American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 308: training shock girl

After stretching, Gao Fei started to contact the super patrol team. Carrie should be in school now, so Gao Fei will not be able to communicate with her until after school in the afternoon.

Still choose to use Skype video communication, which is simpler and faster.

Goofy quickly got in touch with the Manhattan office, and on the other side of the camera was a confused Steve Rogers.

On the one hand, the old man is not very proficient in such a difficult thing as video communication, and on the other hand, he can't understand why Gao Fei didn't come to work today.

"Hey Goofy, where have you been? Why can't I reach you today?" Steve asked.

"Well... the situation is very complicated, and I can't explain it in a few words. In short, I have discovered an emergency that is enough to cause panic all over the world. Now I am dealing with this incident." Goofy said, "I will be in New York within three or two days. I may not be able to go back, so I can only ask you to help me keep an eye on it..."

Steve nodded boldly: "That's fine, but how is the situation on your side? Do you need my support?"

"No need for now, I can handle this, Reed and Tony are by my side, they are helping me." Goofy said.

"That's fine..." Steve breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he could ask the situation again, another voice came from outside the camera.

"Is it the boss? Steve, where did the boss go? He dares to skip work. Isn't he afraid that we will work together?"

The voice was Johnny, a well-known kid in the Super Patrol. Goofy was not surprised by his complaints, and greeted him with a smile: "Hi, Johnny."

Immediately after, a large face came into the camera, squeezing out two-thirds of Steve Rogers' face.

"Hello, boss!"

Johnny winked and greeted with a smile, while the chicken thief looked at the environment on Goofy's side.

"Let me see where you've run off to?"

Johnny's observation skills are very keen. He quickly saw the environment of the island through the floor-to-ceiling glass behind Gao Fei - no way, who made Gao Fei's room a 360° surrounded invincible sea view room, no matter how hidden the camera is, it will inevitably be exposed. surroundings.

"Damn it?! This is an island? Boss, you are not funny! You actually went to the island for a tour behind our backs?"

Johnny said jealously.

When Steve heard this, his mentality exploded.

"What? Goofy went to the island to travel?"

Steve forcibly squeezed back into the camera and looked at it carefully.

"Really, Goofy, didn't you say that you are on a mission to protect the world with Tony and Reed? Why did you travel to the island? You shouldn't be lying to me, right?"

"Of course not... When have I ever lied to you, Steve." Goofy said with a smile, but the words never sounded so believable.

At this moment, Skye, who had finished investigating Goofy's profile, ran back.

"My God, you are the hero of New York?! You are the first superhero in New York, the first fortified police officer, you saved Brooklyn, saved Manhattan, saved the Queen... You are the superhero Goofy?! "

The shock girl Skye suddenly turned into a fan girl and screamed excitedly.

"I actually met a superhero!"

"New York's first superhero!!"

Gao Fei was a little shy, and smiled lightly: "You have won the prize."

On the other side of the video, Johnny and Steve heard Skye's screams and became suspicious again.

Johnny frowned and found that things were not easy!

"Why is there a young girl's voice? She screams so excitedly? It doesn't sound like a serious girl, boss, what are you doing on the island?"

Steve also began to doubt Goofy: "Goofy, why does it sound... Your life is very nourishing now?"

Gao Fei was speechless: "I didn't!"

Johnny didn't believe it at all: "You said you didn't! I know, boss, you must have gone to the island to have a good time! Well, we are working hard in Manhattan, but you are a chic island young model! You are really not enough. mean!"

Steve also began to have small emotions.

"Goofy, you are so bad."

Goofy was really helpless and had to pull Skye in front of the camera.

"Come on, let's show you the so-called tender models!"

Skye looked repulsive: "What the hell? How can I become a young model."

As a result, Steve and Johnny took a look, good guy! What happened to this girl? Why is your nose blue and your face swollen?

Although it can be vaguely seen that she is quite beautiful, this state is also a bit too miserable.

Gao Fei coughed: "cough, see? This is what you call a tender model! She is not a tender model at all, just a girl who was unfortunately kidnapped by the bad guys... I rescued her from the bad guys. Take it with you."

"So that's it..." Steve and Johnny finally began to believe in Goofy.

Johnny said indignantly: "This bad guy is too cruel to beat up a girl who looks like a flower like a jade like this! What kind of vicious bad guy would do this?"

Steve also nodded and said, "Yeah, to actually do something to a girl, now the bad guys really have no bottom line!"

Skye laughed when he heard it, and laughed so hard that he kept echoing: "That's it! This bad guy is so shameless!"

Gao Fei's face darkened, he coughed and said to his two colleagues, "Keep an eye on the job in New York for me, don't make trouble, that's it, let's go!"

After he finished speaking, he turned off the video communication and threw the phone on the bed angrily.

What bad guy?

Are you saying that I'm a bad guy?

Lao Tzu is a superhero who saves the world!


After adjusting his mind, Goofy looked at Skye who was sitting beside the bed and snickered.

"Have you laughed enough? Let's get down to business now!"

"Huh?" Skye looked at Gao Fei in confusion, "What's the serious business?"

"A serious matter of coming to the do you think I brought you to the island?" Goofy said.

"Why?" Skye pondered for a while, "Isn't it because your usual police work is too stressful, so come to the island to relax?"

"Of course not..." Gao Fei looked gloomy, why do you all think of me as a slob who can only be lazy?

"It's like this, you are very dangerous after awakening your ability, because you can't control your ability, and your ability is too powerful, the shock wave can easily create a magnitude 8 earthquake, so I'll take you with me Going to this uninhabited island, I have to tune you to learn to control abilities." Goofy explained patiently.

"So..." Skye suddenly realized, "Thank you for taking care of me, I thought you just wanted to travel."

"Travel..." Gao Fei was speechless, "I'm not in the mood to travel..."

After speaking, he pointed out the window and said, "Let's go, now go out and try your ability. You haven't used the ability since you woke up. It's time to trigger it again."

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