American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 459: Little Green Goblin vs Hurricane

When "Hurricane" Johnson saw the Little Green Goblin's appearance, he caused a lot of cheers, and he felt unhappy in his heart.

Johnson was born in the black neighborhood of East Bradford, Brooklyn. His family was very poor. His father was a repairman and his mother was cleaning in high-end office buildings.

And the class of little green goblin Harry Osborn happened to be the class that squeezed his parents. Johnson was always looked down upon by entrepreneurs and their children since he was a child.

Now, seeing the little Green Goblin wearing a set of valuable high-tech battle suits showing off in front of him, the hatred in Johnson's heart was immediately aroused.

"Is it great to have money?"

"Can you do whatever you want with money?!"

Johnson unreservedly released the hatred in his heart, and his supernatural ability stimulated the hurricane in the space, and a powerful cyclone rushed towards Harry Osborn.

"Harry, be careful!"

Peter Parker, who was standing on the sidelines, was very worried about the comfort of his good friend, and he really sweated for him.

But Harry smiled lightly: "Don't worry, Peter, he can't hurt me."

Compared with the well-known Spider-Man, Harry Osborn's Little Green Goblin actually debuted earlier.

Back in the days when New York didn't have so many superpowers, or even aliens appeared, Harry Osborn secretly wore his dad's equipment to follow the High Flyer.

At that time, the most terrifying monsters on the streets were ordinary mutant humans injected with green goblin serum, and their fighting power could only overturn one or two cars, and the human boss Jin Bing, who was in Hell's Kitchen, could even become a great man. The big villain, also need Gao Fei and the little green devil to join hands to deal with.

Therefore, in terms of actual combat experience, Little Green Goblin may be richer than Little Spider. He lightly stepped on the Green Goblin glider under his feet, and abruptly accelerated to easily escape the spiral airflow of "Hurricane" Johnson.

"Your speed is too slow, Brother Feng, if you want to hit me, you have to work harder."

Harry said sarcastically, while driving the Green Goblin glider hovering over Johnson's head.

"Damn it! You **** rich man!"

Johnson stared and released the hurricane upwards again. This time, the energy released by Johnson was more concentrated and the speed of the airflow was faster.

Harry hurriedly dodged, but the flow of air disrupted his rhythm. His body swayed violently in mid-air, almost falling from the Green Goblin glider.

"Oh, Harry!"

Peter held his breath nervously. Harry's mistake just now made him break out in a cold sweat.

Carrie was very calm, and said with an expressionless face, "You are so worried about him, why don't you go up and beat him."

"I really regret it now. I should accept Johnson's challenge." Little Spider said dejectedly, "But I always feel that it is not appropriate for classmates to make trouble like this."

"What's wrong with this? It's just more powerful than anyone else." Little Lord Carrie said, "Where there are people, there is competition, my father said."

At this moment, Harry, who was flying in the air, had regained his balance. He realized that Johnson's hurricane was getting stronger and stronger, and he could no longer give Johnson the opportunity to adjust himself.

Once Johnson has mastered the rhythm of the Little Green Goblin, then a hurricane hit will end the game. I have to admit that Johnson's hurricane is still very powerful.

"I think it's time to end this game, Brother Feng."

Harry said in a deep voice, and at the same time, he quickly threw the Green Goblin dart towards Johnson.

Harry himself is indeed not a superpower. He didn't even take the same green goblin reagent from his father, but since he decided to inherit the mantle of the green goblin, he has been working hard to improve himself.

He hired three martial arts instructors who were proficient in fighting to accompany him to train fighting skills every day. He also hired a master of hidden weapons from the East to teach him dart throwing skills.

Although the current Harry has not yet achieved success, his training has already achieved initial results. After all, he has resources, and the effect of the resources is unmatched by ordinary people.




The three Green Goblin darts slid past Johnson's cheek, and then stabbed into the ground of the baseball stadium.

Johnson was taken aback, looked back to see the dart on the ground, and suddenly took a breath.

"Johnson, if it wasn't for my mercy, each of those three darts could have killed you!" Harry said in a deep voice, "Surrender, you are not my opponent."

It's a pity that Johnson doesn't like this. He hates people looking down on him the most.

"Surrender? Dream!"

The hurricane struck again, and a powerful cyclone filled the baseball field.

The students watching in the stands couldn't keep their eyes open. After all, it was too windy at the scene.

And Harry in the high sky was also a little unable to bear it. After all, the wind in the high sky was stronger. He really had no other choice but to choose to end the battle as soon as possible.

The Green Goblin glider stepped down, and the little Green Goblin turned into a green phantom and swooped down toward Johnson.

Johnson hurriedly dodged, but his movements were too slow.

Except for the ability to blow wind, Johnson's other attributes are no different from an ordinary middle school boy, but Harry has received professional and systematic combat training, so he is sure to win in close combat.


Harry swooped down and knocked Johnson down hard, and "Hurricane" Johnson's huge body flew upside down.

Fall to the ground!


Johnson groaned, unable to get up for a long time.

The Inhumans in the crowd involuntarily sighed in disappointment. The leader they elected, "Hurricane" Johnson, obviously failed.

And the other students screamed excitedly, and kept shouting Harry's name.




Among them, Peter shouted the most vigorously. He shouted so much that Harry felt a little embarrassed. The little green goblin who had just won turned around and waved to Peter, which stopped his exaggerated shouting.

After two full minutes, Johnson, who fell to the ground, got up depressed.

And Harry was also very gentlemanly, walking over and pulling Johnson up.

"you win…"

Johnson is someone who can afford to lose. He knows that he is indeed inferior to others.

Harry nodded and said, "It does look like this."

"Then the student council president is you." Johnson looked at Harry and reluctantly admitted.

Although he didn't want to lose the position of the student council president, Harry defeated him in front of all the freshmen after all. According to the previous agreement, Harry should indeed become the president of the student council this year.

Harry did his part, patted Johnson on the shoulder and said, "Yes, Johnson, I am now..."

However, before Harry could finish speaking, a sudden voice sounded in the audience.

"It's a bit sloppy to compete for the student council president in the first battle, isn't it? If you don't have any opinions, I also want to compete for this student council Everyone looked at the reputation and saw that one of the mutants was thin. The boy stood up, and he was Eric Lanschel, who was the one who spoke just now.

Next to him, Charles and Rui Wen were stunned, because Eric had never shown any intention to compete for the student council president before.

Why did Harry suddenly pop out just after beating Johnson?

But before Charles could ask, Eric had already left his seat and walked towards the center of the baseball stadium.

"Harry Osborn, I respect you very much, but I want to challenge you on behalf of us mutants to compete for the position of the student council president. I wonder if you dare to accept it?"

Eric said in a deep voice.

After all, he looked back at his fellow mutants, and he was trying to win the support of the mutants.

Except for the stunned Charles, the other mutants, of course, gave this brave fellow the warmest support.

Because if a mutant becomes the president of the student council, then the student council will definitely value the opinions of mutants in the future, and the interests of mutants can be guaranteed, there is no doubt about this.

And looking at Eric walking onto the court, Harry Osborn's eyes were solemn.

He suddenly realized one thing - he was tricked by this cunning mutant. ...


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