American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 491: Join forces to create Ultron

Goofy first followed Reed back to Baxter Building, and then took the teleport machine in Baxter Building to the Dark Star in space.

All the content of the supreme wisdom of the Kree Empire that Reed obtained was on the Dark Star, and there were too many black technologies recorded in this space battleship.

Reed helped Goofy to log into the database of the Dark Star, but all the strange Kree characters displayed on the database, but the language isolation has long been difficult for Reed, because he discovered the Kree on the Dark Star. A human-made cosmic language translator.

This tool can instantly translate human language into Kree language, and of course it can also be reversed. Goofy is no stranger to this tool. Carol, who just returned to Earth in the movie "Captain Marvel", used it. .

"Gao Fei, there is a detailed description of the Supreme Intelligence in the database, and even some of the operating principles of the Supreme Intelligence, but the way the Cree people write programs is very different from Earth's technology, and we can only learn from their logic and processing methods... "

Reed said worriedly that he actually doubted whether Goofy was really as smart as he said. The knowledge reserve is basically zero, and it is impossible for these necessary knowledge to appear in his mind out of thin air because of his high IQ.

"Okay, I understand, I'll take a look first."

Goofy began to read the data on the dark asterisk as he spoke, and when he calmed down and read it, he realized that his brain had become so powerful that it was almost on the hook.

The data in front of him entered his mind at lightning speed, and his reading speed was at least hundreds of times faster than before the brain was strengthened.

However, Gao Fei soon discovered a flaw in his knowledge. He had no concept of artificial intelligence and programming. He didn't seem to know much about the contents of the database, and his knowledge input was invalid.

So Gao Fei decided to supplement the basic knowledge first, at least understand the basic logic and operation sequence of programming.

"Reed, can I check the information on Earth here? I need to add some basic skills..." Goofy said.

"Oh, okay, what information do you need to look up? I'll get you a tablet," Reid replied.

Gao Fei took the tablet in Reed's hand and began to consult the information one by one according to his own needs, but although his current knowledge intake speed is hundreds of times faster than before, it is still a matter of learning complex programming in a short period of time. Difficult things.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed, and Gao Fei's effective study time has probably reached hundreds of hours. His super brain will inevitably feel slack and need a short rest.

Standing up and walking around on the Dark Star, Gao Fei soon threw himself into learning. At the same time, he began to try to write programs, and the experience accumulated over and over again...

In the blink of an eye, six hours have passed, and Goofy's effective study time is roughly equivalent to thousands of hours of ordinary people. Gao Fei, who has a super brain, is far more efficient in learning than ordinary people. This allows him to finally master some basic knowledge.

But no matter how powerful his brain is, he can't become a programming giant overnight. His current level is barely a first glimpse. When he sees an existing program that is not too complicated, he can basically immediately understand how it is implemented. , but this is not enough for the fusion of Ultron and Supreme Wisdom.

At this time, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner also came to the Dark Star, and they also brought their research and development results for Ultron.

"Oh, Officer Goofy, I heard that you controlled the past Mr. Stark in the future and let him complete the final procedure of Ultron, right?" Bruce Banner asked excitedly.

"That's it," Goofy said, "but I'm starting to doubt it now."

"Oh? Why?" Dr. Banner asked curiously.

"Because I found that programming is not as easy as I thought." Goofy said depressedly, "I may have underestimated the difficulty of this job..."

"It's okay, Officer Goofy, I believe you..." Dr. Banner said with a smile, "I heard that your brain has been strengthened and your IQ has improved. Maybe after a period of study, you can perfect the final program, no? Is it?"

Tony Stark also came over and said, "Goofy, don't worry, we will give you time."

"But I'm running out of time." Gao Fei frowned, "I just killed the senior officials of the ATCU yesterday and kicked the ATCU out of the Super Academy. I think the federal government and the military will come to me soon. Trouble."

"So how long will it take you to write the final program?" Stark asked.

"Probably at least...a week." Goofy said, "At my current speed, at least a week."

His effective study time per day is roughly equivalent to 2,000 hours of ordinary people, and the effective study time of one week is roughly equivalent to 5 years of ordinary people.

5 years to conquer Ultron's programming, this is a more reasonable estimate.

"A week..." Tony Stark said with some embarrassment, "I don't think the military will let you study for a week in peace."

"I understand," Goofy said, "so I said it's a tough issue right now."

Dr. Banner suggested: "Otherwise, Officer Goofy, you are responsible for providing us with ideas, and we are responsible for implementing your ideas-would this be more effective?"

Gao Fei shrugged: "But before I finish accumulating knowledge, how can I possibly have a proper way of thinking?"

"Then... this problem becomes tricky," Dr. Banner sighed.

Gao Fei patted him on the shoulder: "Forget it, I'll figure out a way myself."

Although it seemed like a serious, the problem didn't bother Goofy for too long, and he quickly found a suitable solution that would give him extra time.

When the traveler template is enabled, Goofy can enter a time-suspended space by reaching the speed of light, and with Goofy's current ability, he can stay in this space for a long time.

In this way, he is equivalent to having endless learning time. With the help of the super brain and time pause, the last 10% of Ultron's programs will definitely be conquered.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei immediately started to work.

But Tony, Reed and others who were standing beside him had no idea about it.

"Maybe we should think of other ways, such as hiring our company's IT elite to solve this problem together," Tony suggested.

"Although I think getting them involved in the Ultron project is an unreliable suggestion, there seems to be no other way now," Reid said.

Dr. Banner also nodded and said, "Yeah, we're running out of time, but Officer Goofy's progress is worrying."

Tony shrugged and said, "I even wonder if the person who controlled me in the past is flying high. Could this kid be lying to me?"

However, just after these few words were finished, Gao Fei walked over with a haggard face.

"Guys, I got it."


Reed, Tony, and Dr. Banner were all stunned for a moment, then looked back at Goofy.

"What did you do?" Tony asked.

"Ultron's program." Gao Fei smiled, "I have successfully integrated Ultron and Supreme Wisdom. Next, I will go back to the past and borrow your hands to complete the writing of this part of the program."

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