American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 454: Freshmen Association (Seven/Seven)

Although Goofy heard Ms. Price's incitement and Glenn Tarbert's grievances and complaints about him, he didn't pay attention to these people, and he didn't want to have a bad first day at the Super Academy. .

The conflict between Gao Fei, the ATCU department, and the military is a very complicated problem, and it cannot be solved in a few words.

The principal's speech session ended soon, and Gao Fei successfully completed his speech.

Next on the stage is the people's hero and moral model - Steve Rogers, who will make his second speech at the Super Academy.

Gao Fei went back to his seat and watched his old partner come on stage with a smile.

"Well done, Principal Gao Fei."

Cheng Jieqian, who was sitting beside Gao Fei, smiled and praised,

"I think you should have noticed that your students adore you."

Goofy smiled and nodded: "Yes, I noticed."

Because in the process of Gao Fei's speech just now, his backstage gained a lot of worship points, and the system will not deceive him. These worship points are all contributed by his students.

"I hope these children can have a bright future..." Cheng Jieqian said sincerely.

"Yes." Goofy nodded, "I hope I live up to their trust in me, and they live up to my expectations for them..."

Having said that, Steve Rogers has come to the stage, he cleared his throat and started his speech.

"Hello, classmates, my name is Steve Rogers, I used to be a sick teenager in Brooklyn, then I joined the army, and then I ran to the north and slept a lot, and when I woke up, I went back to I became a little policeman in my hometown…”

Gao Fei and Cheng Jieqian looked at each other and smiled.

"Steve started speaking."

"Yes, I think he must be able to share a lot of experience with the students."

After the two whispered a few words, they focused their attention on the stage and listened carefully to Steve's opening speech.

The opening ceremony of the Super Academy went very smoothly, and finally ended with a speech by Peter Parker, the representative of the freshman "Spiderman".

Peter Parker announced his identity in front of all teachers and students, and explained his mental journey from ordinary people to superpowers to superheroes after he became "Spider-Man".

Peter's sincere and simple speech aroused a very strong resonance among the freshmen. Goofy and Steve Rogers, who have been famous for a long time and have saved the world, are somewhat distant to them. Peter Parker's "Spider" "Xia" is like the teenager next door, making people not feel distance.

So relatively speaking, Peter Parker is more likely to be regarded as a role model by students.

In fact, after Peter finished his speech, there were many girls in the super power academy who gave him favors, including Charles Xavier's "cousin" Raven.

Peter Parker quickly immersed himself in the sense of accomplishment of being noticed, and he was inevitably smug when he was young.

After the opening ceremony, the college will hold a freshman fraternity in the evening.

Since the number of freshmen admitted in the first batch of Super Energy Academy was not too many, Gao Fei and Aunt May decided to let these children get to know each other together, which would also be helpful for future course arrangements.

In order to allow the freshmen to get together without any scruples, teachers and staff such as Gao Fei, Aunt Mei, and Jie Qian did not participate in this sorority, but handed over the venue to the students.

Only Aunt Wang, who provided drinks and food, briefly appeared at the venue for a few minutes, and left in time after setting up the scene.

So these young students finally got together with their compatriots, and the sense of identity and intimacy between them made this association very lively.

Here they don't have to worry about being different, because everyone is different, and they don't have to worry about the eyes of others, everyone can be frankly themselves.

Even Rui Wen, who had never dared to show her true face, showed her original appearance for the first time—blue skin and thorns all over her body.

She walks around the crowd with a drink in hand, with a confident and **** smile on her face.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the freshmen in this sorority are actually gathered in small groups.

The Inhumans and the Inhumans students gathered together, the mutants sat with the mutants, and the old friends Peter, Harry, Carrie, who had known before, were bound in advance, and did not greet the other freshmen. mean.

The only exception may be Rui Wen. She glanced at Peter Parker from time to time. Ever since she saw Peter speak on behalf of the freshmen, Rui Wen has been very interested in this young talent.

"If you want to know him, go and chat with him." Charles Xavier saw through Rui Wen's thoughts at a glance, and said with a smile, "Please, Rui Wen, won't you wait for me to get his phone number for you?"

"Damn, Charles, have you used mind reading on me?" Rui Wen whispered with flushed cheeks.

"Mind reading? Hehe." Charles smiled and shook his head. "Your thoughts are written on your face. Where do I need mind reading?"

Eric Lanschel, who was sitting next to him, also expressed his opinion objectively.

"Yes, Ruiwen, this doesn't require mind reading at all. Ever since the little spider gave a speech at the opening ceremony, you are the only one in your eyes." He complained lightly.

"Shut up, Eric! You're clearly talking nonsense!" Ruiwen said angrily, "I didn't exaggerate like that!"

