Reed looked back at his three friends, who had a question before them.

In the face of Victor Van Doom, who is in trouble in New York, what should everyone do?

Is it to resolutely mutate to save New York, but then become a different kind of alien, a superpower who must be bound by the law, or take this opportunity to become an ordinary person and return to the original trajectory of life?

This is a difficult problem.

Gao Fei stood silently and did not disturb them.

In fact, capturing Doom doesn't necessarily require the four of them to do it. Goofy can call Steve, Tony Stark and Harry Osborn to come to support.

As long as they arrive in time, Doom probably won't be able to escape.

But Goofy wasn't going to do that, and was ready to use the opportunity to let the Fantastic Four make their own choices.

Sooner or later they will face this choice.

Whether to be a superman with greater ability and greater responsibility, or to be an ordinary citizen.

Are they willing to stand up and save it when they see their homes outside their windows being blasted and engulfed in flames?

Of the four, Johnny was the first to make a decision.

"I'm never willing to be a small person, Reed, help me restore my powers!"

After he finished speaking, he walked straight towards the dormant cabin.

Susan Storm and her brother were of the same mind.

"If I can get powerful abilities and can protect our world with powerful abilities, then why don't I do it? I can't think of a reason to give up. Reed, help me restore my abilities."

After all, she also entered the dormant cabin.

In the end, Reed looked at Ben, and Ben, who had finally recovered his normal appearance, had a tangled expression.

On the one hand, he also hopes to stop Doom's atrocities, but on the other hand, he is reluctant to look like a normal person.

"Reed, you'll restore powers too, right?" Ben asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I've made a decision," Reed admitted.

"Then..." Ben was still hesitant.

Reed smiled: "Dude, don't be so embarrassed, if you want to be an ordinary person, then I totally agree. Sister Storm will support you too."

"Thank you..." Ben whispered, but after saying this, he saw a building shaking not far away.

He subconsciously wanted to rush over to help, but then he realized that only in the state of the stone man could he bear the terrifying weight of the building.

If he is restored to the appearance of an ordinary person, then it is impossible for him to save people from the collapsed house again.

"It doesn't matter... these things are done without me and others are done without me, and others are done without me..."

Ben whispered to himself while looking at the glass door that reflected his face in the distance.

"Ben, look at you in the mirror, and think about how you mutated before... You don't want to be a monster again, right?" Ben said to himself.

It was too late, and Reed had to enter the hibernation chamber.

"Officer Goofy, I'll set the program first, and you will start the program for us after we enter the dormant cabin!" Reid said.

Goofy nodded: "No problem."

But at this moment, Ben suddenly strode towards his dormant cabin.

"Reed! Count me in! I'm going to restore my powers too!"

"Ugly is ugly! I have to save people!"

"I'm going to hold a collapsed building, I'm going to stop a runaway car, and I'm going to protect the citizens from the explosion with my body!"

"Damn it! Maybe it's vanity, but I just love being a superhero! I just love the look in the eyes of my admiration from the people I saved my life!"

Seeing Ben's final decision, Reed nodded in relief.

"Wise choice, Ben, the four of us can't live without you!"

Goofy smiled at Ben in approval, because Goofy also understood what Ben said.

The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with being recognized by the masses is simply wonderful.

"Officer Goofy, please!"

Reed faced the high flyway before laying down into the dormant pod.

Goofy ran the program after both Reed and Ben had closed the hatches.

The program starts, and the mutations in the four individuals are reactivated.

At the same time, a prompt came from the background of Gao Fei's system.

"Congratulations: The host has completed the mission - helping Reed, Susan, Johnny, and Ben become the Fantastic Four."

"Issue quest rewards - 5,000 worship points!"

The current worship value of the system: 5, 103.

After collecting the same amount of worship value, Goofy can open the treasure chest again.

Seeing that the programs in the four dormant pods are running normally, Goofy doesn't have to stay here, he has to punish Dr. Doom Doom, or this guy will have to turn the whole Manhattan upside down.

Gao Fei walked to the window and jumped directly from the dozens of floors.

In an instant, he seemed to be a meteor in the night sky, swiftly swept toward the ground in the distance.

The employees of the Doom Group saw Gao Fei jumping out of the window and pointed at him excitedly.

"Look! Look! It's Officer Goofy!"

"It's so cool! Jumping down from dozens of floors, you don't even need to take the elevator!"

"Officer Goofy is going to catch the bad guys, right?"

"I didn't expect Officer Goofy to fly!"

"I didn't expect that Officer Goofy could still fly!"

"Take off! Officer Goofy!"

However, the onlookers guessed wrong, and Gao Fei can't fly at all.


Hearing a muffled sound, Gao Fei smashed straight from his head and feet to the ground.

The scene was disgusting...

But a second later, the guy stood up again—he couldn't fly, but he couldn't die.

After arranging his hairstyle, Gao Fei embarrassedly nodded and apologized to the frightened passerby beside him.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry, so I can only go downstairs in such an indecent way..."

"Sorry sorry."

"Sorry for scaring you guys..."

"Excuse me, everyone."

After apologizing, Goofy trotted all the way to the direction of Doctor Doom's escape, and at the same time started whispering to disturb Doom's mind.

"Mr. Doom, stop your crazy behavior, it will only make your sins worse."

"It's too late to repent It's time to turn around."

"Stop in place, face up to your own evil and sin, and look at the damage you have caused. Are you born a devil?"

"Think about your parents, think about your should be ashamed of what you are doing now!"

After speaking in his own voice for a while, Goofy began to imitate Susan Storm's voice.

"Oh, Victor. Oh, my Victor. Why are you like this? You weren't like this when I met you..."

"You were so charming then, so full of justice, but what have you become now? You are a villain!"

"Do you know why I chose Reed instead of you? Because Reed has a more sense of justice than you."

"Look at the way you are now, Victor, hurry up and repent, before it's too late, if you're willing to stop all this, I'm willing to accept your proposal!"

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