Although Carrie has tasted some good things on Earth before - such as Professor Connors' bomb, Samuel Stern's replica of the Hulk's blood, Wilson Fisk's Green Goblin reagent... but these things are not enough Delicious enough to make Carrie give up other foods.

But the energy in Ebony Throat did just that, and after Carrie devoured the energy in him, she lost interest in other foods!

This can be really tricky.

"Dad, Dad, am I being a little self-willed? Everyone says that picky eaters are not good kids..." Carrie asked timidly, seeing that Goofy didn't speak for a long time.

"Um..." Goofy didn't know how to answer this question, after all, a situation like Carrie could not be summed up as a simple picky eater.

"Then are you hungry now?" Gao Fei asked in a low voice.

"Hungry... Of course I'm hungry." Carrie glanced at her belly in despair, and whispered, "I've been hungry for a day, I haven't eaten much of school lunch, but since I ate that monster with no nose After the black hand, I can't eat anything else..."

Having said that, Carrie tentatively asked in a low voice, "Father Goofy, didn't you put that alien in prison? Or would you quietly take me over to eat another **** hand?"

Gao Fei shook his head helplessly: "Carrie, that monster's **** hand is a kind of energy, which he obtained through a spell to establish a contract with the ancient **** of another plane. The last time you swallowed too hard, the ancient **** dared not dare. I have established a contract with him, which means that he will not be able to become a **** hand again in a short time..."


Carrie couldn't hide her disappointment, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

"I can't eat the **** hand anymore?"

"Yeah..." Gao Fei rubbed Carrie's head helplessly, "so you have to try to accept our ordinary food again. Food like Big Black Hand will definitely not be common..."

Hearing this explanation, although Carrie was disappointed, she also understood that Dad Goofy had no other choice, and she had no other choice.

Fortunately, Carrie was a sensible enough child to know how to control her appetite.

"Okay, Dad Goofy, then I'll be hungry for a few days... When I'm hungry enough, I won't be picky eaters, right?"

Seeing the little girl so sensible, Gao Fei felt very uncomfortable. Seeing Carrie panicking with hunger, Gao Fei was very anxious.

No, I have to find some late-night snack pads for my daughter.

Don't let your child be so hungry all the time!

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Fei suddenly had an idea. He sent Auntie Wang home first, and then made two phone calls.

The night is dark and windy, how can I fall asleep without doing anything?


late at night.

Ravencraft Asylum.

The hallway was silent except for the surveillance camera in the corner of the ceiling flashing scarlet light.

'Black Widow' Natasha Romanoff, huddled in the corner of the confinement unit, found that the damned metal siding couldn't get hot, even though as an agent she had dozens of times a year The experience of being detained, but there is no doubt that this detention is the most uncomfortable one for her.

"Damn, I have to talk to Fury after I go out, I will never come to New York for a mission again, never..."

"As long as Goofy, this nosy guy, is in New York, I'll never come back..."

"And this stupid "Superpower Registration Act", I don't know the so-called superpower patrol..."

"Actually treat me as a destabilizing factor? Hmph..."

The depressed Natasha's mind was surging, and at the same time, she was watching the situation in the prison vigilantly. The ebony throat that was caught a few days ago was detained in the incarceration unit diagonally opposite, but because the unit of ebony throat was set up Mute so Natasha can't hear anything from the guy.

At the end of the corridor in the distance, you can vaguely see the patrolling guards. They are all test subjects who have been injected with the Green Goblin reagent. Now these poor people have found jobs with the help of Goofy. For this reason, they are still loyal enough to Goofy. .

The night was getting darker, and the asylum became colder and colder. Natasha knew that it was impossible for her to escape from the prison built by Shen Gunde without outside help, so she simply sat against the wall and closed her eyes.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a figure appeared at the entrance of the corridor.

It was Johnny in casual clothes, and this guy slipped out of Natasha's prison cell leisurely with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey Natasha, how was your first night in your new home?"

