American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 471: New students gather to save 9 worlds!

The next morning, Gao Fei summoned the eight students who volunteered to fight with Thor to stop Surter at the Super Energy Academy. These eight students were exactly the same as Gao Fei guessed, and there was no deviation at all.

They are: Peter Parker, Harry Osborne, Charles Xavier, Eric Lanschel, Raven, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and "Hurricane" Johnson.

These eight students are usually active members in the school, and they like to actively participate in any activity, and it is obvious that they are also Goofy's proud students, because they quickly learned the essence of Goofy being a superhero - that is, being a superhero. die.

"You kids..."

Gao Fei sighed earnestly,

"You don't know how powerful your enemies are. Surtur, the flame giant, once suffered Odin, the guardian of the Nine Realms and the father of the gods. He stabbed Odin in one eye and killed Odin. Ding's two brothers..."

Thor coughed a little embarrassedly next to him: "Cough, Goofy, these things are the stains of our Asgard, and speaking out affects the prestige of our Protoss... Can you not always emphasize it, it's shameful! "

The students, on the other hand, did not feel fear at all. The youths of their age were full of vigor and had no idea what fear was.

"Really? The enemy this time is so powerful?"

"Is it more powerful than the dark elf Malekith? Malekith almost destroyed Asgard!"

"I think Malekith is more powerful."

"No! It must be Surter who is more powerful!"

"It's so exciting, I didn't expect to meet such a powerful boss on the first mission, so happy!"

"I can't wait to see this flame giant..."

The students were chattering, but they became more looking forward to this battle.

Gao Fei had a black line on his face, and asked helplessly: "So... it looks like you don't plan to regret it, do you? Are you determined to go to Muspelheim?"

"Of course, Principal Goofy." Eric Lanschel said firmly, "this is a good opportunity to hone us."

Charles Xavier also nodded and said, "Yes, Principal Gao Fei, it is our duty to protect the Nine Realms."

Seeing that the students have made up their minds, Gao Fei is too lazy to continue to persuade them. Letting the children save the world early is also conducive to cultivating their sense of justice and responsibility.

"Okay, Thor, I have nothing to say here, you can arrange it." Gao Fei shrugged.

Thor nodded: "Okay."

After that, he raised his head and glanced at the sky, and shouted loudly, "Heimdall!"

Immediately after the distant sky shone with light, Heimdall activated the Rainbow Bridge.


Light shrouded Goofy, Thor, and the eight students together, and then the time and space changed, and ten people came to the gate of Asgard together.

"Welcome to Asgard."

Holding a long sword, Heimdall said with a smile.

Gao Fei was stunned on the spot.


"Thor, are you poisonous!"

"I asked you to make arrangements first, and you just arranged us to Asgard?"

"Why didn't I say hello to the academy or ask for leave from the super patrol team, so you brought me here to fight monsters?"

Thor shrugged: "Sorry, Heimdall told me that the situation at Muspelheim is very urgent, and we have no time to delay..."

"So as soon as you and the students are sure to come to support Muspelheim, I will act immediately."

Heimdall, who was holding a long sword, also nodded: "Yes, Officer Goofy, Thor is right. The Fire Lord Surtur has gathered an army in Muspelheim, if we can't stop him right away. , he's likely to march on Warnerheim right away..."

Hearing this, Goofy had to accept Thor's hasty arrangement.

"If that's the case, what are we waiting for? Let's act now."

Thor turned to Heimdall and said, "Heimdall."


Heimdall inserted the long sword into the keyhole of the Rainbow Bridge and spun it violently.

"Set off!"

The Rainbow Bridge opens again, but this time it does directly teleport Goofy and the others from Asgard to Muspelheim.


Everyone's bodies fell into the rainbow light again, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the dark and hot Muspelheim.

"I'm a little…"

Johnson, who had just landed, had an ugly face and pale lips. He staggered two steps forward and said in a low voice,


After he finished speaking, he knelt on the ground with a "wow" and vomited, it seemed that the kid was motion sickness.

Thor shook his head sympathetically and said, "Oh, people who pass the Rainbow Bridge for the first time are indeed prone to adverse reactions, especially if they pass it twice in a row."

Johnson vomited "Wow" for a long time, regretting it as he vomited.

"I knew I should take a motion sickness pill..."

Scarlet Wanda Wanda immediately began to observe the surrounding environment. The environment of Muspelheim is very similar to the legendary hell.

Underfoot is black scorched earth, the sky is densely covered with dark red clouds, and not far away there are more than ten active volcanoes, large and small. Spread over the earth...

The temperature here is very high, maybe several degrees hotter than the scorching summer in New York. Peter Parker, who is more sensitive to temperature, frowned: "Oh, my God, it's too hot here? I'm about to have a heat stroke... I knew I should wear something cooler so I don't get too hot... By the way, Thor, will there be a place for cold drinks in Muspelheim? I know it's a ludicrous idea, but Muspelheim Heim is also a complete world, and in a complete world there should be cold drinks for sale, right?"

Thor has long been accustomed to Peter Parker's rhetoric, and he shrugged in disbelief.

"Let me tell you, Peter, there are two creatures who rule Muspelheim - a giant burning with fire and a dragon that breathes fire. Do you think these two creatures would like something like cold drinks? "

Peter Parker didn't answer Thor's question, in fact his attention was completely distracted.

"A giant dragon that can breathe fire? You mean...there are giant dragons in this world? Muspelheim has giant dragons?" Peter Parker was very excited. Dragons sounded very cool, right?

"Of course there is." Thor nodded and said, "The dragon is a common creature in Muspelheim, and it is also the mount of the flame lord Surtur... Oh, when he fought with Surtur, his dragon was under his command. But it made us suffer a lot, those are really difficult creatures, and the combat power is many times stronger than the ice giants in Jotunheim..."

"Then what exactly do their dragons look like? Are they the same as those dragons that appear in movies on our earth? Do they also have huge wings, fat stomachs, and big mouths?" Peter asked excitedly~www ~ uh… almost. Thor replied perfunctorily, "You'll know when you see it. "

Without waiting for Peter Parker to ask again, Raven pointed to the sky not far away and said, "The dragon in that so?"

Everyone looked at the prestige, and saw a large black mass of creatures appearing in the sky not far away. At first glance, it looked like a flock of migratory birds, but after careful identification, it was found that it was a large dragon team!

Gao Fei couldn't help but squinted and looked at it. He found that these giant dragons were indeed very similar to the giant dragons in movies and TV on Earth.

In fact, Muspelheim's dragon has appeared in "Thor 3", and the dragon in the American TV series "Game of Thrones" is quite similar to the dragon in front of him.

Charles Xavier nervously looked up at the terrifying beasts that were getting closer and closer in the sky, and asked in a low voice, "So... we are going to fight these monsters, right?"

Thor smiled and said in a deep voice, "That's right, children, your next opponents are these giant dragons."

"Remember, if you don't want to be bitten and swallowed by them, cheer me up!"...


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