American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 499: Age of Ultron (3/10)

Just like Ms. Price, the former senior commander of atcu, General Hale also died at the hands of Goofy. Anyone who dared to threaten the safety of Goofy's students would die, no matter what status she had.

General Hale's soldiers watched Goofy kill their commander in front of them, and no one tried to fight back or stop it.

This is not because they are not loyal enough, and certainly not because they are not brave enough, but because they know in their hearts that no one can stop Goofy.

Gao Fei's combat power is infinitely close to that of a god. He can penetrate battleships, catch bullets with his bare hands, and has an undead body...

If Goofy wanted to kill General Hale, then even if Hale's three aircraft carriers drove to the Super Academy and fired at Goofy at the same time, it was impossible to stop Goofy from killing Hale.

So the last leader of the Hydra died in Gao Fei's hands without any resistance, and she was neither peaceful nor embarrassed.

After she died, Goofy threw her on the ground like a piece of garbage with his backhand, and then jumped lightly onto the roof of an armored car next to him.

"Soldiers..." Goofy shouted, "I have something to say."

In fact, there is no need for his call at all. The attention of these soldiers has already fallen on him, and the students of the super power academy in the distance also looked at Gao Fei, and everyone quietly waited for his speech.

"I don't know how General Hale told you what happened today, and I don't know what you think about me and my super academy... I know that my reputation is very bad recently, and several media have jointly condemned it. I, said I was a sinister and cunning careerist..."

"They said that I kept a space battleship privately, and said that I opened a super academy to satisfy my own ambitions. I trained these children to become my falcons, minions, and my killing tools..."

"I don't want to refute anything, because this is not something that can be refuted in a few words. You can doubt me, you can condemn me, and I will not stop you..."

"But what happened today is in everyone's eyes, General Hale threatened me with the whole New York, she told me that if I didn't do what she said, she was going to open fire on New York, let the whole city and the city inhabitants caught in the flames of war…”

"And in fact she did. If I hadn't hijacked her network first, New York would have been baptized by gunfire now..."

"Everyone has seen this, and I think you all know I'm not talking nonsense."

"If you know me, or have heard my story more or less, you should know how much I love this city..."

"I went from being a small policeman in Brooklyn to where I am today. My only ideal and wish is to make this city safe and everyone in this city safe..."

"But just now, General Hale threatened me with this city, and she put the city under fire..."

"I can't stand this, I have to make her pay for it!"

"Besides that, I also promise that nothing like this will happen in the future. I will never tolerate those in power who use the lives of innocent citizens as a bargaining chip. I will never tolerate the same predicament happening again!"

"So I want to change the world, I want to change this era!"

"After tonight, our country will be a brand new country!"

"No more stupid rulers, no more endless intrigues! Inflated ambitions, contests for power... I will use my way to imprison these ugly things and watch them forever!"

"So... get ready for this new era! In this new era everyone can be reborn..."

"And I will name this era - the Era of Ultron!"

"This will be the most important day in human history!"

The soldiers at the scene had already put down their weapons.

They looked up blankly at Gao Fei, listening to his impassioned speech.

Although there were a large number of soldiers present, including some highly educated elites, unfortunately, not many people really understood Goo Fei's words.

What ambition and power, the game of rulers...

What a new era, the most important day in human history...

I can't understand or remember, and no one dares to ask.

It's just that everyone remembered that strange name - "Age of Ultron".

It's a personality name that's easy to impress.


late at night.

Washington, D.C.

Inside a grand and spacious office.

A gray-haired man was flipping through the materials in his hands.

Suddenly, the computer on his desk was awakened, and the warm and peaceful screensaver photos before disappeared. The slightly dazzling light projected from the desktop made him a little stunned.

"what happened?"

The man frowned and muttered, glancing at the computer.

And at this moment, something that surprised and even terrified him even more happened.

"Hello, President Ellis." A chat window popped up on the computer, and a female robot flashing silver-gray metallic luster in the window said with a smile, "You are still working so late, you must be working hard, right? "

"Who are you!?"

President Ellis got up in a panic, and he knocked the chair behind him to the ground. The staff outside the door rushed into the office and asked nervously, "Mr. President, are you okay?"

"I have something! I have something!" Ellis stammered, " computer, **** it!"

"Don't be nervous, President Ellis." At this time, the mechanical woman in the computer was still talking, "I have no malicious intentions, I will not hurt you, I just see that you are too tired from work, so I will help you to share the burden. work…"

"Who are you? Who are you?!" President Ellis asked in a deep voice, trying his best to calm down his emotions.

"I'm Ultron, if you've heard of it...but it doesn't matter if you haven't, I think we'll get to know each other soon." The woman's voice in the computer said with a smile.

"Damn, who sent you to hijack my computer? You **** robot! What the **** are you trying to do?" President Ellis demanded loudly.

