Goofy opened his mouth to question Black Bolt, but Black Bolt was silent.

The behavior of the Atlan Inhumans is tantamount to repaying kindness with resentment.

In the end, Jiaying was the first to speak.

"Gao Fei, don't pretend to be a good person. If you hadn't stole the Terrigan belonging to our Inhumans first, how could we have come to you?"

"As for your care for the Atlan Inhumans royal family, I'm afraid it's because you are guilty of being a thief, right?"

Gao Fei smiled coldly, his eyes fixed on Jia Ying.

"I'm talking to Black Bolt, do you have the right to interrupt?"

"You..." Jia Ying was at a loss for words, but not to be outdone, "Black Bolt didn't answer you, and I answered you the same."

"Cough cough!" Unexpectedly, Medusa coughed majestically at this time, sternly rejecting Jiaying, "The king of Atlan never likes others to speak for him, Jiaying, you have said enough, you should be quiet for a while. already."

Jiaying was startled when she heard the words, her expression changed and changed, although she was very unhappy, she did not dare to refute.

She still has to rely on Atlan's aliens to deal with Goofy, but she can't turn against her allies first.

"Sorry, I was rude..." Jiaying bowed her head and apologized.

At this time, Black Bolt looked at Gao Fei and nodded lightly.

Medusa immediately translated for him: "Black Bolt expresses his apologies to you..."

Gao Fei also nodded.

After Black Bolt, he gestured gracefully, and Medusa translated everything he said for him.

"Officer Goofy, I know you have helped us, you are the benefactor of our Atlan royal family, but you should know that Atlan's Inhumans are in a huge disaster..."

"This disaster is not only about the life and death of Atlan, it will even affect the earth..."

"As the king of Atlan, I must take on the responsibility of saving the clan, but with my current strength, it is simply not enough to reverse all this..."

"The Terrigan in your hands may be our only hope..."

"I know that as a person who has been helped by you, I should not repay my kindness with resentment. After getting your favor, I will come to cause you trouble and take away what you have in your hands; but as the king of Atlan, as the inhuman race Boss, this is what I have to do..."

"Terrigan is the property of the Inhumans, there is no doubt about this, so in any case, I have to come and take back what belongs to the Inhumans. This is the dignity of a king and the dignity of the Inhumans..."

"Officer Goofy, as much as I'm sorry, I have to get Terrigan back."

Black Bolt firmly expressed his opinion.

Goofy and his friends listened to Black Bolt's statement quietly, and they all understood Black Bolt's position.

He was indeed coming for Terrigan, and he would never give up until he got his hands on it.

But out of morality, Black Bolt didn't make a sneak attack or a surprise attack—he chose to explain the situation to Gao Fei first, and then negotiated amicably, which shows that things are not without room for change.

Goofy nodded, then spoke calmly.

"I understand what you mean, Black Bolt, and I also thank you for not starting a war rashly or using savage means to achieve your goals..."

"I don't deny that Terrigan is the property of the Inhumans. I also know that Terrigen is very important to your Inhumans, but I want to ask, how do you plan to use these Terrigans?"

"Are you going to use it to make more humans mutate into Inhumans and build an army for yourself to recapture Atlan? Then can I understand that you are a forced conscription against your will?"

"There are many human beings with alien blood on the earth, but not all of them want to mutate into aliens. They have their own peaceful and stable lives. They may not want to be involved in wars. Do you want to force them to change their lives? ?"

"In addition, as far as I know, the current batch of Terrigan in my hands has a price to mutate humans - humans with alien blood can indeed mutate through the Terrigan Mist, but humans without Terrigan blood can indeed mutate. After passing through the fog, it will petrify and die..."

"If you use Terrigen carelessly, it will cause a large number of human deaths!"

"Black Bolt, you have the right to take back Terrigan, but I also have the right to refuse to return it. I will not give Terrigan to you until you clarify your purpose for Terrigan."

Gao Fei said firmly.

Black Bolt shook his head and continued to make gestures.

Medusa translated: "We Atlan have mastered a technology that can properly handle Terrigan, causing it to form a mist that will only mutate humans with Inhuman blood into Inhumans. , instead of harming ordinary people without alien blood, please rest assured..."

"As for the purpose of Terrigan, I will indeed use it to awaken the unmutated Inhumans on Earth, but I will not force it, I will ask their opinions in advance..."

"Actually I already have a clear plan, we will look for a natural warrior with Inhuman blood, ask him if he is willing to fight for his people, and if they do, then I will use Terrigan to kill him Transform, so as to create an elite team of aliens for yourself..."

"When the team is completed, I will take them back to Atlan, and then these aliens will live with me in Atlan, and will not return to Earth..."