Eric pouted and stopped talking, Charles pushed Ruiwen, pointed to Peter Parker in the distance, and said, "Go, Ruiwen, the freshman sorority is only this time, don't Miss this opportunity."

"I..." Rui Wen wanted to hide it again, after all girls, especially beautiful girls, are reserved.

But after a moment of hesitation, she felt that Charles was right.

There is only one chance for the Freshman Association, if you miss it, you really miss it.

"Forget it, what about it..." Raven gritted her teeth, picked up her drink and walked to the table where Peter, Harry and Carrie were sitting.

Seeing the back of Rui Wen walking away, Charles smiled lightly.

"This girl has finally taken this step. She is much more generous in the super academy than usual outside." Charles said while sipping the juice in his glass, "Principal Gao Fei's idea of ​​starting a school is really good, He opened up a whole new way for us."

Eric next to him shook his head disdainfully.

"Charles, please, you're only sixteen years old, so don't always speak in an old man's tone, okay? I bet you will become an old-fashioned, pedantic nerd who keeps citing scriptures and dropping his bookbags..."

"Bullshit!" Charles retorted with a smile, "I didn't speak in the tone of an old man, and besides, I'm not an old-fashioned person, I'm very interesting, okay, I will become a refined and interesting entrepreneur in the future, similar to Tony Stark or Reed Richards."

"Tony Stark? Are you sure he's elegant? Reed Richards, are you sure he's funny?"

Eric spit out mercilessly,

"I think you don't know enough about yourself."

At this point, Ruiwen has already walked to Peter Parker's table.

Rui Wen, who had approached for the first time, was very shy.

"Hello, oh no, I mean... Hello, my name is Ruiwen, nice to meet you."

"Oh, hello Ruiwen."

Harry Osborn, the most sociable of the three, got up quickly and held Ruiwen's hand in a gentlemanly manner.

"My name is Harry, Harry Osborn, and it's nice to meet you too."

Carrie tilted her head with a smile and said, "My name is Carrie, hello Ruiwen."

Rui Wen smiled softly: "I know you, Carrie, you are the daughter of Principal Gao Fei."

"Yes, I am." Carrie nodded proudly.

However, among the three, only Peter, who was most interested in Rui Wen, reacted the slowest. This kid has never been good at talking to girls.

"Oh, I... you..." Peter stood up and said falteringly, his usual speed of speech was completely abnormal now.

Ruiwen was also very embarrassed to see Peter, and she lowered her head and didn't know what to say.

Peter stretched out his hand to shake hands with Rui Wen, but halfway through, he saw that Rui Wen had no intention of reaching out, so he quickly retracted his hand, making the atmosphere even more awkward.

In fact, Ruiwen just didn't see Peter's gesture of reaching out. When she saw it, Peter had already withdrawn his hand. The two couldn't keep up with each other's rhythm, and the atmosphere became more and more awkward.

In order to ease the embarrassment in front of him, Peter Parker suddenly said something mysteriously: "Oh, you are so pretty, beautiful... Raven."

"Huh?" Rui Wen was taken aback when she heard the words.

She has not transformed now, showing her original appearance.

With blue skin and thorns all over her body, she can't be said to be pretty.

Although Peter's words were meant to compliment people, they couldn't be more false.

Harry coughed quickly, trying to remind Peter that he had said the wrong thing.

Peter also knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly saved himself: "Oh, Ruiwen, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to mock you, I really thought you were beautiful, really... I didn't do it because of you. He looks different from normal people..."

Harry tugged at Peter's sleeve hastily, and the boy was getting darker and darker.

"No! No!" Peter quickly changed his words, "I didn't say you didn't look like a normal person, I didn't say you weren't a normal person, although you are not a normal person... uh, no, I mean, neither of us are Normal, I'm Spider-Man... uh, I mean, I'm just like you, all monsters... No! All mutants... All superpowers! Oh god, who's going to help me?!"

Harry hurried over and said, "Sorry, Ruiwen, my friend always likes to talk but he has absolutely no malice, he really wants to be your friend, really."

Ruiwen smiled politely, but her goodwill towards Peter had vanished.

Although she was not angry with Peter, she knew that Peter didn't mean to talk nonsense, but the goodwill between boys and girls is very fragile, and often a small thing can destroy this ignorant feeling.

Peter Parker's nonsense obviously ruined Riven's feelings for him.

After all, the words Peter accidentally said just now, such as "monster" and "mutation", had deeply stabbed Ruiwen's heart.

"Nice to meet you, but I think it's time for me to go." Rui Wen smiled politely and turned away with a drink.

(The explosion is over, kneeling for support)


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