddie, it wasn't Stark who killed, this Iron Man is fake." Goofy said.

"What?" Eddie was stunned for a while, but didn't say anything for a long time.

"Don't be so surprised, my Eddie," Goofy said with a laugh. "It's actually just a botched planting. Listen, man, I'll give you an inside tip right now, and you'll make a story for me. Come out - the report is that the NYPD has decided to drop any investigation into Tony Stark due to insufficient evidence..."

"What?" Eddie was stunned again, "Do I need to explain in the article that Tony Stark is not the real murderer?"

"Of course not." Goofy said, "You only need to implicitly imply that the NYPD does not dare to offend Tony Stark, so you can just let him go. Of course, the point is to emphasize the lack of evidence."

"But NYPD will be scolded badly in this way. Citizens will feel that you are bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, and dare not do justice! Even you will be implicated, and everyone will think that you are deliberately covering up your friends!" Eddie worried Say, "Goofy, I know this article must be selling well, but I don't want you to be reviled by the citizens."

Goofy smiled slightly: "Eddie, thank you for caring so much about me, but I do it for a reason."

Eddie confirmed again: "You really want to do this?"

"Really, publish this report as soon as possible, this is big news." Gao Fei said, and hung up the phone.

Back in Stark's office, Goofy detailed his plans.

"Stark, NYPD will not conduct any investigation on you for the time being, nor will it make any form of explanation to the masses, and soon the media will reveal a news - NYPD gave up listing you as a suspect due to insufficient evidence. "

Stark was silent, but Pepper was puzzled.

"But Gao Fei, in this way, doesn't Mr. Stark have a guilty conscience? Not to mention that the NYPD is so useless, aren't you afraid of attracting accountability from all walks of life?"

"What I want is the accountability and pressure of public opinion from all walks of life." Gao Fei said with a smile.

Stark immediately understood Goofy's intentions.

"You are fishing... Stressing that 'insufficient evidence' can't investigate me, but it doesn't clear me of suspicion. NYPD's inaction and public opinion pressure are gradually showing signs, and the behind-the-scenes mastermind hiding in the dark will surely be unable to hold back. pissed."

Goofy nodded and said: "Yes, they saw that Stark's reputation plummeted, but he was not convicted for a long time, and they couldn't help but fall into the trap. In order to recreate the iron man's indiscriminate killing of innocent evidence, counterfeit Steel Xia will come out again."

Pepper finally understood.

"The NYPD does not investigate Stark on the surface, but secretly tracks the culprit behind the scenes... Once the fake Iron Man reappears, we will capture him on the spot!"


[Worship from Pepper Potts +5]

"Officer Goofy, this fishing program is fantastic!"

"Thank you." Goofy accepted the praise with a smile, and then patted Stark on the shoulder, "Mr. Stark, you will be criticized by all walks of life in the next period of time, I hope you can survive."

Stark shrugged: "I try my best."

After arranging the fishing plan, Goofy left the Stark Building.


After returning home at night and telling Carrie a few bedtime stories to put Carrie to sleep, Goofy silently went back to his room and called up the superhero system in the background.

Take a look at the current worship value: 11,037.

Just enough to open a treasure chest.

Counting this treasure chest, it is the third time to open the treasure chest. If you have opened the treasure chest ten times, you can get rid of the current cheating guide template and get a new superhero template.

So Gao Fei couldn't wait to open the treasure chest.


The video animation in the system reappears, and the treasure chest slowly opens.

The light bloomed, and Gao Fei couldn't wait to look into the treasure chest.

"Please use a skill! Please use a skill..."

Gao Fei made a wish with a look of anticipation.

But halfway through the wish, he thought about it...

Wait, the skills from the mentor template seem to be a bit of a sand sculpture!

What nonsense "hero role model, lead by example"...

It would be more cost-effective to give me an attribute medicine bottle!

So Gao Fei quickly changed his mind.

"Please don't use a skill! Please don't use a skill..."

Unfortunately, it is too late, the treasure chest has been opened.

Looking inside, it was a big line!

Congratulations! The host obtains the exclusive skill of the mentor template - "be guided by good manners, sound into the heart": With this skill, when the host persuades the target character to be a good person, everything will be clearly conveyed to the target character's mind, and the target character cannot stop and Block the host's persuasion.

Gao Fei read this line of words quietly, and the whole person became petrified on the spot.

I thought that the last skill was already the number one sand sculpture skill in the universe, but I didn't expect that I was still too young!

This skill is even more shabby!

Go to your sister's perseverance and good manners, and the voice is heartfelt, I am not a Tang monk! Seduce your sister!

I understand, this guide template is a piece of slag... All skills are sand sculpture skills!

Just don't call it the mentor template, just change the name to the waste template!

Gao Fei was lying on the bed depressed, gasping for breath.

However, although the skill is very sandy, he couldn't help but try it out.

"Well... let's take Stark first!"

Goofy cleared his throat and whispered, "Stark! You cheer me up! Stop giving up on yourself!"

dozens of kilometers away.

The top office of the Stark Building.

Tony Stark stared gloomily at the TV, where the evening news was reporting the murder of TV host Richard by Iron Man.

"Tony Stark relied on his billions of assets and cutting-edge weapon technology to blatantly flout the law and trample on the lives and dignity of innocent citizens. His actions are extremely evil. He is simply the top scum among the capitalists..."

Stark didn't speak with a dark face, and turned off the TV angrily, then he stretched out his hand to the strong drink beside him, ready to drink a lot of alcohol to numb himself.

Unexpectedly at this time.

A familiar voice came from my mind.

"Stark! You cheer me up! Stop giving up on yourself!"

"Stark! Be a strong man!"

"Stark! You have to cherish your own You need to use your skills to do good things! Don't waste your skills!"

Stark was stunned on the spot.

"WTF??! Goofy?!"

"When did he get into my head?"

"Why do I have his voice all over my head now?"

"Damn... what the **** is going on? Is he so important in my heart...?"

Stark was stunned, shaking his head desperately.

"Get out! Goofy! Get out of my head!"

After more than ten minutes, Goofy's voice gradually disappeared... Stark was completely convinced, and he no longer dared to touch the wine bottle on the table...

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