American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 299: Snake Shield

Goofy's explanation immediately caused a stir in the conference room, and several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were very dismissive of his opinion.

Hawkeye shook his head firmly and said, "SHIELD is a fairly safe organization. All agents will be subject to strict inspections and lie detectors on a regular basis, and no enemy will infiltrate."

Black Widow also nodded and said, "That's right. In addition, S.H.I.E.L.D. pays close attention to agents, and there has never been an agent defection. I don't think the people who killed these agents came from S.H.I.E.L.D."

Goofy didn't argue with them, but looked at Director Hill and asked, "Hill, can anyone else hear our discussion now?"

Having said that, Gao Fei pointed to the surveillance cameras around the conference room.

Hill shook his head. "I didn't turn on the surveillance cameras, so our conversation was top secret."

Natasha was more decisive, picking up the gun and firing four shots at the four corners.

Bang bang bang!

The surveillance cameras at the four corners were all physically destroyed, so even if someone hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. system, there was no way to monitor anything.

"You can rest easy now, Officer Goofy."

Natasha smiled charmingly at Gao Fei, and slowly put the gun on the table.

Hawkeye beside her pouted depressedly—these four shots fired in a valiant manner, but in a closed environment like the conference room, the echoes of the guns were so loud that people’s eardrums would burst.

You can't sacrifice eardrums just to pretend! Natasha!

Seeing that the monitoring equipment was dismantled, Gao Fei was relieved.

The three people in the conference room on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side can be trusted, but other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are hard to say.

"My inference is not a baseless guess. In fact, my partner Steve always felt that the torture methods used by the murderers in the two murders were familiar." Goofy said.

As soon as he heard this, Steve immediately lifted his spirits.

"Yes, this torture method is very similar to an evil organization during World War II - Hydra." Steve said solemnly.


Hearing this name, Hill, Natasha, and Hawkeye looked at each other in dismay, and then shook their heads at the same time.

"They're history, and they're gone after the war," Hill said. "Our predecessor S.H.I.E.L.D., the SSR (Strategic Science Corps) led by Agent Paige Carter, wiped out all nine heads. Snake's henchmen and arrested them, so the Hydra is gone."

When it came to Peggy Carter, Hill also gave Steve a special glance, and it was obvious that everyone knew the romantic love story of Captain America and Agent Carter.

Steve was a little embarrassed, reached out his hand and scratched his forehead unconsciously.

"Cough, maybe it's my illusion. Hydra committed unforgivable sins during the war years. I don't think governments can allow them to resurface..." Steve said.

Goofy smiled and then asked, "Director Hill, let me ask a question first - how many Hydra henchmen did Agent Paige Carter and her Strategic Science Corps arrest after the war ended? "

Maria Hill immediately turned on the computer to inquire about the information, and then gave a detailed number.

"After the end of World War II, the Strategic Science Corps arrested a total of 17,000 Hydra members, including 900 core members..." Hill quickly found the answer and shared the number.

Goofy continued to ask: "The predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., how big was Peggy Carter's Strategic Science Corps at the time?"

Hill continued to read the materials, and then gave the answer: "The Strategic Science Corps had a total of 5,300 members at that time."

Gao Fei said, "What happened to Hydra's henchmen after they were captured? Are they executed?"

"Of course not." Hill shook his head and said, "At that time, Germany had collapsed, and the Hydra was completely destroyed. These Hydra members lost their support, and most of them chose to surrender. Only a few sinful leaders were sentenced to death..."

"Considering that many of these people are high-tech scientific researchers, the United States and other countries have accepted some of the surrenderers, and the Strategic Science Corps has imprisoned the rest..."

Hawkeye seemed to be familiar with this history, and immediately said: "It was 'Operation Paperclip' - at that time the CIA absorbed a large number of outstanding scientists who surrendered to Germany, and agreed that they would serve the United States. Later, with the help of these scientists, the United States To be at the forefront of the world in spaceflight…”

(Actually, the real "Operation Paperclip" was even more ill. The CIA used the loopholes in the US immigration regulations to extradite war criminals and forged new identities for them because they coveted the science and technology of NAZI scientists.

In this way, these vicious war criminals not only avoided legal sanctions, but even became the upper-class elites of American society. )

Steve heard a cold sweat: "That is to say, most of Hydra's scientists did not follow Hydra to destroy, but came to the United States after whitewashing their identities?"

"That's right." Gao Fei nodded, "So it's not the Hydra itself that is destroyed, it's just a shell of the Hydra, the real core members have not been eradicated, but changed their identities and continued to live in this place. World."

"Operation Paperclip has protected a large number of Hydra scientists, who have successfully penetrated into the United States. These people have not only become prosperous in the United States with their professional skills, but some have even successfully washed white and become various Leaders in the field..."

"And the group of Hydra members detained by SSR, the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., should not be ignored. Don't forget that at that time, the number of Hydra prisoners was three times that of SSR, and SSR was detaining three times its own enemies, plus nine The captives of the head snake are all eloquent and demagogic speakers... Can you guarantee that they did not take the opportunity to turn against the SSR? The SSR has not encountered the infiltration of these people?"

When Goofy's words came to this point, the expressions of Hill, Hawkeye and Natasha were already very ugly.

Even Steve was pale and sweating.

"So the Hydra has not been destroyed? They are still active by our side?" Hill asked in a low Gao Fei spread his hands: "This is just an inference of mine, of course I have not Substantial evidence, these inferences of mine are only based on the interpretation of these two murders. Only in this way can the murderer be able to accurately find the SHIELD agents who have gone into hiding, and use Hydra's unique means to torture and extract confessions The two facts of the victim."

Chief Hill took a deep breath and asked in a low voice, "Officer Goofy, if your inference is correct, then the Hydra has not perished since the end of World War II, and even infiltrated through Operation Paperclip. America…”

"More pessimistically, in the evolution of SSR to S.H.I.E.L.D. after the war, the manipulation of Hydra is indispensable!"

"So can we come to the conclusion that at the beginning, the reason why SSR evolved to S.H.I.E.L.D. was under the control of Hydra."

"In other words, there is no S.H.I.E.L.D. at all. The new organization born after the reorganization of the SSR should not be called S.H.I.E.L.D., but should be called - Hydra?!"

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