American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 293: absorb people

Steve didn't understand Goofy's optimism at all, how could there be a 30% chance of beating him?

How is this 30% calculated?

"Goofy, what are your thoughts?" Steve asked in a low voice.

Gao Fei didn't have time to communicate with him, he just did it without saying a word!

Although the "absorber" Karl Creel can change his own material, his strength is not too great. Goofy remembers that Creel's strength and agility are related to his own material, and the power brought by vibration gold and agility improvements are limited.

In terms of strength and agility, Goofy completed a double crush on Creel, easily overturning him to the ground.

Riding on Creel, Gao Fei directly punched, and he punched as fast as lightning, and every punch hit Creel in the face.

"Show your skills! Show your skills! Show your skills! Show your skills..."

Gao Fei babbled while punching, he couldn't believe that he couldn't get 30% of his punches.

Although Krill, who fell to the ground, was being ravaged by Gao Fei, he did not have the slightest expression of pain on his face. Instead, the guy was very leisurely and said mockingly, "Officer Gao Fei, I know you are a powerful power user, But please, please use your brain, it is impossible to hurt me with your flesh and blood, the material I just absorbed is obviously indestructible, so don't waste your efforts..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei successfully triggered the skill.


A muffled sound that was clearly different from the previous punches came, and Karl Creel threw himself on the spot.

"It's done." Goofy patted his butt, stood up, and said to Steve with a smile.

And Krill, who absorbed the vibranium, gradually changed back to a normal person after syncope, and he couldn't use his abilities while he was syncope.

Steve was dumbfounded and stared at Gao Fei blankly.

"What happened just now? You actually knocked out the strengthening person of the Zhenjin structure?"

Gao Fei didn't take it seriously: "It's nothing, there's nothing difficult in the world, I'm just afraid of people who have a heart."

"What the hell?!" Steve said with a black line, "Did you quietly use some kind of black technology?"

With the level of punches that Goo Fei had just now, it would be difficult to stun the Green Goblin, right? Why did one punch kill the Zhenjin man?

"Uh... that's right." Gao Fei smiled mysteriously, "Anyway, the suspect is finally caught."


It wasn't until Krill was locked in Ravencraft Asylum that the guy gradually woke up. Goofy's punch was too heavy for Krill to endure.

After waking up, Krill looked up and saw Gao Fei standing opposite him, but it was a pity that one of them was in the prison and the other was outside.

"You're finally awake, Mr. Krill, you can really sleep." Goofy smiled, "I've been standing here waiting for you for more than half an hour, and my legs are almost unconscious."

"This is impossible!!" Karl Creel couldn't believe all this at all, he had become so hard, why was he still pushed by Goofy?

There's something wrong with this script!

There is a big problem!

"How did you knock me out? I was indestructible back then, I was invincible back then!"

"Don't be so confident, Mr. Krill." Gao Fei shook his head, "No one is invincible, you will always meet someone stronger than you... And I happen to be someone stronger than you."


Creel was speechless, he knew Goofy was telling the truth.

No matter what tactics Goofy used, he still won.

Goofy smiled and continued: "Mr. Creel, let's talk about your situation next - you are now suspected of violating the Superpower Registration Act and committing robbery, considering that you used your superpowers to commit crimes , the two counts combined, you will face up to 25 years in prison..."

Krill's face twitched visibly when he heard 25 years.

He didn't want to be in prison for so long, and he was held in the terrifying Ravencraft Asylum.

Goofy saw the horror in his heart and continued: "But Mr. Creel, if you admit your mistake and have a good attitude, I think it will help you."

"How do you want me to admit I'm wrong?"

Claire was a smart guy and immediately became cooperative.

"It's very simple, tell me how you mutated, how did you change from an ordinary boxer to an absorbing person?" Gao Fei asked bluntly.

And Karl Creel didn't hide it. In fact, there was nothing to hide about this experience. He took a deep breath and immediately started his story.

"More than two months ago, I met a very strange man. The man spoke very contrivedly. The whole person gave me the feeling of being specially dressed. What's even more funny is that he actually claimed to be a god..."

"This man who claimed to be God said he could change me, make me possess supernatural powers, and make me a creature higher than human beings..."

"He wants to do experiments on me, but on the condition that I work for him, but I say no, it's not impossible for me to work for him, or become his experiment, but the condition is money..."

"He laughed at the time and said that I was really short-sighted. He also said that money is the most useless thing. Only mediocre people like money..."

"I said I'm a mediocre person, I just like money, as long as you give me money, you can do experiments with me. In the future, if you give enough money, I can do anything for you, as long as you give enough money, I can do anything. can do..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei couldn't help laughing, this big brother Krill is a real person.

Then Krill continued:

"The weirdo who claimed to be a **** gave me two million after half an hour. I don't know where he got the two million. The two million are cash, and my eyes were straight..."

"Then he experimented with me and transformed me, so I acquired the ability to absorb any substance I came across and turn my cells into this substance."

Gao Fei listened quietly, nodding his head from time to time.

"So a man calling himself a **** transformed you?"

"Yes." Krill replied earnestly.

Goofy smiled, then pointed to the incarceration unit diagonally across from Krill: "Look there."

He snapped his fingers, and the isolation cover used to block the line of sight of the confinement unit on the opposite side was slowly raised - Loki, who was imprisoned inside, showed his figure, and this guy was sitting in a collapsed place.

"This is the one who transformed you?" Goofy asked.

"It's him! It's him!" Krill nodded quickly, "He transformed me! He is the god!"

"He's a **** of shit..." Gao Fei shook his head, "He's just like you, just a criminal."

Having said that, Goofy turned and walked towards Loki.

Raising his hand to unmute the incarceration Loki has not seen a living person for two months, and he is very excited when he sees Goofy.

"Gao Fei, you've finally come to see me! Did Asgard put pressure on you? Let you let go? I knew this day would come! You can't keep me! A mere mortal wants to be imprisoned. God? Stop kidding! Let me out! Goofy, let me out!"

Loki asked hoarsely.

Gao Fei smiled lightly.

"No, Loki, you guessed wrong. I'm just here to let you know that you've been imprisoned here with one more charge—unlawful human experimentation. Of course, considering you're serving a life sentence, one more charge is also It doesn't matter. Goodbye."

After that, Goofy turned on the mute again, and then slowly closed the isolation cover of the Loki prison unit.

Loki was hammering the glass wall in pain, shouting "don't go" in his mouth.

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