American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 368: Postwar New York (1/4)

Post-disaster New York was in shambles, and Goofy didn't even have time for a meal.

As soon as the chair at Aunt Wang's house was warmed up, the phone rang.

"Boss, an ice monster has been found in Flushing, Queens, please deal with it as soon as possible..."

Johnny, who is still on duty, reports the situation to Gao Fei.

Although the ice giants retreated to Jotunheim under the deterrence of Goofy and others, the ice giants were not so smart. They did not know that Goofy cut off the head of the leader of the ice giants and Johnny killed thousands of them with his own hands. The famous ice giants, not to mention that Carrie ate Jotunheim's artifact, the Ice Box, as a shape ice cream, and they are still running carefree on the streets of New York.

These behemoths have no idea what fear is.

"I'm coming here."

Goofy and Johnny said hello, put down their chopsticks and got up, put on their coats and went to perform the task.

Skye quickly followed.

"Officer Goofy, I'll go with you."

"Let's go, I can't rest now." Gao Fei said, "If you persist for a few more days, the celestial bodies will not last long."

"Understood." Skye nodded, got out of the car and went to Flushing with Goofy. On the way, they encountered a few behemoths. These were ice behemoths that emerged from the intersection of the two worlds.

Handling them isn't difficult, it just takes some effort, and Goofy and Skye work together to get these alien creatures out of the way with ease.

Soon the sun rose as usual, and the snow on the streets of New York began to melt under the sunlight.

The temperature of the city has begun to rise, and the fears of the citizens have been eased, but the news broadcast is still reminding everyone not to relax their vigilance, and the infiltration of aliens into the earth is not over yet.

According to information provided by Reid to government departments, the celestial gathering will continue for three to five days. The relevant departments have not concealed this news from the public and truthfully tell everyone that there will be aliens in New York in the next three to five days. invasion.

Not only New York has an alien invasion, but also Chicago, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, London, Melbourne, Chengdu…

This happens in many big cities around the world.

This is a global panic, a global catastrophe, and according to the reports in the news, New York City is already the best of the bunch in terms of managing the catastrophe.

This also leaves the citizens of New York in a dilemma, not knowing what to do next.

Leave this place in New York and seek refuge elsewhere?

New York's disaster control is very good. It is protected by superheroes such as Goofy and Super Patrol. Even if aliens come, they can stop the alien invasion as soon as possible and protect the safety of citizens.

Judging from yesterday's disaster, New York is indeed the city with the least casualties among all the alien-infiltrated cities, not to mention that New York has the largest population among these cities.

In addition, no one now knows which city the next alien invasion will take place in. If the aliens run from New York to Washington, the next time the aliens do not invade New York, but instead invade Washington, wouldn't it be a fool?

But don't leave New York, stay here, right?

I always feel that New York is not very safe.

Every time there is a disaster, New York bears the brunt - America's first superhuman was born in New York, and the first supervillain was also born in New York. Here, there is a small explosion in three days, and a big explosion in five days. Star Invasion...

This city is poisonous wow!

The citizens were extremely tangled after thinking about it, which led to the fact that the flow of people fleeing New York the next day was not large enough to cause blockages on various interstate highways.

But overall, New York's population is still declining, with a significant portion of New Yorkers choosing to leave the unfortunate city.


At noon, the super patrol team finally cleaned up the ice behemoths wandering in New York City. Reed's "compound eye" sent a message, but no new ice behemoth has been found yet.

Still, Goofy didn't dare to slack off. He took Skye on a patrol, and after a few blocks around, he finally found a fast food restaurant that was still open.

New Yorkers will always show their resilience after a disaster - no matter what happens outside, even if the sky falls, there will always be people who will stick to their jobs.

Last night, the ice giant almost turned New York upside down. A clothing store across the road was hit by a violent ice giant. However, this fast food restaurant is invincible. It is still open for business. Not affected at all.

Gao Fei walked into the store, and the waiter looked up at him.

"Officer Goofy? Welcome!"

There was not much excitement, but there was respect in the words.

"Thank you and your Super Patrol for saving New York, last night was so thrilling."

"It's your duty, you're welcome." Gao Fei nodded to the waiter, then placed the order, "Give me five burgers, two fries, and two Cokes, one of which is sugar-free."

"Okay." The waiter skillfully took down Goofy's request, placed the order quickly, and then asked casually, "By the way, Officer Goofy, will the aliens still come? When I read the news in the morning, it seemed to say that these days There will also be aliens."

"Yes, it will come again." Gao Fei nodded, "so you must be careful, hide in the basement when you hear any bells and whistles, and don't come out."

"Understood." The waiter didn't seem too nervous, and his mentality was very stable.

At this moment, a black Lexus drove to the door, then the car stopped, the door opened, and Maria Hill stepped out of the car with long legs and walked into the fast food restaurant.

"Goofy, I finally found you." Chief Hill nodded towards Goofy, then asked, "How is the situation in New York?"

"It's better than expected, but the casualties are still heavy..." Gao Fei sighed, and then asked, "What about other cities?"

"The speed of the ice giant's invasion is too fast. After receiving your notice, S.H.I.E.L.D. only had time to rescue Los Angeles, Chicago, London, and Chengdu..." Hill shook his head, "We tried to control the situation, and dozens of agents died because of it, but their The sacrifice was worth it, and we saved the lives of hundreds of citizens."

"In addition, the Supreme Master also extended a helping hand to London and established a temporary shelter, which greatly reduced the number of casualties in London."

Gao Fei nodded: "This is the luck of the misfortune."

Hill was not optimistic and said solemnly: "But Gao Fei, you said that the gathering of celestial bodies is not over There will be other alien invasions next, the next alien Bjorn Is Haim's ice giant still strong?"

"I'm afraid yes." Gao Fei reluctantly admitted, "The next aliens have technology far beyond human civilization, their warships can break through all defenses, and their artillery can turn everything into dark matter."

"Then do we have any hope of defeating them?" Hill asked in a low voice.

"Of course there is." Goofy said, "Let's unite the heroes on Earth, and we will still have the strength to fight. Although these aliens are powerful, they are not invincible."

"You mean..."

"The Avengers, it's time for Nick Fury to convict him." Goofy patted Hill on the shoulder, "Wait for me at Ravencraft Prison."

"Okay." Hill nodded lightly and turned to leave the fast food restaurant.

And the waiter standing behind the counter was dumbfounded.

"Re, the Avengers? Is there a new division of the NYPD to be established?"

"No, it's not the NYPD this time, it's a super team formed by superpowers on Earth." Gao Fei explained with a smile, "Don't worry, I think you can see this team on TV soon. news."

"Okay, okay..." The waiter brother nodded vaguely, and handed the packaged fast food to Gao Fei.

"Thank you." Gao Fei took the fast food, turned and walked out the door.

Back in the car, Skye, who was in the co-pilot, was already leaning on the seat and fell asleep. She worked for 36 hours in a row, and her frequent use of abilities made her a little physically exhausted.

Goofy took her coat to cover her, put down the sun visor on the windshield, and leaned on the seat in a comfortable position, picked up the hamburger and nibbled it.

I have to replenish my stamina, and the next battle will only be more exhausting.

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