Seeing this scene, the experimenter was not afraid yet, but Pepper broke out in a cold sweat!

"Carrie! What have you done? These things are poisonous reagents and cannot be drunk!"

Carrie smiled mischievously and comforted Pepper: "Don't be afraid of Pepper, I'll be fine."

Pepper's face collapsed: "What do you know? You're just a brat... Damn! If Goofy knew I didn't take good care of you and made you drink these **** reagents, I think he would kill me!"

At this time, the experimenter finally reacted and hurried over to control Carrie.

"Bear boy, come here! Be honest! You have no idea how much damage you have caused our laboratory!"

The person in charge of the laboratory glared at Pepper with a serious face: "Miss Potts, your cousin destroyed several reagents. These reagents are expensive, and you must compensate us for our losses!"

"It's obviously a mistake in your management. How can you put the reagents where the children can touch it? I haven't held you accountable for poisoning my cousin. Why do you ask me to compensate you for your losses?"

Anyway, Pepper's main task now is to delay time, so she just took advantage of the topic to quarrel with the person in charge.

However, the person in charge also found it strange that the storage cabinets were obviously locked under normal conditions.

Looking back carefully, the person in charge finally found the clue - I saw that the metal edge of the storage cabinet inlaid around the glass door had been artificially bent, and the lock head and lock cylinder were seriously deformed!

It's been pryed!

This little girl has this hand?

After thinking about it again, Pepper seems to have been wrong since she came in. She looked around again, and abnormally asked the staff to disinfect her three times...

The person in charge suddenly realized, and then took out the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Boss, boss, the situation is not right, Miss Potts destroyed our storage cabinet, she seems to have ulterior motives..."

After reporting the situation, the person in charge quickly waved to a few security personnel in black suits at the far end, who immediately walked towards Pepper and pulled out their stun guns.

"It's over, when will you be able to come over, Goofy?" Pepper was frightened and frightened, but he didn't forget to protect Carrie.

"Carrie, come to me, come on, don't let them hurt you..."

However, Carrie had her own ideas. Instead of running for her life, the little girl ran back to the storage cabinet while the staff were not paying attention.

The little hand stretched out, and several bottles of Green Goblin Reagent were in hand. Carrie bit off the stopper and sucked wildly, the little guy looked satisfied.

The person in charge of the laboratory became crazy and shouted loudly: "Catch this brat, if she drinks again, our club will go bankrupt!!"

Pepper turned pale with fright, and waved desperately at Carrie: "Carrie, come to me, come here!"

But Carrie turned around and ran to the corner of the laboratory holding a pile of Green Goblin reagents. Security personnel in black suits chased after Carrie with stun guns. These people had no intention of showing mercy.

Pepper was so anxious that he hurriedly followed the group.

But she just ran out two steps, only to hear screams coming from the corner.

What followed immediately shocked her—the security guards who rushed in with stun guns flew out one by one.

Although Pepper didn't know what was going on in the corner, the security guards had fallen to the ground.

Their eyes were full of horror, and at the same time they muttered to themselves: ""

Pepper sucked in a breath and speculated in his heart: Did Carrie mutate after drinking the Green Goblin Reagent? Turned into a terrifying monster?

Thinking of this, Pepper hurriedly ran to the corner, turned around and saw that Carrie was sitting in the corner sucking the Green Goblin reagent in her hand. The little girl still looked exquisite and lovely. Where is the big monster?

"Carrie, what happened just now?" Pepper asked in shock.

Carrie smiled mysteriously, but answered her nothing.

At this moment, the elevator in the corridor rang, and then Wesley walked out of the elevator car with several burly bodyguards, their faces were extremely gloomy.

"Miss Potts, you are so disappointing. I thought our cooperation would be very pleasant, but you caused me trouble..." Wesley shook his head, "I'm sorry, you have to pay for your Actions pay the price!"

After saying this, Wesley prepared to draw out the weapon in his pocket.

But before he could do it, a strange voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Repent! Stop your wrongdoing! Before the big mistake is made, it's too late to stop now!"

"Who?!" Wesley only felt that the voice was very clear, as if it was coming from the person next to him, but when he turned around vigilantly, he only saw a few bodyguards behind him.

Obviously, the voice just now was definitely not from them.

"Damn... this damned hallucination."

Wesley took out his pistol, it was a brand new Glock, he looked at Pepper again, and said with a sneer, "Okay, Miss Potts, we..."

However, before the sentence was finished, the voice in his mind rang again.

"Repent! Face your sins! If you still have the last shred of conscience left, then put down your weapons and kneel before justice!"


"Repent of your sins!"


"Who is it!?"

Wesley was almost collapsed by the voice in his head! His eyes were scarlet hissing and roaring.

And just after his questioning ended, the door to the stairwell of the underground laboratory was slammed open.


Then a uniformed police officer stormed into the laboratory like a thunderbolt and punched Wesley, who was holding a gun, in the face.

Wesley let go of the pistol, and the whole person flew out of thin air.

"it's me."

At this time, the little policeman who rushed into the laboratory smiled and spoke leisurely.

"Seductive high-flying officer."


In the alley outside the clubhouse.

Superintendent Schneider's team rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the report.

ESU is still on its Only three police cars arrived at the clubhouse first.

The police officers got out of the car one after another, and under the command of Superintendent Schneider, they would be surrounded.

But at this moment, a whistle suddenly sounded in the clubhouse.

After that, burly figures emerged from all directions, and they were obviously full of hostility to the NYPD.

Superintendent Schneider turned pale and said loudly, "Put down your weapons and get down on the ground! Otherwise, we'll shoot!"

But none of these people obeyed Superintendent Schneider's instructions, and they gradually moved closer to the police.

"Shit!" Superintendent Schneider had no choice but to shoot at the leader.

Avoiding the vital part, Schneider aimed the gun at his torso.

The Glock rang, and the bullets flew.

The shot hit the burly man, but it didn't hurt him in the slightest...

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