American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 378: The Strongest Avenger (1/10)

(Yes, you read that right, there are 10 chapters today!)

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Carrie, who transformed into a high-flying man, solved a cosmic crisis with ease.

She floated in mid-air after punching Malekith, and cheers from the Avengers, journalists, and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents echoed in the distance.

At this moment, the whole world is celebrating, celebrating that the earth has escaped catastrophe, and celebrating the continuation of human civilization.

At the same time, all human beings have remembered Gao Fei's sturdy body and resolute face on TV. At this moment, Gao Fei is the hero of the whole world.

At this time, Thor was standing under the dark elf's battleship with a hammer and looked up at "Goofy". Although he failed to avenge Frigga with his own hands, although this left a little regret in his heart, but with his own eyes Thor was content to see that Malekith and his cursed warrior were dead.

"Loki, I think Frigga can rest her eyes now. I was wondering why she was so close to Goofy's little loli, and now I finally understand her plan at that time..." Thor whispered. .

"Yes, brother, our mother is more foresight and stronger than she looks. Her pure and gentle appearance is her greatest disguise. Our mother is a real heroine..." Loki whispered, eyes Tears flashed in his eyes.

"I'll take you to see her when I get back to Asgard," Thor whispered, then put his arm around Loki's shoulder.

However, the palm swiped, and Thor's hand passed through Loki's shoulder.

The Loki in front of him is just a realistic illusion.

The real Loki didn't know where to flee to.


Thor's fist clenched, and Thor's hammer rolled with electric light.

"Don't let me see you again next time, you cunning bastard!"

Carrie in mid-air completed her mission with honor, and stopped enjoying the cheers of others.

Although it was nice to be looked up to, Carrie feared that it would be revealed after a while.

"It's time to go home."

The little girl turned around and flew towards the Kun-style fighter jet and came to Gao Fei's side.

As soon as she entered the cabin, she showed her true face.

"Huh..." The red light on Carrie's body has not yet faded away, this is the reaction left after the etheric particles merged with her.

"Father Goofy, am I good?" Carrie looked up at Goofy with a praising expression.

"You are simply too powerful, you are the strongest avenger!" Goofy smiled and rubbed Carrie's little head, and at the same time wanted to test whether ether particles would repel him.

It turned out not to be - Goofy didn't have any malice towards Carrie, and Carrie completely trusted Goofy. In this case, there would be no repulsion from ether particles, and Goofy was safe.

"Then the next thing is up to you?" Carrie pointed to the Avengers walking outside and said.

"Okay, you go home first." Gao Fei nodded.

Carrie performed teleportation and disappeared in the blink of an eye, while Goofy turned back and told Tom, "Don't talk about this, Carrie wants a peaceful living environment."

"Don't worry, boss, I won't let go of my mouth." Tom quickly swore that he would not dare to betray Goofy and Carrie.

Climbing out of the Kun-style fighter, Goofy and his comrades embraced enthusiastically. In fact, most of the Avengers knew that the "Goofy" in the double star form was actually Carrie. The real Goofy's combat power has not yet reached this inverse. the level of heaven.

However, some people who are not familiar with Gao Fei did not know about it, and Gao Fei did not give any special explanation for this.

As long as the media doesn't know that it was Carrie who stole the job and portrayed Carrie as a hero who saves the world, then everything will be fine.

Thor came first to hug Goofy, and at the same time sincerely thanked: "Goofy, I thank you on behalf of Frigg."

"Don't be so polite, Thor." Goofy patted Thor's shoulder, "Frigga is half of Carrie's teacher, and what Carrie should have done just now."

But speaking of this, Goofy keenly discovered Loki's absence.

"What about your wicked brother?"

"Ah..." When he mentioned Loki Thor, he frowned, "I ran away, and I knew I shouldn't trust him."

Goofy smiled helplessly, this is Loki's style.

"But I don't think he would dare to do anything wrong on Earth in the future, no matter how daring he is." Thor said with a smile, "Carrie's performance just now scared him to death, plus Ravencraft prison. Painful memory, he should never return to Earth again."

"Of course it's the best way." Gao Fei said, "I also wish I wouldn't break the river with him."

"I just don't know if he will go back to Asgard." Thor frowned, "What a troublesome guy, if he dares to appear in Asgard, I promise to take him to prison and put him to death! "

At this time, Tony Stark and the Fantastic Four also came over, with relieved expressions.

"Great, the aliens were finally wiped out. I thought the earth was finished this time." Stone said with lingering fears.

"Look at your cowardice, you really embarrass the Fantastic Four!" Johnny from the Torch looked disgusted, "How could it be possible to end the earth with me?"

"What role did you play just now? Did you kill the cursed warrior or stop the space battleship?" The Stone Man retorted, "I think you're just a big flash, you're nothing but lighting!"

"What did you say?" Johnny immediately brought out his previous achievements. "When the ice giants invaded New York, it was all because of my bravery that they were wiped out! I was the MVP of that battle!!"

"Don't mention the brave man!" The Stone Man sneered, "Your big torch is useful when dealing with those popsicle people in Jotunheim..."

Mr. Fantastic Reed hurriedly stood up to stop this nutritious debate: "Okay, everyone is a hero to save the world today, everyone has made great contributions, stop arguing, the celestial gathering is not over yet, everyone Get your nerves first and stick to the last few hours..."

Gao Fei also nodded and said: "Reed is right, although the dark elves have been eliminated, the celestial gathering still has a few hours to end, and everyone can't relax."

Continuing to assign tasks to the Avengers, Nick Fury invited Goofy to the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier to upload back to New York.

On the way back, Goofy happened to be sitting with Nick Fury and Maria Hill, and everyone started chatting after work.

"So...will you still be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future?" Goofy looked at Nick Fury, "Aren't you considering taking a back seat and becoming Hill's deputy?"

"I'm so happy, but Hill disagrees." Nick Fury pouted.

"The chief is not a good job. I realized this two months ago." Hill spread his hands. "Let Fury continue to be the chief. I don't want to sleep only three hours a day."

"Your own You have the final say." Gao Fei smiled and then asked, "By the way, Hill, about the infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. Did Ray say that?"

"Huh?" Hill was caught off guard and shook his head, "Not yet."

Nick Fury was startled when he heard the words, and one of his big eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

"What? S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by Hydra?"

"I'm afraid yes, Director..." Hill said helplessly, "It was Officer Goofy who discovered this. If it wasn't for Officer Goofy's discovery in time, S.H.I.E.L.D. might have been destroyed..."

Nick Fury only felt dark in front of him, and almost didn't faint on the spot.

No wonder Hill gave up the post of director as soon as he got out of prison.

I was tricked by this woman...

"Mazefak..." Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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