American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 418: Prison blows up

In the blink of an eye, Goofy was at Ravencraft Prison from Carnasse, Brooklyn, but his head was buzzing as he landed, along with the urge to vomit.

"Damn, it seems that frequent teleportation will really burden my body..."

Gao Fei said sadly.

Since the early hours of this morning, he has experienced five teleportation times. Such frequent teleportation has made him feel like "motion sickness". If it weren't for his extraordinary physique, he might not be able to stand up now.

As an Inhuman who frequently uses teleportation, Gordon knows Goofy's situation well, and he guessed his predicament just by looking at Goofy.

"Officer Goofy, you must have teleported too many times in a short period of time?" Gordon asked.

"Yes, do you have this reaction too?" Goofy asked.

"I will too." Gordon nodded, "Just take a little rest, or drink some water, that's fine, I'll help you..."

Before Gordon could finish speaking, there was a roar in the distance.


Goofy watched as the corner of Ravencraft Prison was blown up, and gunpowder and debris rose into the sky.

"The situation in front of me doesn't seem to allow me to rest..." Gao Fei spread his hands helplessly.

Gordon nodded in agreement. "It seems like… so."

While the two were talking, they saw "Human Torch" Johnny Storm soaring into the sky from the smoke.

"Don't resist, girl, you are not our opponent at all. If it weren't for your strong physique, we would have killed you three times!" Johnny shouted loudly.

Steve Rogers then emerges from the rubble carrying his shield, with Skye, who is slightly injured, behind him.

Steve shouted into the depths of the ruins: "Put down your weapons, we will treat you lightly, senseless resistance will only make your fate worse, ma'am!"

After hearing this, Gao Fei narrowed his eyes and thought.

The prisoner appears to be a woman - Johnny calls her "girl" and Steve calls her "lady".

Who is the woman who will come to the earth to robbery?

Goofy soon got the answer, and saw a heavily armed, semi-mechanized, blue-skinned, bald-headed, tall female alien rushing out of the ruins.

She is one of Thanos' adopted daughters, Gamora's unrelated younger sister - Nebula!

"Damn! What is this crazy woman doing on Earth? Is she going to jail to save her sister? Shouldn't the relationship between the two of them be so good?"

Gao Fei thought to himself.

The current timeline should be before "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1", and at this time, the relationship between Nebula and Gamora should be irreconcilable.

In order to motivate his adopted daughters to make progress, Thanos asked several adopted daughters to perform the same task at the same time each time, and the adopted daughter who completed the task first was rewarded, and the adopted daughter who did not complete the task was punished.

Thanos' punishment was extremely cruel, tearing his adopted daughters apart and completely replacing one of their body parts with a mechanical element.

Every time a mission fails, a part is replaced, and every mission that fails, a part is replaced...

Nebula and Gamora often perform the same task as competitors, and until now, Gamora is still the same Gamora, but Nebula is about to be replaced by a 100% robot...

In other words, in the competition between the two, Nebula basically never won.

Because of this, Nebula blames her sister Gamora for her painful fate, and she believes that Gamora made her the person she is now, not a human, a robot, not a robot.

Therefore, Nebula wanted to kill Gamora to vent his anger.

Just as Goofy was thinking about the relationship between Nebula and Gamora, Nebula shot directly at Steve.

Steve raised the vibranium shield to block Nebula's attack, but the force of the artillery knocked Steve out.

Then Nebula aimed at the prison wall in the distance, raised his hand and fired another shot.


Another wall was directly blasted open, and the trembling jailers hiding inside fled in all directions.

Steve rolled back and stood up again, carrying the vibrating gold shield and shouting in a deep voice: "Stop it, ma'am! We won't let you go to jail, you can't take anyone from Ravencraft prison! "

"Prison?" Nebula smiled coldly and said in a deep voice, "Oh, you idiot, you don't even know what I'm here for!"

Having said that, Nebula dropped the cannon that was out of ammunition in his hand, and took out a strangely shaped alien grenade from his waist.

She waved her arms and threw the alien grenade towards the prison in the distance with amazing force, while shouting: "I'm not here to save people, I'm here to kill people, hahaha!"

"Crazy, she's just crazy..."

Skye shook his head and sighed, at the same time raising his hand and using a shock wave to send Nebula's alien grenade into the sky.

Johnny Storm released an alien grenade that exploded the nebula with flames in mid-air, and he and Skye had a very good understanding.

Goofy suddenly realized that Nebula really came to assassinate Gamora.

Before Gamora was wandering in the universe, it was not easy to assassinate her, but now Gamora was caught by him in Ravencraft Prison, like a beast bound by limbs, trying to assassinate her Gamora, now is the best chance.

But Nebula's actions really made Gao Fei angry.

Assassinate your sister if you kill her. After all, this is your housework, and I don't want to interfere.

But why are you blowing up my prison?

I spent a lot of effort to build this prison bit by bit, this is my lifeblood!

Looking at the devastated Ravencraft Prison in front of him, Goofy is distressed.

His heart is bleeding! Bright red blood!

"Hey! You blue-skinned bald alien girl!" Gao Fei walked through the gunpowder, walked towards Nebula holding an alien weapon, and yelled loudly, "Stop my hand now!"

"Hmph, here comes another nosy earth idiot..." Nebula pouted, completely ignoring Gao Fei.

However, the other Super Patrol officers looked at Nebula with sympathy, because they knew that Nebula was about to die.

Once Goofy makes a move, then there will be no even-handed situation.

He never likes to be sloppy, and it will end everything when he makes a move.

It's a pity that Nebula didn't realize this, she thought Goofy was just a belated ordinary Earth policeman.

She turned around and took out a matching gun from her waist like a conjuration. After shaking it, she aimed the muzzle at Gao Fei, and sneered: "One step further, my mother will..."

Before he could finish speaking, Nebula actually only felt pain in his cheeks.


A loud slap struck, and Nebula flew out sideways.

Boooom! !

Gao Fei came to Nebula at a speed close to the speed of light, and his backhand was a slap in the face. The whole person who was slapped by Nebula was stunned.


Nebula finally realized that he had underestimated the earthling in front of him, struggled to get up, picked up the eyeball and put it back in the socket, and then adjusted the position to make sure it could be used normally.

Looking up at Gao Fei again, she gritted her teeth and said, "You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am? I am Thanos' daughter Xing..."

Halfway through the words, Nebula felt a sharp pain on his face again.


This time she flew straight out in the other direction, slamming her head against the broken wall of the prison.


With a muffled sound, Nebula's skull cracked open, and the blue liquid inside leaked out, filling the ground.

Steve, Johnny, and Skye were all disgusted by the scene in front of them, and quickly turned their heads away.

However, Nebula did not die. This kind of injury would not threaten her life, it would only make her feel severe pain.

"Damn, you bastard..." Nebula cursed as he put his head back on, and wiped off the blue liquid on his face, "Can't you let me finish?"

Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei had already come to her.

"What do you want to say?" Gao Fei asked in a deep voice, staring into Nebula's eyes.

Nebula looked up into Gao Fei's eyes, and her heart trembled at this moment.

It was a pair of wise eyes, eyes that seemed to see through everything.

It's amazing that she can even think of her terrified father from these eyes.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Seeing that Nebula did not speak for a long time, Gao Fei urged impatiently.

"Ah?" Nebula woke up like a dream, and then quickly organized the language, "I want to say..."

As soon as he said a few words, Gao Fei raised his hand and punched.


The all-out punch was successfully triggered, and Nebula fainted on the spot.

"Do you really think I want to hear it?"

Gao Fei sneered and threw the fainted Nebula to the ground.


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