American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 349: rogue monster

Peter Parker appeared on "Compound Eye" at 5:30 a.m. the next day, when the "Invisible Woman" Susan Storm was on duty monitoring "Compound Eye".

Spider-Man's energy flow did not disappoint, and his super-strong physique allowed him to reach an amazing level of individual energy flow.

Susan Storm didn't dare to neglect, and urgently contacted Goofy, who was still immersed in sleep. Goofy set a 72-hour alarm after receiving the news, and then waited to see Peter Parker's own performance.

He has 72 hours to confess to Gao Fei, and Gao Fei is always ready to help him with the work of psychological counseling and supernatural guidance.

Of course, if this kid knows the law and breaks the law and does not register for more than 72 hours, then the Black Widow of S.H.I.E.L.D. is his role model, and Ravencraft prison welcomes the first minor to come to reform.

Six and a half hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Peter Parker didn't come to confess, but Harry Osborn called Goofy at noon, and he promised Goofy to keep an eye on Peter.

"Officer Goofy, don't worry, Peter is fine, he's in good health..."

"Not only is he very good, I think his physical condition is a little too good. In the basketball game this morning, he scored 47 points by himself. God, I think he can go directly to the draft in two years..."

"It's really strange to say that I usually cover him when I play basketball. Today, I actually want to hug his thigh. I wonder when he practiced basketball quietly, or he worshipped a master... "

"You don't have to worry about him anyway, Officer Goofy, Peter is doing fine."

Harry said confidently.

Goofy smiled lightly - if Spider-Man gave up being a superhero and entered the NBA, he would definitely be the best player in history, no one (of course, provided that other superheroes don't mess around).

But Goofy still couldn't figure out what Peter Parker's plan was, and why he didn't tell his situation after the mutation.

In fact, Peter Parker had no plans at all - he was just frightened by this sudden mutation. He was muddleheaded at school all morning, and even scoring 47 points in a basketball game didn't leave him any deep impression. impression.

Peter was very scared when he found out that he had mutated signs yesterday. He was afraid that he would also mutate into villains like Green Goblin and Professor Lizard.

But when he woke up today, Peter, who felt that his three views had not changed, and that he had not taken revenge on the social psychology, fell into a state of extreme excitement, because he seemed to be able to become a superhero too.

Since being rescued by Goofy as a child, Peter Parker has determined to be a superhero like Goofy. Before, all he lacked was the ability, and now the ability is finally available.

It's just that I don't know how Aunt May will react when she finds out about this, and whether Aunt May, who has always been conservative, can accept him as a superhero.

After thinking about it, Peter decided to take a trip to Goofy after school.

Officer Goofy is the person he trusts most now, and a pioneering role model for superhumans.

"I want to hear from Officer Goofy..." Peter Parker decided.



Manhattan Super Patrol Office.

It was almost time for get off work, and Goofy sat chatting with Steve and Tom at the workstation.

Just after a few chats, Gao Fei's new phone rang.

Looking down, it was Reed's call.

"Hey, Reed," Goofy asked with a smile, "what's the matter?"

"The compound eye has located a new superpower, you have to pay attention." Reed said solemnly.

"The new superpower? Peter Parker? Susan has already told me, don't worry, I'm following up on this matter." Goofy said.

"No, not Peter Parker, a strange thing..." Reed said.

"Strange things?" Goofy was a little puzzled. In general, Reed respects superpowers. He will never call them "things", but call them like normal people. Today's Reed What kind of medicine did you take wrong, why do you call superpowers "things"?

Without waiting for Goofy to ask again, Reed explained: "Look at the email, I sent you a video."

Goofy nodded, then opened the mailbox.

In the mailbox was a video that Reed had just sent, about an ordinary neighborhood on Long Island.

There is a strange monster running back and forth on the block, and a poor stray dog ​​was swallowed by it as food. This strange monster is similar in size to an elephant, with a big mouth, a blue-gray body, and blue and blue eyes. Obviously not a creature on Earth.

