American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 493: Rescue Helen Zhao

late at night.


Near a huge biochemical plant.

Two S.H.I.E.L.D. Kun-style fighter jets landed outside the biochemical factory hidden in the dark, and then two teams descended from the fighter jets.

The two teams are S.H.I.E.L.D. and Super Patrol, and they are all here to rescue Helen Zhao.

Nick Fury on the S.H.I.E.L.D. team acted in person, and the team members were Agent Hill, Hawkeye and Black Widow.

The super patrol team is led by Steve Rogers, and the players are "Human Torch" Johnny, "Shockwave" Skye and "Absorber" Carl.

"Ultron is here?" Steve looked up at the brightly lit biochemical factory not far away, and asked in a deep voice.

"No, this statement is not rigorous." Nick Fury corrected, "Ultron is an artificial intelligence program, he has penetrated every corner of the Internet, he is everywhere, not just in this factory..."

"Okay." Steve shrugged, he never knew much about these cutting-edge technologies.

"To be precise, Helen Zhao and her cradle of regeneration are in this biochemical factory, and our task today is to rescue Helen Zhao." Nick Fury said.

"I have a question." Black Widow raised her hand and asked, "Who knows what Ultron wants to kidnap Helen Zhao and the cradle of regeneration?"

"The function of the regenerative cradle is to repair and rebuild organs. It was used to treat the severely injured Agent 13..." Skye explained, "but considering that Ultron's identity is an artificial intelligence, he does not need to repair organs at all... I think the biggest It may be that Ultron wants to create a human-like body for himself through artificial organs."

"Build a body?" Hawkeye frowned, "What's the point of this? Could this guy still envy us souls bound by our bodies? I envy him, he has no substance, is everywhere, just like a ghost... "

Black Widow also agrees with Hawkeye's view: "Yes, you will not be easily killed without a physical body, but it is a burden to have a physical body. If Ultron really wants to build a body, it is equivalent to degrading from a high-level form to a low-level form. ."

Agent Hill said: "But Ultron is not omnipotent. The databases of some secret agencies are isolated and not connected to the external network. In this case, Ultron cannot penetrate... So if Ultron wants to occupy everything Virtual territory, then it must be aided by physical entities.”

"And when Ultron is omnipotent in the virtual realm, his ambitions will definitely expand to the physical realm." Nick Fury said solemnly, "This is desire, never ending, isn't it?"

"In this way, Ultron is really a dangerous guy." Steve frowned, "I really don't understand what Stark is thinking, why create such a disaster..."

"Mr. Stark's intention is to protect the world," Skye said. "He is a responsible person, and he has always tried to prevent the earth from being destroyed."

Because of Goofy's relationship, Skye and Tony Stark also had several contacts. After getting to know Stark in depth, Skye can probably appreciate his good intentions.

"I know his intentions are good, but Ultron is a failed invention." Steve denied, and then pointed to the biochemical factory, "Why don't we act quickly? Knock out those robots and take Dr. Zhao rescued?"

"Don't worry." Nick Fury shook his head. "Steve, did you forget how you were defeated by Ultron last time?"

"Well..." Steve was a little embarrassed, "What can I do? Ultron got the anti-Hulk armor out."

"So, what if Ultron does the same this time?" Nick Fury said, "Since Gao Fei was not at the scene, our combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed. In order to avoid a repeat of the last failure, I hired a Reinforcement is on the scene.”

"What reinforcement?" Steve asked curiously.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that this reinforcement is like me, and is currently living at Officer Goofy's house." Skye explained quickly.

Before he finished speaking, there was a sound of thunder in the sky.


A strong figure waving a hammer fell from the sky and came to the middle of the two Kun-style fighters.

Thor is coming!

"Oh, you've already arrived? I didn't expect your aircraft to be quite fast. It's called a sleepy fighter, right?" Thor said cheerfully with a hammer.

"It's a Kun-style fighter." Agent Hill rolled his eyes, "You're late."

"Uh... Actually, I could have come earlier, but I was afraid that it would be bad to lead you too much, so I deliberately let the water go. I didn't expect you to win, hehe..." Thor scratched his blond hair and said.

