American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 485: Goofy's chips

Skye didn't really understand Goofy's words, and she didn't understand Goofy's current intentions.

"Officer Goofy, what do you mean by resisting those people? When we resist government officials and the army, aren't we also resisting the government and the military?" Skye asked with a frown.

Gao Fei explained patiently: "Yes, from the current situation, the situation you describe is indeed correct, because the government and the army are composed of people, and they can be regarded as equivalent..."

"But have you ever thought that the original intention of these operating departments is to maintain the operation and stability of society, and the staff in the departments should also take this responsibility, but because the power and resources in charge of these operating departments are very rich Yes, driven by human beings’ unavoidable interests, the staff who were supposed to maintain social stability often neglected their original responsibilities…”

"Looking at it from another angle, maintaining the functioning of society does not necessarily have to be done by people. On the contrary, the flaws in human nature will become the potential incentives to create disasters..."

"So if there is a government that is not made up of people, will this society reduce a lot of problems?"

"If there is an institution that is completely objective, rational, and rules the country, will this society be less disasters and problems?"

After Goofy finished speaking his thoughts, Skye fell into deep contemplation. She was digesting Goofy's content, and she couldn't tell whether Goofy was thinking of a solution seriously or talking in anger.

His ideas seemed a little whimsical - a government that doesn't need people to run it, what kind of government is this?

But Gao Fei himself had already figured out all his ideas - he finally knew what kind of task he had given to Ultron.

Now that the situation has gradually become clear, all Goofy needs is to improve his knowledge reserve. After all, he has to use the "Whispers of the Ancient Gods" skill to go back to the past to control Tony Stark and complete the remaining 10% of Ultron. program.

The explorer template has just been opened, and the backstage worship value is only in the single digits. How easy is it to spy on the Ultron that even Tony, Dr. Banner, and Reed couldn't develop?

"I have to find a way to accumulate a wave of worship points..."

Gao Fei was thinking.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the worship value suddenly began to pop up in Goofy's system.

[Worship from Arthur +5]

[Worship value from Nicholas +5]

[Worship value from Harry +5]

"what's the situation?"

Gao Fei looked surprised, how could worship values ​​suddenly appear?

The headlines on the news today are all about his negative news. Could it be that negative news can also contribute worship value?

"No, there must be a situation!"

Goofy pondered for a moment, then suddenly realized that he turned to look at the newspaper that Skye had put on the table.

"Officer Goofy, what's the matter?" Skye asked, shaking his head in shock.

"Where's the Global Daily? Did you buy the Global Daily?" Gao Fei probably guessed the truth of the matter, and turned to ask Skye.

"Should...should buy it." Skye couldn't remember clearly, and answered vaguely.

At this moment, Gao Fei finally pulled out "Global Daily" from the pile of newspapers, and he quickly swept to the front page of "Global Daily".

"He would rather be misunderstood by everyone than do the right thing without hesitation"

Written by: Eddie Bullock.

Seeing this report, Gao Fei's face showed a sincere smile.

"Sure enough, it's you, my old buddy."

While muttering, he couldn't help but read the article line by line.

It's strange to say that, Goofy and Eddie have known each other for several years. Eddie has been promoted from a junior reporter to an editor to a chief editor. He has written hundreds of press releases, large and small. This is the first time that Goofy is serious. Really read what he wrote.

At this moment, Gao Fei suddenly realized that Eddie's writing was actually not bad.



New York streets.

Several middle-aged uncles in T-shirts walked along the road to the downtown.

These t-shirts, which they had expedited to print, before the ink was dry, had a photo printed on the front of Goofy holding Carrie in one hand and holding the other hand when he defeated Professor Lizard in Queens. A photo of Professor Lizard rushing out of the sewer.

And under this photo there is a line of words: What do we use to reward the hero?

"Guys! Citizens! Please pay attention, stop for a while and listen to me!"

At this time, an uncle standing at the front picked up the loudspeaker in his hand and shouted loudly,

"I believe everyone has read the newspaper in the morning, or read the news, and everyone knows what happened today..."

"The most shameless in American history! The most absurd! The most despicable news has appeared today, and dozens of media have collectively slandered our hero Gao Fei!"

"They say Gao Fei is a careerist and a hypocritical liar, which is the most despicable lie I've ever heard!"

"Friends, three years ago in Queens, I was driving home when I was about to be reunited with my wife and son when a terrifying tuatara jumped on the roof of my car and he The sharp claws pierced the sunroof of the car and I was one step away from death!"

"It was Officer Goofy who stepped forward and pulled me back from the hands of death. It was Officer Goofy who protected me and saved my life!"

"There are tons of the same cases, aren't there? I'm trying to find a few random people on this New York street, and one of them must have been rescued by Officer Goofy, right?"

"His 109, his Super Patrol, his Avengers..."

"He is our hero!"

"But this morning, when I woke up from my sleep, I saw that the newspapers were full of shameless remarks that slandered him, that he was hiding alien warships, that he used children as tools for murder... I don't believe it! I I think this must be someone maliciously slandering him!"

"He used his life to protect us, and we repay him with this shameless slander? Such behavior must not be accepted! We must speak up for Officer Goofy! Resist Officer Goofy!"

With the call of the middle-aged uncle, a lot of pedestrians gradually gathered on the Many of these people have seen the news this morning, after all, the negative news of Gao Fei is overwhelming.

Although the middle-aged uncle is right, there may be three or four people dragged on the streets of New York, and one of them may have been saved by Goo Fei, but some people choose to believe the news in the news.

Some people speculate that Gao Fei was a far-sighted conspirator from the beginning, deliberately creating an image of him sacrificing himself to save people's hearts to bribe people's hearts. They think that Gao Fei has been immortal from the beginning, so they dare to do so many deliberately killing people. After all, if there is no immortality, who can really not be afraid of death?

Some people think that Gao Fei was indeed an upright and kind little policeman at the beginning, but as he became stronger and stronger, his whole person swelled. Ambition is cultivated gradually, no villain emerges from the womb is the villain, and the same is true for Goofy.

But there are still people who choose to believe in Goofy and choose to support the New York hero.

They either took to the streets spontaneously like middle-aged uncles to fight for Gao Fei, or made remarks on the Internet to defend Gao Fei, and some more excited people rushed to the newspaper office and threw ketchup and rotten eggs at the door of the newspaper office...

And these people who still unswervingly believe in Gao Fei have become the bargaining chips for Gao Fei's counterattack.

It is precisely because of their existence that Gao Fei has the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

As of five o'clock in the afternoon, the worship value of Gao Fei's backstage has exceeded 10,000.

Gao Fei didn't expect that so many people would stand up to support him when all the media slandered him one-sidedly.

Looking at the worship value on the system data, Gao Fei's heart was touched for a while.

"Thank you... I used to protect you, but this time you protected me."

Gao Fei clenched his fists and said in a low voice.

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