"This is the new superpower?" Goofy asked in shock.

"Uh... To be precise, it should be more appropriate to call superhuman creatures." Reed said.

"How did it end up in New York?" Goofy asked, frowning.

Reed smiled bitterly: "I don't know either. The compound eye suddenly located this guy half an hour ago. There was no sign before, and it suddenly appeared..."

Gao Fei suddenly felt a headache, and took a closer look at the video.

The monster in the video looks ferocious and huge, and looks a bit familiar.

Reed wasn't familiar with this guy, but Goofy knew where it came from.

Jotunheim's ice monster - the poor guy who was beaten by Thor with the Meow Hammer in "Thor 1", and the stupid creature in "Thor 2" that came into the earth because the celestial bodies converged and the nine worlds overlapped.

Gao Fei pinched his fingers, this large pet that was supposed to be raised by the ice giant suddenly came to Earth, is the plot of "Thor 2" started?

This soy sauce monster that should have appeared in the easter egg at the end of "Thor 2" has now become the vanguard of the celestial gathering?

But no matter what the truth is, Gao Fei can't just ignore this monster. Such a behemoth running rampant in the block is very likely to hurt the residents.

"I'll go over now and give me a specific address, Reed." Goofy said.

"No problem." Reed immediately sent the address to Goofy on his mobile phone, and then asked, "Do you need reinforcements? Susan, Ben, and I can both go to support."

"I don't need it for the time being, I'm basically enough with Steve. If it's not enough, I can call Johnny and Skye for support." Goofy said, then waved at Steve, "Let's go, old man, let's go. Go catch a big stray dog."

Steve didn't see the true face of the ice behemoth, and thought it was a stray dog ​​that mutated this time.

"When is it our job to deal with stray animals?" Steve complained while wearing the equipment.

After getting up, he saw the video of the ice monster playing on Goofy's computer screen.

"Is this the stray dog ​​you're talking about?" Steve said with a deceived expression, "please, I'm not as tricky as you, I almost thought that the task at night was really just to catch a stray dog."

"Please!" Gao Fei spread his hands, "How could the task of catching stray dogs be given to our super patrol team?"

The two went out while talking, leaving Manhattan and heading for Long Island.

Just after walking out of the Upper East Side, Goofy's cell phone rang.

It's Peter Parker calling.

"This child, he won't come sooner or later, he has to wait for me when I'm on a mission..." Gao Fei scratched his head helplessly, he knew that Peter was ready to confess.

Confession is often a matter of thought, and Peter Parker wants to confess now, but maybe in a few minutes he'll change his mind.

For a child who had just mutated, desperately needed guidance, and felt insecure inside, the phone call meant a lot.

If Goofy hadn't answered the call, Peter Parker's life might have been completely different.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei quickly pressed the answer button.

"Hi Peter, what's with me?"

"Officer Gao, Gao Fei..." Peter's voice was still a little nervous, "Is it convenient for you now? I have something I want to confess to Convenient, please confess." Gao Fei said with a smile.

"Uh... Actually, I actually wanted to tell you in person, where are you now? Can I find you?" Peter asked tentatively.

"That's good, you don't have to look for me, I'll look for you. You should have just finished school, right? At home or at school?" Gao Fei asked.

Before, Gao Fei robbed the three monsters of the little spider, which seriously slowed down the pace of the little spider's upgrade. It happened that he was quite unhappy. Now the ice giants of Jotunheim suddenly came in, just to let the little spider brush up the experience.

It can also complete the task and help the little spider control the ability in actual combat, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"I'm at school..." Peter said, "Are you coming to see me now?"

"Yes, I'll go look for you now." Goofy said, "Wait, I'll be there in about fifteen minutes."

"Okay, Officer Goofy." Peter Parker took a deep breath and hung up.

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