American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 329: Goofy vs Black Bolt

Open space next to Interstate 95.

The Inhumans and Humans stand in line with each other.

Black Bolt and Goofy stood at the forefront of the two camps, and the war was about to break out.

"Officer Goofy, this battle is about the future of the Inhumans, so I must do my best..." Black Bolt gestured, "And if I do my best, your life may be in danger."

"Life is in danger?" Gao Fei smiled when he heard the words, "This term is too far away for me."

"I'm not joking, Officer Goofy." Black Bolt shook his head and continued to gesture, "I know you are a hero on Earth, and I consider you a friend, and for this reason, I hope you can retreat bravely. , to avoid tragedy."

"You don't need to persuade me any more." Goofy smiled and waved to Black Bolt, "Many stories have happened to me, but none of them have turned into tragedy. Black Bolt, believe me, anyone who has me The stories I'm involved in never end in tragedy because tragedy doesn't fit my style..."

"This duel, too."

Having said that, Gao Fei waved his hand towards the onlookers.

"Stay away, don't get hurt by mistake."

The Inhumans clearly knew the power of Black Bolt's onomatopoeia, and quickly retreated obediently.

The Fantastic Four and Super Patrol are relatively hard-headed and haven't stepped back too far.

Black Bolt frowned and gestured to the Super Patrol—the distance wasn't safe enough, and you had to back off.

Steve led everyone back a distance, keeping parallel with the Inhumans beside him.

So only Goofy and Black Bolt were left in the center of the open space, and the duel between the two finally kicked off.

Without Medusa by his side, Black Bolt lost his translation.

Fortunately, Gao Fei is now familiar with Black Bolt's sign language, and he can understand simple sign language.

Black Bolt's last sign to Goofy was - "I'm going to attack."

After making the gesture, Black Bolt's tightly closed lips gradually opened.

The aliens of Atlan in the distance held their breath in excitement.

The Super Patrol and the Fantastic Four were also nervous, and they all wanted to see how destructive this guy who could kill someone with just one mouth.

"Feel sorry!"

At this moment, a low and magnetic voice came from not far away. It was the first sentence that Black Bolt said on Earth.

As the word "sorry" was uttered, an extremely powerful onomatopoeia roared out.

Booooooom! !

The turf in the open space in front of Black Bolt was directly lifted up, and the soil rolled rocks and weeds into the sky, but these things were smashed into powder when they came into contact with the onomatopoeia, and completely turned into a gray and black mass. The smoke and dust swept over everything, like a mushroom cloud blooming horizontally...

The Inhumans and the Super Patrol thought they had escaped to safety, but they still miscalculated.

At the moment when Black Bolt released the onomatopoeia, Gorgon, Gordon and Steve Rogerston, who were standing slightly forward, were directly overturned to the ground, and were knocked back three or four meters away...

Even Tony Stark, who was standing a little farther, flew out backwards, and Mark's suit turned on the flight balance mode in time to ensure that he didn't fall to the ground like Steve did.

And this is just the beginning, the aftermath of the onomatopoeia is coming in waves after waves.

Susan Storm hurriedly uses her superpowers to fight Black Bolt's fallout, but she fails.

Her control power is completely unable to restrain the impact of the onomatopoeia. It seems that she is using a mantra as a car, and not far away, even Medusa was pushed down by the powerful destructive power of Black Bolt, not to mention the "other shore" Inhumans who have no combat power. The leader Jiaying is gone.

"Damn! This guy is so strong!" Johnny roared, frowning, but his voice immediately disappeared in the aftermath.

Skye gritted his teeth and insisted, nervously looking at the huge horizontal mushroom cloud in front of Black Bolt.

Because Gao Fei was standing in the strongest position of the onomatopoeia, he suffered more than 99% of the damage of this attack. Although Black Bolt did not use his full strength, the strength of this attack was far greater than that of a single person - even if it was strengthened people - the tolerance range.

Gorgon, who was not far away, stood up and said proudly: "See? This is the strength of Black Bolt! The great leader of the Inhumans, the invincible hero!"

However, before he could finish his sentence, Karnak shook his head.

"It's not that easy, Gorgon, the battle has only just begun..."

When Karnak's voice fell, the mushroom cloud in front of Black Bolt gradually dissipated—and at this moment, a burly figure emerged from the mushroom cloud.

Fly high!

Fly unscathed!

He stood in front of Black Bolt as usual, his expression as calm as if he had just taken a hot bath.

It's just embarrassing that the clothes on his body did not have such a strong bearing capacity as him, and were completely destroyed by the bombardment of Black Bolt's onomatopoeia. In the face of such a powerful destructive force, no clothes could survive.

"Damn... I knew I should go to Dr. Banner to borrow some pants to wear..."

Gao Fei scratched his head and said depressedly.

Seeing Gao Fei after the smoke cleared, Black Bolt's expression changed obviously.

Surprised, but not terrified.

Then a smile appeared on his face.

"Great, you can survive under my onomatopoeia, which means that I won't have to sign language when communicating with you in the future..."

Black Bolt said, every time he uttered a word, a violent onomatopoeia was sprayed towards Gao Fei.






The smoke and dust were flying, the space trembled, and the onlookers in the distance were even more unlucky.

Atlan's royal family was almost killed by their own king, and they retreated a full seven or eighty meters. The super patrol team also turned their backs, trying their best not to be hit by Black Bolt's onomatopoeia.

"No, we have to retreat quickly!" Steve Rogers said embarrassedly, "Retreat to the same safe distance as the Inhumans..."

But before anyone else could act, the surrounding space suddenly calmed down.

Black Bolt's onomatopoeia could no longer reach here, and everyone seemed to have suddenly entered a completely enclosed safety zone.

Skye exclaimed, "Carrie!"

Everyone looked at the sound, only to see a little boy standing in front of everyone, raising a small fat hand to block, and Black Bolt's onomatopoeia spread out to both sides in front of her and spread to other places.

"Oh, I was almost blinded by her cute appearance and forgot she was still here." Stark said with a misguided look.

Johnny regretted it too late: "Should we send Carrie to fight just now?"

far away.

Everyone in the Inhumans was attentively watching the shocking battle between Black Bolt and Goofy, only Karnak's eyes fell on the Super Patrol.

"My goodness..."

Everyone heard Karnike's turned around and asked, "What's wrong with Karnike?"

"What happened?"

"Has the situation changed?"

"What did you find?"

Karnike pointed slightly towards Carrie.

"There's... an unknown creature over there."

The Inhumans looked at the crowd, and then saw a little loli who split the aftermath of Black Bolt's onomatopoeia with one hand.

Although it was only the aftermath of the onomatopoeia, splitting with one hand, loli... This is too scary!

"What the **** is she?" Medusa asked in horror, "Is she stronger than Officer Goofy?"

"Of course..." Karnak's voice trembled, "In Goofy, I just couldn't find any weaknesses or flaws... But in this girl... I saw an endless abyss that could devour all life..."

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