American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 496: high-flying qualifications

Everyone thought that the appearance of Gao Fei was the end of this struggle, but they did not expect that the appearance of Gao Fei was the beginning of this struggle.

All Ultron said was the truth, and Goofy did give him the task of taking over the country.

Steve Rogers said that he did not understand Goofy's behavior at all, and he never thought that Goofy would plan such a change.

"Goofy, calm down, are you sure Ultron can do this? Can she really rule this country?"

Before Gao Fei could answer, Ultron took the lead in answering this question.

"I can't say how well I rule, but I'll definitely do better than those in power now."

Orchuang Road,

"My program is written based on the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree Empire's artificial intelligence, which has ruled the Kree Empire for tens of thousands of years. What's more, the Supreme Intelligence ruled by seven planets and a star of the galaxy, and my dominion is only a country on a planet..."

"Steve, think about it, do you think I'm up to the job?"

Steve was a little upset by Ultron's answer, shook his head and said, "Goofy, I don't like the tone of this guy's words, I want you to answer me, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I think so," Goofy said bluntly. "Through our fight against Hydra some time ago, I think you've all realized how vulnerable the government is now. A paperclip action is enough to make it Infiltrated full of holes, all over the remnants of Hydra..."

"Not to mention the ambitions of these people. The military has tried more than once to turn the new generation of superpowers into weapons for them to occupy the world. Human nature is greedy, Steve, you should know this better than me."

At this time Nick Fury stood up and said: "But Goofy, are you sure that Ultron is reliable enough? Hydra can infiltrate the department, can't they hijack the Ultron system?"

"It's not very likely." Goofy said confidently, "Ultron is a product developed by combining Tony, Dr. Banner, Reed, and me... and integrating the highest technology of the Kree civilization—the supreme wisdom. I I don't think anyone on earth can hijack the Ultron system."

Nick Fury insisted: "But Goofy, I still don't think it's a good idea."

Goofy had long guessed that someone would come forward to object, and the attitude of SHIELD was what he expected.

He turned back and beckoned to Dr. Banner, who brought a tablet.

Turning on the tablet, there is a long list of at least a few thousand names, which is dizzyingly dense and dizzying.

"What's this...?" Nick Fury asked, frowning.

"The list of Hydra." Gao Fei said, "So far, Ultron has collected the list of all Hydra personnel through the Internet, although this may not really be all Hydra, but I can guarantee that 90% The Hydra above is here."

"Ultron is so powerful?" Hawkeye couldn't help but admire, S.H.I.E.L.D. has always wanted to get a list of all Hydras, but Ultron did not expect this work to be completed.

And Ultron smiled proudly: "It's a small matter."

"In this way, can't we just kill all the Hydras?" Black Widow said solemnly, "At least the Hydra problem can be solved."

"It's not that simple." Gao Fei said, "Look carefully at the positions of these people."

After hearing this, everyone looked carefully at the Hydra list - at the back of this list, write down the positions of these people in detail.

Some work in government departments, while others are military officials.

Some are business tycoons, others are influential and popular icons.

"Alexander Pierce? Are you serious? He's a Hydra too?"

Nick Fury saw a familiar name on the list, and the familiar name sent a chill down his back.

"Please don't doubt my accuracy, I have not wronged anyone." Ultron said solemnly.

Gao Fei said: "Everyone has seen that the number of Hydras is very large, and they play a very important role in society. If they are killed, it will not only cause panic in the society, but even cause panic in the society. Just shut down society."

"And even if we kill all the Hydras and clear the current government, then who can guarantee that no other organization will be mixed into the future government? After the Hydra, there will be no three-headed dogs and two-headed cats. kind of organization?"

"What's more important is that not only the Hydra people have ambitions, but everyone has ambitions. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This is undeniable..."

"Those who try to use superpowers to occupy the world, they are not necessarily Hydras, and those who want to capture superpowers for experiments are not all Hydras..."

"Anyone in a high position will think about how to extract more benefits from the ruled class. This is human nature, unless the person who rules all living beings is not a human being, and he has no human shortcomings."

Hearing this, Steve probably understood what Goofy meant.

"So you chose Ultron."

"Yes, so I chose Ultron." Goofy said, "And this is not a blind attempt."

"The Kree Empire chose the supreme wisdom tens of thousands of years ago, which made them one of the most powerful empires in the universe, because there is no check and balance between the Kree people, wasting time and reducing efficiency, and their social progress is extremely fast. , and can even continue to expand outwards…”

"The current situation has reached a very difficult state. The military forced me to hand over the Dark Star battleship and the superhuman students... And their purpose is obviously not to protect the earth and resist alien invasion, but to satisfy own selfish desires..."

"If I don't take action, then the peace we have worked so hard to maintain is likely to be destroyed."

Steve is not a stubborn person, he just has some ideas that are too late to update.

At first he thought it was absurd for a robot to rule the country, but he soon understood Goofy's good intentions.

"If that's the case, then I think we might be able to try," Steve said. "I'm not saying I approve of the idea, but I think maybe we can."

Unfortunately, Nick Fury remains skeptical.

As a good agent, Nick Fury's purpose in life is to "doubt everything".

"But Gao Fei, why should I believe in Ultron? You can say that you built Ultron for social progress, but Ultron is a program you wrote after all, and he absolutely obeys you, isn't it?"

"Is it possible that you let Ultron rule the country just to satisfy your personal ambitions, because once Ultron takes over the country, it's actually equivalent to you taking over the country, isn't it?"

"Fury, isn't this a bit too much?" Tony Stark frowned dissatisfiedly. "You should know how much Goofy has paid for this country and this world. Your accusation against him is very unfair."

"I know, so I'm sorry, Goofy." Nick Fury said, "But as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I have a responsibility to question this sentence - Goofy, are you really sure that you made Ultron, not to satisfy you Your own ambitions? What qualifications do you have for the artificial intelligence you developed to rule the country?"

Gao Fei smiled: "Fury, I don't actually need to explain to you, because Ultron takes over this country is an irreversible thing, whether you believe me or not, Ultron will take over this country as originally planned."

"But in order to dispel everyone's doubts, I think I have to prove to prove that I did this not out of selfishness, but for the advancement of human society."

Having said this, Goofy looked back at Thor: "Thor, your hammer, I remember you once said, who can lift it?"

"Those who are worthy of him, only those who represent absolute justice and are qualified as leaders can lift it." Thor said proudly, "So only I can lift it!"

However, after saying this, Thor realized that Ultron had just raised Thor's hammer.

"Cough! To add, Ultron doesn't count at all, because Ultron is a machine... She has no soul!"

"I have a soul." Ultron added indifferently.

Thor ignored her and said to himself: "Ultron has no soul, she is a machine with long legs and big breasts, just like putting Thor's hammer in the elevator, and the elevator will follow it when you go upstairs. Going upstairs, the elevator also raised Thor's hammer... That... Ultron raised Thor's hammer and this is the same reason!"

Speaking of which, Goofy had already walked before the Thor's Hammer placed on the ground.

When Thor first met him, he had tried to lift the Thor's Hammer, which was on Loki, but he had failed.

After two years, Gao Fei decided to try again.

After all, in the past two years, Gao Fei has made great progress in both strength and will.

"You ask me if I'm qualified? I think that's the best explanation."

Goofy bent down and grabbed the handle of Thor's Hammer, and then lifted it up.


Thor's Hammer rose from the ground and was easily lifted above his head by Gao Fei.

"That's my qualification."

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Gao Fei said loudly.

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