"Actually, I intend to bring all the aliens on earth to Atlan and let them live in Atlan. After all, the stories of our ancestors tell us that aliens and humans cannot coexist..."

Black Bolt said.

After listening to Black Bolt's narration, Goofy did not rush to respond.

Black Bolt couldn't wait, and insisted: "Please return Terrigan to us."

Gao Fei shook his head: "I'm not alone in this matter, I need to discuss it with my friends."

After that, Goofy turned to look at Tony Stark, Fantastic Four and Steve Rogers, and asked, "Everyone heard about Black Bolt's plan, what do you think?"

Tony Stark shrugged: "This can't be called a plan, it's an idea at most... Forming an Inhuman team, mutating people on Earth into Inhumans, and then taking them to the moon... It's a bit nonsense, I don't agree! "

Susan Storm agreed: "If Black Bolt can really respect the wishes of the aliens, and Terrigan's mutation will not hurt ordinary people, then I don't think his idea is impossible."

Johnny and his sister thought quite the same: "I also think Black Bolt's plan is acceptable - boss, let's look at this issue from a different angle, Terrigan means whether the aliens can awaken their abilities, it is they who learn from ordinary people. The key to become a superpower, and these ordinary people with alien blood are qualified to decide their own destiny, they are qualified to decide whether they continue to be mediocre, or mutate into aliens!"

Johnny's idea was supported by Steve, who nodded and said, "That's right, the aliens on Earth have the right to know their identity, and they have the right to decide their future destiny."

But the "stone man" shook his head in denial: "This way, the world will be in chaos, how can you guarantee that there are no people with ulterior motives who use their alien identity and abilities to do bad things?"

Johnny retorted: "But you can't stifle their right to have powers because of this! Powers are written in their genes, it's their innate talent!"

"Oh, it's this cliché again..." Tony Stark pinched his forehead, "What human rights, what freedom... You only know what to ask for, and you only know how to keep fighting for your own interests, but have you ever thought about it? What are the consequences?"

With that said, Tony looked at Reed: "Hey, Reed, aren't you very smart? What do you think about this?"

Reed, who has always been radical, has been very conservative in this matter.

"I agree with Tony's opinion that the awakening of a large number of aliens is never a good thing for the earth. On the contrary, it may become a disaster that threatens human civilization..."

It's not surprising that Reed said this. The preservation of Terrigan was the unanimous decision of the three Illuminati giants.

"Hey, Reed, I'm so disappointed by what you said." Johnny said reluctantly, "Don't forget how beautiful we are after getting powers! I think more people have the right to enjoy this kind of life."

"But don't forget the people locked up in Ravencraft prison, don't forget the guy who did wrong after he got the ability, and the poor person who couldn't control his ability and regretted it..."

Reed said solemnly,

"If you don't believe me, go ask Dr. Banner, and ask him if he would like to be an ordinary genius scientist all his life, or would he like to be this big guy who can tear his clothes at every turn?"

"That's why he doesn't have a choice! Terrigan has a choice!" Johnny said. "Black Bolt will ask their opinion beforehand."

"Is there a choice for mutation, and a choice for abilities?" Reid retorted, "Can an alien predict his own abilities before he mutates?"

"This..." Johnny was speechless, and Susan followed suit.

At this time, Skye came over and patted Johnny on the shoulder, shook his head and said, "I'm from here, can you tell me my opinion?"

Johnny nodded slightly, and Reed listened carefully.

Skye said: "The process of my mutation was not painful, and the power I obtained made me very satisfied, but after I just mutated, my power almost caused a magnitude 8 earthquake in Puerto Rico..."

"But luckily, I had Officer Goofy by my side, and he managed to stop me and prevent the disaster from happening..."

"Afterwards, Officer Gao Fei took me to an and patiently trained me for a week. In the first two days of this week, I made earthquakes on the island every day..."

"The huts on the island collapsed a lot, and the mountains also collapsed. Fortunately, with the guidance of the high-flying police officer, I limited the damage to a minimum..."

"I can't imagine what the consequences would be if Mr. Stark didn't provide this isolated island, but left me in a densely populated city..."

"I'm fortunate to have always been protected by Officer Goofy, I didn't cause irreparable damage, and even came to New York to become a Superman."

"But I want to ask, there are so many Terrigans here, and there are so many potential Inhumans in the world, but how many high-flying officers do we have? How many Inhumans can be cared for when they mutate? "

"Black Bolt wants to form a team and recapture Atlan, which is doomed that he can't wait too long, he won't slowly cultivate new mutants one by one..."

"At that time, once a large number of foreigners awaken, and if you want to make a temporary remedy, it will be too late for anything..."

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