American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 415: Misunderstandings are misunderstandings!

Yondu's Whistle Arrow is the most powerful weapon the raiders have ever seen. It is also called "Yaka Arrow". It is made by Yondu using the special sound-sensitive metal "Yaka" on Planet Centauri IV. from.

When Yaka Arrow follows Yondu's whistle, its fastest speed can reach almost a thousand times the speed of sound, so most creatures in the universe cannot escape the attack of Yaka Arrow.

It's a pity that Gao Fei did it. He easily avoided the Yaka arrow, just like avoiding a piece of rotten wood floating on the water.

Not only that, but he also dodged behind Yondu with lightning speed, and in one fell swoop he removed the controller he used to control the Yaka Arrow—the fin on top of his head.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Gao Fei's combat effectiveness is far above Yongdu, and it is logical that his combat effectiveness is also far higher than that of every predator on the scene.

Although the number of predators in the cabin is large, they are a group of rabble. They saw that since the leader Yondu has been taken care of by Gao Fei, they are even less likely to be the opponents of this powerful earthling.

Therefore, no one dared to stand up to challenge Gao Fei, they just timidly shrank back...

Yongdu was stunned for a moment, and immediately a strong sense of shame and anger surged in his heart.

This earthling in shabby clothes (in Yondu's view) just now managed to dodge his attack with ease, and cut off his fins in front of all his younger brothers?

This guy from the backward planet Earth, with his bare hands, actually defeated the invincible Yaka arrow? !

"This is too much nonsense! I don't believe that I can't beat you!"

With a roar, Yongdu took out his short knife and stabbed Gao Fei.

There is not only one way of attacking him, the Yaka arrow is just his trump card.

As a Marauder, hand-to-hand combat is a compulsory course for them, and Yondu is obviously the one who has learned this course best among many Marauders.

It is a pity that for the centaurs, strength and speed have never been their strong points. At this time, the high-flying fighting ability can already surpass the Asgards, and he does not pay attention to the centaurs at all.

"It seems that you are an indomitable person..." Gao Fei smiled lightly, slapped the short knife in Yongdu's hand with a backhand, and grabbed the other hand lightly, directly grabbing Yongdu's neck.

Let me mention it again, the bravery of a tall man is like a chicken being lifted into the air by Gao Fei, and his legs are constantly kicking, trying to lift it up and kick Gao Fei, but unfortunately Gao Fei activates the desperate situation in the body. The virus scorched Yongdu, causing his neck to blister.


Yongdu roared in pain: "Let me go! Let me go! Or at least stop heating your hands, buddy, your hands are so hot, do you really want to burn me to death?"

Gao Fei smiled: "This is the price you paid for attacking me rashly."

Yongdu bared his teeth in pain: "Fuck! If you hadn't removed my fins first, what would I have attacked you for? How could you sue the wicked first!"

Gao Fei said solemnly: "If you didn't try to attack us with a whistle and arrow, why would I take off your fins? It's obviously your villain who complained first."

"Bah!" Yondu was still stubborn, "If it wasn't for your friend opening his mouth and spraying that kind of strange infrasound to attack us, how could I attack you with Yaka arrows? It's obviously you who picks things up first!"

"Please..." Goofy said with a frown, "You were the one who insulted my friend Medusa first, that beautiful and **** lady, so my other friend, Black Bolt, is also Medusa's husband, I just stood up to show you some color..."

"In addition, the infrasound wave he just released only used less than 10% of the energy. If he releases the infrasound wave with all his strength, then your warship will not be able to withstand it."

At this time, Yongdu was almost strangled by Gao Fei, but he still struggled to retort: ​​"If you guys hadn't invaded my battleship, how could I provoke you? I'm just defending my own territory... "

"But you entered the solar system without saying hello, and seriously threatened the safety of the earth and the moon. In the case of our friendly inquiries, you also used insulting language to provoke us." Gao Fei said in a deep voice, "Since you dare to insult We, we will make you pay!"

"But that's the way our predators speak..." Yondu said innocently, "Our predators are a group of lawless cosmic mercenaries, and our style is domineering, if we use polite language to communicate with other galaxies , then it's no wonder that others don't laugh off their teeth!"