Johnny asked with a smile.

Natasha's expression was cold: "Boy, aren't you here to laugh at me?"

"Of course not." Johnny smiled wickedly and kept looking at Natasha's graceful figure, "I'm afraid you'll be too busy in the confinement unit alone, so I'm here to chat with you."

Natasha glanced around vigilantly, and then probed in a low voice: "Aren't you afraid that Officer Goofy will trouble you?"

"What can he trouble me for? I'm not going to let you out. Besides, you won't escape, right? The director of your S.H.I.E.L.D. sent you to prison himself. If you escape, that The black bald chief can't spare you, right?" Johnny said with a smile.

Natasha nodded and said yes on the surface, but she sneered in her heart.

Nick Fury himself is not a role model for abiding by the law, and he wants Natasha to escape and go back to work for him.

Thinking of this, Natasha's attitude gradually became active.

"So... you're here to chat with me?"

Johnny nodded with a wicked smile: "Of course, I think the two of us are pretty good friends. We had a good chat in the car, what do you think?"

"Of course it's good," Natasha said with a smile. "I think we're a kind of person who hates following the rules..."

"Yes, what I hate the most is all kinds of rules and regulations. It's so annoying." Johnny said with approval, "I like life without restrictions."

"Me too." Natasha smiled charmingly, "By the way, I appreciate your powers, you're covered in fire, right? It's so handsome, it's much better than our powers that only increase physical fitness... I I think you are the strongest in the Super Patrol, right?"

"This..." Johnny was a little embarrassed, coughed and nodded, "Let's put it this way, in fact, Officer Goofy is not weak, but of course I am stronger."

Natasha smiled lightly and asked again, "By the way, can every part of your body burn? Or can it only burn together..."

"Of course, every part can burn!" Johnny said proudly, "I have now mastered this skill freely. I can burn wherever I want. If you don't believe me, see."

With that said, Johnny stretched out his hand - the five fingers of his right hand ignited one after another, and the effect was extremely cool.

"Cool..." Natasha praised with a smile, and then whispered with her cheeks flushed, "Then... can it burn there?"

"Where?" Johnny was startled and asked subconsciously.

"There." Natasha's eyes were charming and her voice was soft.

Johnny realized it instantly, and then said with a wicked smile: "What? Do you want to see it?"

"Of course I thought about it... Come on, give me an eye-opener." Natasha said mischievously.

Johnny was very embarrassed: "Here? Not here... There is surveillance here, I don't want to become a joke in the whole madhouse tomorrow... And with a high-flying style, this guy will definitely send this video to my sister..."

"Then go to a place without surveillance." Natasha said eagerly, "Go to the bathroom? Don't I have the opportunity to go to the bathroom three times a day... Come on, Officer Johnny, take me to the bathroom, okay?"

Johnny took a deep breath, with a startled expression on his face.

"Really? Are you sure you want to do this?"

Natasha smiled and nodded: "Of course, prison is so boring, you have to have some fun for yourself. Officer Johnny, shouldn't you dare?"

"Don't dare?" Johnny snorted coldly, "There's no dare in my dictionary!"

As he said that, he entered the code in the prison cell and put a pair of handcuffs on the door for Natasha to put on.

"Let's Natasha, you can't play tricks, right?"

"Of course not... Officer Johnny." Natasha said with a smile, "Let's just go to the bathroom and do some activities, and come back right after the activity."

"Hey hey hey..." Johnny laughed, leading Natasha to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, as a figure swept through the dark corridor, Johnny's roar suddenly resounded throughout Ravencraft Prison: "Block all exits! Prisoner Natasha Romanov has escaped!"

"Close the entire insane asylum immediately! Report to me immediately if you see any suspicious person!!"

"Damn it! Who will bring me a suit first? I'm in the bathroom in aisle three!"

"Cough cough! It's in the women's bathroom, don't send it wrong!!"

. vertex

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