"As I said, President Ellis, I have no ill will, I am here to take over your job."

Ultron smiled and said,

"You can go home, you are free, President Ellis, from now on you don't have to work until late at night, and there will be no more presidents in America."

"What?" President Ellis was stunned. "What the **** are you talking about?"

"I think I've made it clear enough, President Ellis, your work is over, it's over." Ultron said calmly.


at the same time.

North Central America.

A secret military base.

General Ross and his deputy, Glenn Tarbert, were sitting in their office, waiting to hear from General Hale.

"General Hale is really going to fight Goofy head-on? God, this **** is so brave, she's afraid she drank a fake bar?" General Ross said with a smile.

"I think General Hale did the right thing," Glenn Tarbert said. "We should have restricted high-flying."

"Goofy is not so restrictive." General Ross said, "If you don't have a perfect plan, you can't restrict him. It's okay to say, maybe it will anger this guy... I would rather trigger the third world war, I don't want to fight against Gao Fei either..."

"Isn't that exaggerated, General Ross?" Glenn said. "If Goofy was really ambitious, and even threatened the entire country, wouldn't you fight him?"

"At that time, I think I may have no other choice, right?" General Ross said with a wry smile, "But before I fight with Gao Fei, I must get very drunk, so drunk that I don't know what to fear."

"You are exaggerating, General Ross." Glenn Tarbert shook his head.

Before he finished speaking, a computer not far away suddenly lit up.

But General Ross and Glenn Tarbert were not paying attention, and the two were still chatting without saying a word.

It wasn't until the computer suddenly spoke by itself that the two's attention was attracted by the computer.

"General Ross, hello, thank you for your contribution to the stability of the country over the past few decades, it's time for you to rest..."

"Damn, who is it?!" General Ross was annoyed when he heard it. "Who recorded the weird words on the computer! You want to retire Lao Tzu, right? You think Lao Tzu is in the way?"

After speaking, Ross turned back to stare at Glen Tarbert, this kid is the most suspicious!

If General Ross were to retire at this time, Glenn Tarbert would be in his eighth place.

"It's not me, General, it's really not me!" Glenn quickly clarified himself, "I hope you can serve your whole life, I'm serious..."

"Who is that? Damn..." General Ross got up and walked to the computer, when the computer spoke again.

"I'm not someone else's recorded voice, I'm myself, I have my own consciousness, General Ross."

"Fuck!" General Ross was frightened with white sweat, and then saw the big face of the rather sweet-looking woman on the computer screen.

"What are you? You have your own consciousness?" General Ross asked in shock.

"Yes, I have my own consciousness, I am an advanced artificial intelligence." The computer replied, "You can call me Ultron."

"Ultron? What do you want to do?" asked General Ross, frowning, and he began to realize that things might be more serious than he thought, and this artificial intelligence was a formidable opponent.

"I want to take over your job, General Ross. To be exact, I want to take over the entire American military and build my own defenses..."

"Over the years, the soldiers have paid too much for the country. You have left your hometown, you are tired, and it is difficult to reunite with your family..."

"Your work is extremely dangerous and very hard, and your life safety is not even guaranteed..."

"It's time to end this, let me protect you, General Ross, from today, you're free."

General Ross was dumbfounded, and Glenn Tarbert also expressed shock.

"What? Freedom? Fuck freedom! I don't want freedom yet!" General Ross said angrily, "I tell you, the robot on the computer, don't want me to retire, let alone hand over my military power. Who the **** did you design the **** virus to confuse me? No way!"

"Oh, General Ross, you misunderstood, I didn't mean to confuse you, I was ordering you." Ultron said calmly, "I ordered you to leave here, this military base has been taken over by me."

"Fart!" General Ross said angrily, "You're a stupid robot, what can you take over?"

However, at this moment, a staff member hurried in from the corridor.

"Sir! Sir!"

"What's the matter?!" Ross roared angrily, "Don't panic for me, talk about something!"

"Sir..." the staff gasped, "The three nuclear bomb silos in the north-central area... were hijacked."

"What?" General Ross's pupils and asked in shock, "Who hijacked it?"

"I don't know yet." The staff member said, "But one of the nuclear bomb silo programs has been activated, and the coordinate location is... our military base..."

"What?!" General Ross only felt that his eyes were darkened, and he almost didn't sit on the ground on the spot.

At this moment, the voice in the computer began to speak again.

"General Ross, I think you should follow my orders."

"Get out of here, after all, I really can't bear to raze such an excellent military base to the ground."

After hearing this, General Ross finally knew who had hijacked the nuclear bomb silo.

He angrily glanced back at the computer screen, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Glen, let me know, all personnel will withdraw from the base tonight! Be sure to execute it immediately! Quick!"


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