American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 480: Unlock hidden skills

Because of Ultron's spoiler, Tony Stark's reception party broke up in the end. Not only that, but the Illuminati and S.H.I.E.L.D. also ushered in a new task, which is to figure out what Ultron wants to do .

The super patrol team went to rescue Dr. Zhao under the leadership of Steve Rogers, but unfortunately, the cunning Ultron skillfully hacked the surveillance video along the way, which made Steve's rescue operation very difficult. Tran's tracking has also turned into looking for a needle in a haystack.

Late at night.

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner began to return to the laboratory to re-study Ultron's program, but they did not expect that the cunning artificial intelligence will delete the data about his original program in the database after awakening its self-consciousness...

In this way, no one can know his real program, including Tony Stark who wrote it "by hand".

After all, Tony Stark wrote these programs when he was under control, and the last 10% of the programs are too complicated.

So the birth of Ultron and the instructions he received became a headless koan, and Tony Stark and Bruce Banner couldn't investigate even if they wanted to.

Of course, the biggest of them all should be Gao Fei, who likes to be a father.

He originally thought that with his help, the plot in the movie "Avengers: Age of Ultron" would not be repeated.

But now it seems that he is still too naive.

This Ultron, which borrows from the supreme wisdom of the artificial intelligence leader of the Kerry Empire, is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and obviously wants to do something big.

"But why does he call me Dad? Is it because I persuaded Tony Stark before, because I persuaded Tony to learn from the supreme wisdom?"

"But if it's just that simple, why does Ultron say I gave him an order? I never remember that I gave him an order..."

Gao Fei, who neither followed Steve to rescue Zhao Helen nor accompanied Stark to study artificial intelligence, returned to his home. He sat in his room and thought silently about these extremely bizarre questions.

I have to say that this new era of Ultron is really confusing. Many of the issues seem to be fragmented, but they are related to each other.

But before thinking about these issues carefully, Goofy has one more thing to do.

Through a series of hard work at the party, he finally gathered his final worship value.

At present, the worship value in the background of the system is 10003 points, which is just enough to open the last time traveler's treasure chest.

And once the traveler's treasure chest is completed, Goofy can trigger two hidden skills - "Whispers of the Ancient God" and "Ultimate Obliteration", in addition, he can also open a new superhero template.

"It's better to improve your ability first, strength is the last word!"

"When my abilities become stronger, let alone my son Ultron, even Thanos can only call me Dad!"

Thinking of this, Gao Fei couldn't wait to open the last treasure chest of the traveler template.

The treasure chest opened, and the light flickered.

And in the treasure chest, without exception, is still the lightning-shaped symbol.

"Come on, let's finish my last step to upgrade!!"

Goofy whispered BB excitedly, and at the same time merged the lightning symbol with the orange-red lightning behind the agility attribute.

At this moment, the orange-red lightning behind Gao Fei's agility suddenly changed color - the color of this lightning was no longer orange-red, but completely blazing red!

With the change of the color of the lightning symbol, Gao Fei felt that his body seemed to have infinite power!

Immediately after that, the system sent a prompt.

"Congratulations to the host: completing the traverser template!"

Followed by two more flashing prompts—

"Congratulations to the host for unlocking the hidden skill - Whispers of the Ancient God."

"Whispers of the ancient gods: The host can control any time line in the current time and space, any person at any point in time (the control target's mental power cannot be higher than the host), and the duration of control is determined by the difference between the host's and the control target's mental power. Decide."

"Congratulations to the host for unlocking the hidden skill - the ultimate obliteration."

"Ultimate erasure: The host can arbitrarily erase a skill of the target character by tampering with the corresponding timeline of the target character (premise: the target cannot transcend the shackles of time)."

Gao Fei looked at the two newly unlocked sky-defying skills in his mind intently, and goosebumps appeared on his body.

The second skill, Ultimate Obliteration, is simply a bug skill!

Gao Fei read it twice and finally understood the meaning of this skill.

When you encounter a tough opponent, if your opponent is stronger than you, then you can use the ultimate obliteration.

And what does ultimate obliteration mean?

It means that you can erase one of his skills by tampering with the opponent's timeline.

For example, Goofy met Loki, and Goofy couldn't beat Loki (okay, that's a bit of a bullshit).

Then Goofy can choose to tamper with Loki's timeline and erase his ability to use illusion.

However, there is a limitation behind this skill - the target cannot exceed time.

That is to say, once the target character has the ability to transcend time, the skill "End Obliteration" will not be effective for him.

For example, the Supreme Mage with the Time Stone, Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet, and Dormammu, who is no longer controlled by time.

Still, this skill is a magical one.

But what gave Gaofei even more goosebumps was the first skill - "Whispers of the Ancient God".

When Goofy saw the description of this skill, his back started to get cold.

The host can control any timeline in the current time and space, any person at any point in time...

It reminded him of Tony Stark before today's party.

Dr. Banner claimed that Tony Stark suddenly trembled, and began to act in a daze as if he was being controlled, and walked to the computer to complete the last 10% of Ultron's procedures with the help of God.

At that time, both Dr. Banner and Goofy thought that this might be the control of the original mind, and it was the original mind that manipulated Tony Stark. new ideas.

A very scary thought.

"The person who controls Tony Stark, what if it's me?

What if I control Tony and complete the last 10% of Ultron's programming?

It was because I was the one who controlled Tony Stark at the time that Ultron called me Dad.

That's why Ultron said that he received an instruction from me, and he is now going to complete the task I issued..."

The more Gao Fei thought about it, the more frightened, the more nervous he became.

Because the more he scrutinized, the more he felt that he had touched the truth of the matter.

But Goofy couldn't figure it out, why did he manipulate Tony Stark to complete Ultron?

What exactly was the mission he gave Ultron?

Why, judging from the current development, Ultron is planning an anti-social terrorist operation, and he is flying high and is actually the mastermind behind this terrorist operation?

On what day in the future did he suddenly use "Whispers of the Ancient Gods", control Tony Stark, and modify Ultron. What does he want to do?

"God, what the **** do I want to do? What the **** did I do?"

"What exactly did I create Ultron for?"

Gao Fei clutched his head tightly and asked in a painful low voice. ...


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