American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 447: Mind Control, Professor X VS Scarlet Witch! (eight/eight)

Hydra's defenses in the woods are quite tight. Similar to the previous fortresses, there are still a dozen or so, but for Goofy, who can reach the speed of light, these fortresses are vulnerable. He only needs to repeat the same routine to complete them all. Lost.

Half an hour later, Gao Fei had led his allies to the castle of Strucker, and they only needed to penetrate a gate, and they could go straight to Strucker's nest.

Goofy turned to Nick Fury and said, "Fury, you'd better keep Agent Coulson and his Quinjet on alert at all times to prevent Baron Strucker from escaping."


Nick Fury took out his communicator and said to Coulson Road, which was parked in the jungle,

"Phil, stay alert at all times, we are about to capture Hydra's castle, beware of Baron Straker escaping at any time!"

Black Widow walked up to Gao Fei and praised in a low voice, "Officer Gao Fei, you are really amazing. You haven't seen each other for two months. You can demolish the bunker with your bare hands..."

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Exceeded the prize."

Before he finished speaking, a young girl in a red trench coat suddenly walked out of the dark place under the castle.

The girl's eyes flashed red, and her long red hair fluttered in the wind.

As if showing her identity, red elements can be seen everywhere on her body.

So with just one glance at her, Goofy recognized her identity.

Scarlet Witch - Wanda Maximoff.

Quicksilver's twin sister.

Another "child" of Magneto Eric Lanschel.

Seeing Wanda walking out of Hydra's castle, Quicksilver hurriedly shouted, "Wanda! Wanda! It's me, Pietro!"

It's a pity that Wanda was obviously still under the control of Hydra at this time, and hatred flashed in her eyes.


Wanda responded to her brother's call to him with an unpleasant title, and she didn't seem to like the reunion drama.

Nick Fury made a joke: "It doesn't look like the twins have a good relationship?"

Black Widow sighed: "Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read."

Steve tilted his head to look at Wanda who was approaching gradually, and then turned to ask Goofy, "Should we catch her first and then wake her up, or wake her now?"

Gao Fei spread his hands: "Then we have to look at her symptoms before making a decision."

Kuaiyin was worried that his sister would be hurt, so he ran towards her quickly, trying to use the affection between the two to make Wanda sober.

"Wanda, wake up, you've been brainwashed by Strucker! I'm Pietro, don't you know me?"

Wanda sneered: "I know you, you traitor!"

After that, Wanda stretched out his hands towards Kuaiyin, and two red rays of light swam out like poisonous snakes and wrapped around Kuaiyin's head.

The next second, Kuaiyin suddenly let out a hoarse scream.

"don't want!!"

"Pietro!" Steve asked nervously, "what happened to him?"

"It should be controlled by his sister's mind." Goofy said, "Wanda awakened the most painful memory in his mind..."

Seeing this scene, Charles Xavier, who had been standing at the end of the team, who was under the protection of everyone, volunteered to come out.

"It's my turn to go."

In the previous battle, Charles always felt that he was a drag on the team. He obviously asked Gao Fei for the opportunity to participate in the action together, but he never helped everyone.

Now that he has finally encountered a spiritual opponent, Charles can finally play a role in the team.

Gao Fei can understand Charles's eagerness to prove his mood. After all, his peer Eric was in the limelight not long ago when he resisted the fire. Young people are all competitive, and he definitely doesn't want to lose to his classmate Eric. gram.

"Come on, Charles, Wanda can only be saved by you."

He patted Charles on the shoulder and whispered encouragement.

"I won't let you down, Headmaster Goofy." Charles said seriously, "I won't let anyone down either."

Having said that, Charles stepped towards the twins.

Before saving Wanda, he must save Quicksilver, who is being ravaged by Wanda.

At this time, Kuaiyin's mind reappeared in the scene when Hydra brainwashed him, and Baron Starlac's big face seemed to be in front of him.

"Be obedient and you will be rewarded, you know what's your best bet..."

"Submission is your best choice. Obey us and you will be liberated..."

Quicksilver gritted his teeth, struggling to get Baron Strucker out of his mind.

"Get out! Get out!"

But his own mental strength is too weak, and he cannot defeat his powerful sister.

At this moment, a familiar voice appeared in his mind, and Kuaiyin saw a familiar figure.


The young and young Professor X got into his head and comforted him softly.

"Pietro, don't be afraid, I'm here to help you."

"You've beaten Strucker once, and you can beat him this time too."

"Kick him out of your head, kick him in the face, don't worry, he won't control you anymore."

According to Charles' instructions, Pietro hit the spirit and kicked the big face of Baron Strucker in his memory. Later, he unexpectedly found that this trick really worked. Baron Trak".

So under the hint of Charles, Quicksilver kept attacking Baron Strucker, and soon he found that he could no longer feel the fear, and the crazy brainwashing spell of Hydra no longer appeared.

"Thank you, Charles, I feel better now."

Kuaiyin, who broke free from Scarlet Witch's mind control, exhaled a long breath and said with a smile.

"That's good." Charles patted Kuaiyin's shoulder and said, "Leave it to me next, and I will help you heal Wanda."

"Come on." Kuaiyin whispered.

However, before Charles could take action, a cold voice suddenly came from his mind.

"This is what you do? You think you can beat me like this?"

Charles was stunned - it seemed that the Scarlet Witch had come to his mind inadvertently.


Charles hurriedly tried to hook up Wanda's mind, and shouted to her through spiritual transmission,

"Wake up, you are now bewitched by Strucker!"

"Don't be so easily controlled by him, you are a powerful mutant!"

"And your ability is mind control! Hydra's tricks can't confuse you!"

"You can wake up anytime you want!"

It's a pity that Charles' cry seemed to sink into the sea, and he didn't get a response from Wanda for a long time.

Just as Charles was trying to communicate with Wanda for the second time, another voice came from his mind.


"help me!"

Charles was frightened by the sound and broke into a cold sweat!


In a trance, Charles looked forward and suddenly saw Rui Wen hanging from a skyscraper. At this time, Rui Wen was already a mature woman, she was slim and sexy.

But on her body, there were **** wounds, these wounds were like scars drawn by a leather whip, and Ruiwen's skin was ripped apart from the beating...

"Help me, Charles..."

Raven said to Charles painfully, her eyes projecting unprecedented fear.

Beside Rui Wen, there were countless people hanging from the sky. They were also beaten and bruised all over, and their hands were tied and hung from the skyscraper.

They were all mutants, all of Charles' compatriots, and beneath the skyscrapers were humans swearing and yelling at the mutants.

"You monsters!"

"You **** freaks!"

"You have an incurable disease!"

"You have polluted the pure genes of human beings!"

"Only by killing all of you can human society continue. You are a disaster in human civilization!!"

"Ruiwen, Ruiwen..."

Charles whispered Ruiwen's name and wanted to reach out and wipe the blood on her face.

However, at this moment, Charles suddenly realized something.

He couldn't reach out at all because his hands were tied too!

As a mutant, his fate was the same as Ruiwen's. He was also hanged from a skyscraper, his hands were tied, and he was beaten and bruised all over!


In addition to being shocked Charles looked down and saw that his body was about to be dried into a mummy, and the exposure to the sun made him severely dehydrated.

"I can't seem to save myself..."

Charles murmured desperately.

Under the building, the human curse against them continued.

"Damn mutants!"

"Damn monster!"

"The culprit who instigated the war!"

"We're going to kill you all!!"

(8 more outbreaks are over, thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets, love you~)


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