Speaking of which, Yongdu was really out of breath. Although Gao Fei did not continue to activate the Desperate Virus Burning Yongdu, the long-term stranglehold on his neck made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Dude, hey, buddy, don't you really plan to strangle me?" Yongdu looked at Gao Fei with a guilty conscience, and asked with bloodshot eyes, "If you don't plan to strangle me, it's time to let go now. It's...because I'm almost... out of breath..."

Of course, Gao Fei didn't intend to strangle Yongdu directly, otherwise the process of killing chickens and setting an example would be too simple. Now the most important thing is to make Yongdu feel fear and make other cosmic bounty hunters feel the same fear.

So Gao Fei let go of Yondu's hand and put him back in the cabin.

Yondu, who escaped from death, frantically rubbed his neck, gasping for breath.


After breathing for half a minute, Yongdu finally regained his strength. He looked up at Gao Fei, his eyes became much more cautious.

Before, he didn't take this earthling seriously at all. After he dismantled the Yaka arrow, Yongdu was very angry. Now he was almost killed by Gao Fei, and Yongdu's anger towards Gao Fei turned into fear.

He finally began to fear Goofy.

"Damn it, you ruthless earthling, you have to admit that you have some skills..." Yongdu said with lingering fears, "Not only can you dismantle my Yaka arrow, but you can also fight in close quarters..."

Halfway through, Yongdu suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"No, it's not that people on earth can fight like this. I remember that the earth is full of rookies... Really, I mean, I visited the earth more than ten years ago, and the earth gave me the feeling of being poor and backward. , low-level creatures all over the ground, if I wanted to, I could have directly occupied the earth at that time!"

"What did you say you could do?" Before Yondu could finish speaking, Gao Fei narrowed his eyes and stared at him.

Yondu was so frightened that he shivered all over, and quickly shook his head and said, "No, nothing... I'm talking nonsense."

Gao Fei snorted coldly: "Listen, Centaur, I spare your life doesn't mean I don't intend to kill you, I just want to ask you a few questions first, whether I will kill you in the end depends on you Attitude to answer questions."

When Yondu heard this, he quickly took a step back, bent over to pick up the short knife on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Earthman, do you still want to kill me? Do you really think I will let you do whatever you want on my spaceship? Do you really think that just a few of you can kill dozens of us predators?!"

Having said this, Yongdu raised his arms and shouted: "Marauders! This arrogant earthling wants to attack our spaceship, and he wants to kill me! Although he can fight better than us, we are more than others!"

"Many people are powerful, and we predators will never show weakness! Brothers, carry me long guns and short cannons, and show some color to these arrogant earthlings! Blast them back to their poor and backward hometowns!"

After some impassioned words, Goofy and the Inhumans hurriedly prepared to fight against the predators.

After all, the number of predators is indeed more, and if the fire is combined, they will not have an advantage.

However, when Yondu finished his speech, let alone the plunderers carrying long guns and short cannons, this group of cowards did not even dare to take a step forward, and they retreated a few steps...

Everyone is not fools. They have seen Gao Fei's methods just now. They are dodging the whistle and arrows in seconds, and they are fighting bravely... If this is done, will Gao Fei tear them all up one by one?

The predators are a There is no cohesion at all, and everyone is not loyal enough to Yondu, why should they take a small life for his few words?

So the looters fell without a fight, leaving Yondu completely alone.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei smiled helplessly: "Yongdu, it seems that your brothers are not trustworthy."

"Damn..." Yongdu clenched the short knife in his hand, gritted his teeth and looked at Gao Fei.

Gao Fei shrugged: "If you want to fight me to the death, I will do it for you."

Yongdu took a deep breath, threw the short knife in his hand, and then looked at Gao Fei with a flattering smile, showing his big teeth: "Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! I've always regarded Earthlings as friends, and Clarklin can do it. Testify for me!!"

"If you still don't believe me, I can show you a photo of me and the Earthlings! I adopted an Earth child from Earth more than ten years ago, his name is Peter Quill! From Missouri, really, I promise you! I am friendly to the earth!"


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