Steve quickly pointed to the biochemical factory: "Let's go in quickly, Dr. Zhao is still waiting for our rescue."

"Understood." Thor nodded and said with his hammer, "I'll make the way."

Before he finished speaking, Thor had transformed into a humanoid lightning and rushed towards the factory.

Boooom! !

There was a loud noise, and the factory's wall was directly demolished by a sledgehammer.

"My original plan was to sneak in quietly, don't startle the snake..." Nick Fury said with a gloomy look at the broken factory wall, "But now it seems that plan A has failed, and only plan B can be implemented."

Steve shrugged. "Come on, keep up with that reckless man."

Led by Thor, the Super Patrol and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents quickly found the target hostage.

Helen Zhao was sitting leisurely in one of the R&D offices eating high-quality barbecue, while the regenerative cradle was running quietly beside it.

When Thor led everyone into the office, Helen Zhao was taken aback.

The piece of roasted golden and oily pork belly that was just picked up in his hand slipped from the chopsticks onto the plate before it could be coated in the sauce.

"You... why are you here?"

"Are you here... to save me?"

Helen Zhao said in surprise.

That's right, there was only surprise on her face, no joy, and no rejoicing in escaping from death.

"Dr. Zhao!" Steve stepped forward nervously and asked, "Are you all right?"

Black Widow beeped softly: "Look at her current there something wrong?"

Steve took a closer look and saw that Helen Zhao was neatly dressed, her hairstyle was exquisite, and the makeup on her face was flawless.

Coupled with the fragrant and tempting barbecue set in front of her...

This young lady doesn't look like she's been kidnapped!

"This... what the **** is going on here?"

Thor was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. Why is it different from saving people in the past? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the hostages be **** with bruises and bruises, curled up in the corner and shouted for help?

But the kidnapped young lady in front of her lives very delicately!

Nick Fury also asked in a deep voice: "Dr. Helen Zhao, what happened these days? Why are you here? I need an explanation."

Zhao Hailun quickly put down the chopsticks in his hand and stood up, and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry for worrying you, I'm in good condition now."

"I know you must think that Ultron kidnapped me. In fact, I thought so at first, but later I found out that Ultron didn't have any malice towards me, he just wanted to use my regeneration cradle to create a body for himself, only That's all."

"He told me he was following Officer Goofy's plan, and he said I could not trust him, but I should always trust Officer Goofy?"

"I don't think he needs to lie to me, right? Besides, he has taken good care of me these days."

Nick Fury was speechless after hearing this.

"Just because Ultron said these were all Goofy's Just because he took good care of you these days, you promised him to build a body for him?"

Helen Zhao shrugged helplessly: "But what else can I do? Will I fight to the death? Please, my life is very valuable! I can't die here."

"But do you know the purpose of Ultron's creation of this body? Do you know what he wants to do?" Fury asked in a deep voice.

Helen Zhao is pitiful: "We... we don't know, we... we don't dare to ask..."

"Alas!" Nick Fury sighed, after all, Helen Zhao is just an ordinary scientific researcher, and she is not a SHIELD agent, and Fury can't ask her to be an agent.

Steve pointed to the regenerating cradle and said, "Let's send someone to check the regenerating cradle."

"I'll take a look." Agent Hill volunteered and walked towards the cradle of regeneration.

I saw that there was some information related to Ultron's body on the display screen connected to the regeneration cradle, and the body material was written with 98.36% vibration gold.

"Ultron's body... is made of 98.36% vibration gold!" Agent Hill said in shock, "Where did Ultron get so much vibration gold?"

"What? So much vibranium?" Fury frowned, "Could it be that he went to Wakanda?"

"Is it the metal of my shield?" Steve asked.

He suddenly felt very unfair-why could he only have one vibranium shield for his dignified Captain America, and this guy Ultron actually made his entire body out of vibranium.

At this time, Helen Zhao explained: "Oh, I do know about this, Ultron made a deal with an arms dealer, and he bought a lot of vibration gold from this guy, so the material of Ultron's artificial body is Zhenjin, that's right..."

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