American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 512: Complete the Hornets Legion 1!

In the process of the wasp and ant-man sparring (actually the wasp-man chasing the ant-man running around), Goofy has been standing by and watching, after all, this is their insect-like superhuman battle, Goofy is not too Excited to intervene.

But then he found out that Ant-Man had no intention of doing anything at all, and the chicken thief waited for him to take a shot and gave Darren a break.

Since Goofy was discovered by Darren, he can't do anything if he doesn't do anything.

"Hi Darren, first meeting, I'm Goofy."

Gao Fei greeted with a smile.

And Darren Krause felt like his heart was going to stop.

Nima, this is Goofy!

Goofy who punched through a space-class battleship with one punch!

"Hi, Goofy!"

"Goodbye, Goofy!"

Darren Krause turned and ran, quickly trying to shrink into a wasp form to find a gap in the window and fly away.

It's a pity that under the agility of Gao Fei's speed of light, all escapes are in vain. Gao Fei directly activated the time pause, then grabbed Darren's ankle and brought him back, and then smashed the controller on his wasp suit with a backhand.

"Come back, man!"


With the controller being blown up by Goofy, Darren Krause was completely incapacitated, he could no longer get bigger or smaller, and his superpowers were invalid.

"Oh! God! Oh! Goofy!"

Darren, the big bald head, looked at Gao Fei with a cold sweat, fluttering in vain like a broiler against a butcher's knife.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you? You ruthless bastard! You have the kind of ... kill me if you have the kind! I won't bow to you!"

At this time, Scott Lang came over gloatingly and kicked Darren's ass.

"Dude, weren't you very dragging just now? Why don't you continue dragging? You drag! You drag! You drag!"

Darren glanced back at him, and said with a gloomy expression: "This is the successor that Dr. Pym was looking for?!"

Scott was stunned for a moment, and then countered: "You better care about yourself first!"

And Goofy grabbed Darren by the neck and lifted him like a kitten, looked him in the eyes and asked, "Darren, where is your Wasp Legion? You're not the only one here, right?"

Without waiting for Darren to answer, Ultron took the lead in giving the answer: "Dad, these wasps have already infiltrated the main root server, they should attempt to destroy the hardware equipment of the main root server..."

"What?" Goofy was a little surprised, "Are we a step late?"

Seeing Gao Fei's surprised expression, Darren couldn't help laughing proudly.

"Yes, Gao Fei, you are a step late. My men have already sneaked into the main root server, and they will destroy the main root server soon..."

"And they're the hardware that goes in after shrinking, and you want to yank them out without breaking the main root server, but once you do, you inevitably break the main root server is going to be broken anyway."

"Gao Fei, I know that you are very strong in combat. You can smash through a space battleship."

"But even if you are strong, so what? You can't shrink, you can't use it now!"

"Unless you make this Dr. Pym's successor, this **** second-generation Ant-Man get into the main root server and drag all my men out... But there are five of them, and Ant-Man alone can beat my five brave men. A warlike wasp?"

Darren Krause said more and more arrogantly, and he felt that he had finally overcome a high fly.

However, Gao Fei gave him a contemptuous look.

"You think you can beat me with your little tricks?"

Darren was a little surprised: "What? Do you have a way to deal with my wasp army?"

Scott said nervously: "Officer Goofy, you shouldn't... let me deal with those five Wasps! There are five of them! They are numerous! Officer Goofy, I have another one. Lovely little girl, I can't die! My girl can't live without her father!"

Goofy shook his head: "Don't worry, Scott, I won't let you take risks, I know you can't beat them."

"Uh...thank you for your understanding, Officer Goofy," Scott Lang whispered.

Darren couldn't understand Gao Fei's intentions more and more, and frowned: "What are you trying to do?"

Gao Fei ignored him, turned to Gordon and said, "Gordon, go to the Super Academy and help me bring Magneto."

"Magneto?" Gordon asked curiously, having never heard the name.

"Oh, it's Eric Lanschel. His classmates recently gave him the nickname Magneto." Goofy said.

"I see, understand!"

Gordon nodded, leaving the scene in a teleportation.

About half a minute later, Gordon teleported back to the scene.

It's just that there is another Eric next to him in pajamas, holding a toothbrush bowl, a toothbrush, and a mouth full of foam.

"what's the situation?"

Eric was confused.

Why was he brushing his teeth in the dormitory one second when he suddenly saw Gordon barging in, and the next second he was pulled to such a weird place?

"Gao Fei... Principal?"

Eric looked up and saw Gao Fei. He was so nervous that he made a "gudong" and swallowed a large mouthwash into his stomach.


Then there was a minty burp.

Goofy grabbed Eric and said with a smile, "Eric, come on, don't be nervous, I need you to do me a favor."

"What's up? Principal Goofy," Eric asked.

Gao Fei pointed to the main root server not far away and said, "That's it, now there are five special warriors who can change their body size into the main root server, they want to destroy the hardware of the main root server, I need you to use you The super power **** these five people out, but don't destroy the equipment to the main root server."

Scott Lang walked up to Eric and demonstrated his shrinking function himself.

"It's someone wearing a suit like mine."

Saying that, Scott shrank to the size of an ant and quickly returned to normal.

Eric understood as soon as he heard it.

"This matter... a trivial matter!"

After he finished speaking, he put down the toothbrush and toothbrush and walked in front of the main root server in his slippers.

"come out!"


A fly-sized man was immediately sucked out of the server.

Gao Fei's eyes are quick and his hands are quick.


Wasp One - Dead!

"Very well, continue." Gao Fei applauded.

Eric nodded and cast his ability again.

"come out!"


The second fly man No, wasp man, from the main root server.

Gao Fei repeated his old tricks, and the mosquito swatting technique was performed again.


Wasp Two - Dead!

Next, Eric came to a three-line.

"Come out! Come out! Come out!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Gao Fei made a quick shot.

slap! slap! slap!

Hornets 3, 4, 5 - Thrive!

Darren Krause next to me was scared to see the pee - thanks to me, I didn't get into the main root server...

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