American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 351: Spider's first mission

Peter Parker just confessed to Gao Fei about his mutation, and a big stone in his heart just fell to the ground. He didn't expect Gao Fei to change the subject and assign him a task.

The simple little spider is simply stupid, so there is no such thing as squeezing child labor, right?

I'm still just a kid!

"What? Officer Goofy, are you actually going to assign me a task?"

"Of course, why, you don't want to be involved?" Goofy said with a smile, "Peter, I remember you always wanted to join the Super Patrol, right? You've mentioned this to me more than once, Now that you have completed the mutation and become a superpower, isn't this one step closer to your dream!"

"That's right..." Peter said nervously, "but it's too fast! I'm not familiar with my abilities, how can I do a mission?"

However, the nervousness in his heart was immediately replaced by the excitement of the mission. Fighting side by side with Goofy and Steve was Peter Parker's dream since he was a child.

"Forget it, who cares! Anyway, my reaction and strength are very strong now, I think I should be able to help you!" Peter said confidently.

Steve smiled when he heard the words: "This kid seems a little overconfident."

"What? Officer Steve, am I a little overconfident? Should I still get some training?" Peter asked timidly, he wasn't actually that confident.

"No, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to deny you, I just don't want you to be overconfident. Appropriate confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is often easy to make mistakes." Steve said in the tone of his predecessors.

"Hey, it doesn't matter, the two officers will protect me later, right?" Peter Parker said innocently.

Steve pouted: "One more piece of advice - never put your hopes on others, you can only rely on yourself."

"Okay, okay..." Peter nodded, remembering this sentence firmly.

At this time, the little spider thought about it and suddenly found a bug.

"Wait, Officer Goofy, you planned to take me on the mission from the beginning, right? But I didn't tell you about my mutation before, how did you know that I was a superpower and wanted to take me on the mission? ?"

Gao Fei praised Little Spider's IQ, gave him a like, and then revealed the answer with a smile: "That's right, Peter, our super patrol team has the technology to monitor all superpowers in New York, and any superpowers that suddenly appear. Those who are capable will be discovered by us at the first time... So, you have not escaped our monitoring."

"That is to say, you already knew that I was mutated, right?" Little Spider looked terrified.

Thanks to him coming to Gao Fei in time to confess, if he doesn't file for more than 72 hours, then he will become a criminal!

Crime is just a thought!

Although the little spider thought about it more and more, Gao Fei didn't care about it.

He is now busy introducing the goal of the first mission to the little spider.

He pulled out the video of the ice monster on his mobile phone and handed it to Peter, saying, "Come on, let's take a look at the large stray dog ​​we are going to catch this time."

"It's just a big stray dog..."

Hearing what Gao Fei said, the little spider was a little disappointed. He thought that the super patrol team must be responsible for some serious case. The enemies were all criminals with high IQ, but it turned out to be a stray dog.

No matter how big a stray dog ​​is, it's just a dog...

As a result, I took a look at the mobile phone, and the little spider's eyes almost popped out.

"Officer Goofy, what do you call this... a big stray dog?!"

If this is a large stray dog, the little spiders will never dare to feed them again.

"I'm afraid it's not an alien monster, right?" said the little spider with a look of horror.

"Uh... your statement is indeed more accurate." Goofy nodded, "Listen, this is an extremely ferocious creature, and its destructive power is amazing. I'll be responsible for attracting its attention in a while, Peter, you and Stie. Let’s join hands and see if we can see from the side…”

Before Goofy could finish speaking, Peter Parker immediately confessed: "Officer Goofy, can I wait for you in the car? I'll cheer you on..."

Peter really regrets getting into this thief's car. Now he just wants to go home and find Aunt May!

Gao Fei coughed and said seriously, "Cough, Peter, don't forget your ideals, don't forget what you said to me before, a man can't back down so easily, you know?"

"I..." Peter Parker wanted to cry without tears, and in his heart os: Can I stop being a man?

Steve smiled and comforted: "Little Peter, be brave, don't forget that you are a superpower now."

After thinking about it, Peter was right. His strength has indeed grown significantly. Today, he scored 47 points in the basketball game in physical education class, causing fans to scream.

With a sigh of relief, Peter nodded: "Okay, Officer Goofy, tell me what you need me to do in a moment!"

Gao Fei applauded happily: "That's right."

But Peter still has a concern: "But Officer Goofy, although I'm not afraid now, I will definitely make Aunt May worry if I do this. If she sees me fighting monsters, she may be scared of a heart attack... "

"Yes, this is a big problem..." Goofy thought for a while, took out a mask from the car and threw it to Peter.

"Wear a mask when you're on a mission, and I'll design a special uniform for you later, how about that?"

"Really?" Peter was overjoyed.

"It's settled." Gao Fei nodded.


Next, Gao Fei arranged tasks, and the three people each had their own division of labor.

But in fact, Goofy mainly took the task on himself and Steve, and Peter Parker only experienced it at close range.

Although every previous version of Peter Parker can eventually grow into Spider-Man, the process of becoming Spider-Man is tortuous, especially in some versions, Spider-Man still has signs of blackening, and even causes disaster to the society.

Goofy wouldn't allow that to happen, he had to get Peter Parker back on track quickly.

And the best way to get on the right track is to give him a taste of what it's like to be a superhero, and let him experience that sense of accomplishment for himself.

Just like Gao Fei himself at the beginning, he continued to act bravely and shine for the society.

This sense of achievement recognized and encouraged by the citizens is addictive, and once addicted, it is difficult to quit.

As long as the little spider gets this addiction, it will be difficult to go astray in the future.

Personal experience is more useful than any preaching, and Gao Fei deeply understands this truth.

And this is also the main purpose of his mission with Little Spider today.

In a blink of an eye, Ford Taurus came to the target block, and the buildings in front of him were already in a mess.

A few injured citizens were lying under a tree not far away, waiting helplessly for an ambulance.

"Prepare for action..."

Gao Fei said in a deep voice.

Before he finished speaking, the little spider suddenly pointed to the window and exclaimed, "Be careful!"

Gao Fei looked back and saw the ice giant roaring and rushing from a garage on the side of the road. The target was the police car where Gao Fei was. This stupid and fierce-looking monster seemed to be able to detect danger. Hostile to Goofy, Steve, and Spider-Man.


Goofy gave an order, and Steve braked immediately.

Goofy opened the car door, unbuckled his seat belt and rushed out.

The skill of the guide template took effect, and Gao Fei's body glowed. He punched the ice behemoth's head heavily, smashing the behemoth's head into the ground.


In an instant, dust splashed, but unfortunately it failed to trigger ko.

Steve and Peter also acted at the same time, and the two flanked the ice behemoth from both sides.

"Peter, I need your line!"

Steve yells to Peter that his silk is the best tool for tying down the ice behemoth.

"Okay, okay!"

Peter repeatedly agreed, and then shot spider silk at Steve.

"come out!"

"Let's go!"


After shooting three times in a row, there is no goods at Steve's face is black: "No, forget it, there are special ropes in the trunk of the car."

However, before the words fell, the spider silk spurted out.


A stream of white spider silk hit Steve's legs, tying his calves together.


Poor Steve didn't expect to be pitted by his teammates, and his legs were unbalanced and fell to the ground.

Peter panicked and quickly apologized sincerely.

"Sorry Officer Steve, I'm so sorry, I... I didn't mean to, this thing is out of my control, I haven't learned to master it..."

"It's okay, be careful next time."

Steve smiled wryly, waved his Zhenjin shield to cut off the spider silk, and then got up and went to the trunk to get the rope. The bells and whistles of the little spider are unreliable...

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