American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 333: serial explosions

Goofy got up to wash up and called Reed. After returning to the office, he accepted the application process of the terrorist action prevention department, and contacted Reed to call up the personal files of registered superpowers in New York.

Only when the three departments submit applications together can Gao Fei dispatch the information of registered superpowers in New York.

After careful screening, Gao Fei found out that there are three superpowers in New York who meet the conditions for creating an explosion. These three people are familiar to Gao Fei.

The first is Tom Cooper, a civilian police officer of the Super Patrol. His ability is to sense the flow of energy on the individual and detonate flammable and explosive materials.

But if he wants to create an explosion, he must first arrange explosives on the spot. His ability can only detonate explosives, but cannot generate explosions out of thin air.

Coupled with the fact that he had an alibi at the same time as the crime, he was clearly ruled out as a suspect.

The second superpower still belongs to the super patrol team. He is Skye's partner Johnny Storm. Johnny's body is in a state of burning enough to reach a high temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius. In this case, the energy he releases It is equivalent to a violent explosion.

Like Tom Cooper, however, Johnny still has an alibi, and was not there when the two bombings in New York occurred.

As for the third registered superhuman, there is no doubt that he is the Doctor of Destruction Victor von Doom who was defeated by the Fantastic Four.

Now that he has been sent back to his homeland of Latovonia, he is no longer in the United States, not to mention that Doctor Doom's ability is similar to Tom's ability - he can only detonate explosives, but it is impossible to create a scene out of thin air. explode.

There is no doubt that although the serial explosions in New York were very bizarre and suspected to be the work of superpowers, there were no suspects among the registered superpowers.

After sorting out the information of the three superpowers, Gao Fei packaged the analysis and sent it to the terrorist prevention department. The work on his side has actually been completed, and the remaining tasks are not under his control.

Just as he was about to lie down on the desk to rest for a while, the phone rang again irritably, Gao Fei looked depressed, why are there so many things today?

He grabbed the phone and saw that the call was from Stark.

"Hello?" Gao Fei answered the phone helplessly, "What's the matter?"

"What happened to you last night? Why did you suddenly disappear? I bought a hamburger and no one could find it. I thought you were wiped out by the Black Bolt..." Stark joked.

"Then why didn't you avenge us? Instead, you called me slowly at noon the next day?" Goofy didn't believe Stark's nonsense, and asked **** for tat.

"Ahem..." Stark was pierced by Goofy and quickly changed the subject, "What about those moonmen? You put them in Ravencraft Prison?"

"I'm not so sick, I go to prison when I meet aliens... Although the Inhumans had a conflict with us, but after all, they did not cause actual damage. Black Bolt even tried to avoid the city when he asked me one-on-one. The side roads are not destroyed, and I have no reason to arrest them..."

"Oh, where are they now?" Stark asked.

"Just in my office, waiting for you and Reed to build a teleport machine and return to the moon." Goofy said.

"Then we have to work harder and send them away as soon as possible. If these lunar men don't leave New York, I will feel uneasy for a day..." Tony Stark seemed to distrust them, "Send it away as soon as possible."

Gao Fei also agreed with his idea: "It's true."

At this time, Stark suddenly changed the conversation: "By the way, I have a party the night after tomorrow, come and join."

"What?" Gao Fei hurriedly refused, "I won't go, I'm busy here, there's another series of bombings in New York, and the Terrorism Prevention Department has come to me, and I have to contact them for work..."

Although Tony Stark is busy with other people, he has never delayed hosting a party. He is simply the spokesperson of the party. Goofy seriously doubts that more than half of the parties in the Marvel world are held by him.

And as a close friend of Stark, Goofy gets party invitations several times a month, which he usually turns down because he doesn't like this kind of lifestyle that is neither social nor recreational, although He has been in the Western world for almost two years, but he still retains the traditional Eastern concept.

Usually, Stark's invitations are often shallow, and once Goofy refuses him, he will no longer insist, but this time Stark became very persistent, and he said firmly: "No, you can have this party. do not miss it."

"Oh? Why?" Goofy asked rhetorically, "Give me a reason."

"Because it's Happy's promotion party, you have to give an old friend a face, right?" Stark said with a smile.

"Happy's promotion party?" Gao Fei was quite surprised, "When did Happy get promoted?"

After all, when we met a month ago, Happy was still Stark's driver. He personally went to the airport to pick up Goofy and Skye, and then sent them back home.

"In a few days, it will be a little more than a week." Stark said, "He is now the security minister of Stark Industries, and he can be regarded as a take-off in his career. Come on, Goofy, just give it to Ha. Pip face, you are his big hero, if you show up, Happy will be very happy..."

"Secretary of security? That's the position you wanted to hire me for a year ago?" Goofy asked in surprise.

"Yeah? What's the matter? Are you interested in this position again? Please, but you rejected me at the beginning, so I had no choice but to find Happy to take over the position. You are not going to take Happy's job now. Right?" Stark said with a smile.

"Of course not, I mean... your position has been vacant for a full year? You have such a big heart!"

"No way, too many things have happened in the past year, and I can't take care of the company... If it wasn't for Pepper to stand up for me, I think Stark Industries would have closed down long ago..." Stark sighed with emotion Say.

"You should really thank Pepper, she is a gift from God." Goofy said bluntly.

"Who said it wasn't," Stark admitted with a smile. "How about it? You'll be there on time for Happy's party, right?"

"I will, I can't miss Happy's big day." Goofy said with a smile.

"You're funny enough." Stark complimented, then hung up the phone.

Goofy listened to the blind tone in the phone receiver with a black line on his face, silly × Stark, you should tell me the time and address of the party before hanging up!

He hurriedly texted Stark, and then he started thinking about sending Happy a promotion.

Open the web page and google it: What is the right thing for a friend to get a promotion and a salary increase?

While flipping through the search results, Gao Fei suddenly realized something.

Serial bombings, Happy's promotion to become Stark Industries' Security Minister, Pepper begins to take charge of Stark Industries...

Isn't this the prelude to the plot of "Iron Man 3"!

In "Iron Man 3", Happy (actually Jon Favreau who played milestone figure in the history of Marvel movies) finally stopped serving as director, and his role in the movie There were also more, but poor Happy carried a wave of explosions at close range, almost costing his life.

The thought of poor Happy being blown away makes Gao Fei feel distressed for a while, but such a tragedy cannot be repeated.

"No, the director must be protected..."

Goofy made up his mind and started searching the web: high-quality blast vests.

It's a pity that after searching for a long time, all I found are some shoddy, clumsy and heavy low-quality products. It's a bit of a loss to take this kind of thing out as a gift, and it's not possible for Happy to wear this kind of equipment all the time. Explosion is still very dangerous.

"You have to send some equipment that has a good explosion-proof effect and is not so cumbersome..." Gao Fei pondered, "Where can I find such superior combat equipment?"

Thinking of this, Gao Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. He took out his mobile phone and dug out the number of Maria Hill, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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