American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 508: Goofy VS Red Giant Legion! (Two/Friday)

Gao Fei was not surprised by the mutation of General Ross. In fact, he had already guessed the change of General Ross.

In addition, he had accidentally learned about comics before crossing, so he knew in advance that General Ross would turn into a red version of Hulk.

And General Ross also tried to use his amazing mutation to take Gao Fei by surprise. He roared loudly at Gao Fei, "I didn't expect it?!"

Gao Fei nodded cooperatively, and said perfunctorily, "Oh... I'm so surprised... You've become red and bigger... You scared me to death..."

General Ross was very dissatisfied with Gao Fei's tone of coaxing children, and angrily trampled on the rotten and fragile floor in the corridor: "What is your attitude? Do you look down on people? Do you think this is my full strength? Gao Too careless!"

Before he finished speaking, five strong soldiers suddenly rushed out from the other direction of the corridor. They were all old subordinates of General Ross, and each of them had a look of death on their faces.

Gao Fei actually noticed that the five of them were hiding at the other end of the corridor from the moment he entered the door, but he didn't say it.

And considering the gamma rays discovered by Ultron just now, Goofy has reason to believe that the five of them have also mutated into red giants or haters.

"So General Ross... Now I see your full strength?"

Gao Fei pointed to the five soldiers behind him and said,

"These five poor frightened worms are your trump card? Let me guess, the five of you must have also mutated using the Hulk's blood combined with gamma rays, right?"

"Your original plan should have been to let five of them jump out first, and then I would say: 'It's just five ordinary people, what's so great.' And then you say: 'You think I'll let five ordinary people come around Kill you?' And then rua! These five seemingly ordinary people suddenly turned into five red giants just like you, startling me and making me feel like I'm screwed, eh?"

The Red Giant General Ross was speechless by Goofy's words, Nima, did you get into my mind and peep my inner thoughts?

And the five soldiers behind Gao Fei also expressed their embarrassment, all the routines were seen through!

Originally, I wanted to be surprised in front of Gao Fei. Even if I couldn't beat him, I could pretend to be brave before dying. As a result, before taking any action, all the routines were seen through by Gao Fei, which is very embarrassing!

The key is that they have already rushed out now, and they can't go back. Let's transform now, the routine has been exposed, how shameful is the transformation? But don't change now, so why don't you drink the blood of the Hulk and accept gamma ray radiation? I always feel a little bit of a loss!

So the five guys looked at each other for a while, but no one took the lead.

The red giant was speechless when he saw it, and roared loudly: "What are you doing? Transform! Transform! Transform me right away! You can't change your form just because Gao Fei sees through the routine, right?"

The five people nodded quickly: "The general is right!"

All of a sudden, the five people imitated General Ross's appearance, roaring loudly and bursting their clothes.

Gao Fei stood aside and looked at the five of them calmly with narrowed eyes.

Not to mention, this kind of large-scale explosion scene still has a certain ornamental value.

Red Giant Ross saw that the five young men had turned into red giants as big as him, and nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, how can you be so high if you don't change your form."

And one of the upright young red giants said in a low voice, "General, we might not be able to beat Gao Fei even if we changed our bodies."

"Shut up! Be cowardly before you fight! We don't have soldiers like you in America!" The Red Giant roared angrily, and took the lead in rushing towards Gao Fei.

This is called taking the lead, and it is the basic quality of a general.

Gao Fei looked at the six freshly-baked red giants and asked with a smile, "Is it finally going to start?"

General Ross said sharply, "Of course, are you afraid?"

Gao Fei was amused by this sentence, so he burst into laughter, and his laughter almost broke.

"It's funny, General Ross, you've become more and more humorous after your retirement."

General Ross felt that his dignity was insulted, and he raised his fist and cursed: "Damn! You arrogant little beast! My current state is stronger than Bruce Banner's Hulk, and the five of them are not weak. , our Red Giant is equivalent to an enhanced version of the Hulk, do you understand?"

Gao Fei first used his agility to evade General Ross's attack and asked him to finish this sentence, and just after General Ross finished speaking, he suddenly started to fight back.

First let himself reach the speed of light to force time to pause, and then smashed the five surrounding red giants with "all-out punch".

An all-out punch itself already contains decisive power, and at the speed of light, the lethality of this punch has been enhanced to the extreme.

Even with the amazing physique of the Red Giant, he couldn't withstand the all-out punch that Goofy unleashed at the speed of light.

In an instant.

In the eyes of General Ross, it may just be a blink of an eye.

The five red giants who came up behind Gao Fei screamed and flew out in all directions. Three of the red giants were knocked out by Gao Fei with a KO effect. The two lucky red giants failed to He fainted, but smashed the wall and fell onto the road outside.

Gao Fei tilted his head and looked at General Ross who had just finished the last sentence. He even said a second ago that the Red Giant is stronger than the Hulk.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Gao Fei asked with a smile.

General Ross immediately felt that his dignity had been trampled again, and rushed towards Gao Fei hysterically.

"I fought with you!"

Gao Fei looked sympathetically at the general who had turned himself into an old red monster, sighed and shook his head: "Ah, listen to these bad lines, how far I have pushed this glorious general..."

After all, the backhand is a punch.


General Ross screamed and flew backwards.



It stopped after hitting a wall.

But General Ross was not discouraged, got up and roared, "I won't... just... fall down so easily!"

After he finished speaking, he greeted the other two red giants who didn't faint: "You guys will join me too, and show your man's blood!"

So these red giants gathered again and launched a general attack on Gao Fei.

It's a pity that Gao Fei didn't have much effort to deal with them. After a time pause and a punch with all his strength, they were knocked into the air again.

This time, two more red giants fainted. Fortunately, General Ross remained awake.

He struggled to get up from the ruins dragging his bruised body, gnashing his teeth to find Gao Fei and desperately trying again.

"You think I'll just fall? I tell you... I won't!"

"I am a soldier of the and the last hope of the country. I will never fall, never!"

Looking at the faltering red giant Ross, Goofy really didn't know whether it was pathetic or respectable. He sighed and shook his head at General Ross: "Forget it, General Ross, don't rush up, I know what you're doing today. Purpose, you're just trying to stall for time, right?"

"You deliberately exposed your location in Los Angeles, and organized such a Red Army Corps to deal with me. In fact, you just wanted to get rid of the tiger and hold me back, right?"

"I don't know what plan you have with Pioneer Technology, but I know your goal must be elsewhere, but I'm sorry, you underestimate Ultron too much."

"Even if I'm not here, Ultron is enough to handle any situation. It's impossible for you to defeat Ultron, General Ross."

"Even before we started, I informed Ultron to investigate you, so your plan failed, and it would be meaningless for you to rush up."

Hearing this, General Ross's expression froze, and his staggering pace did not continue to move forward, but slowly stopped in place.

At this moment, the resolute expression on his face changed to despair, which was the annoyance after the hope was lost.

The huge red giant knelt to the ground with a "pop", and the old general slammed the ground and let out a long cry. ...


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