American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 522: save steve plan


The Super Patrol Office in Manhattan.

Goofy and his friends gather around to discuss what Goofy saw at Steve's house at noon.

Goofy has never been a gossip person, and rarely discusses other friends with his friends, but Steve's current situation is so abnormal that Goofy can't even think about it.

"What? Goofy, you mean... Steve really became a fat man?" Reed asked in shock, he couldn't believe what Goofy said.

"He's Captain America. He represents the image of the country and the image of a superhero." Johnny said loudly, "How could he suddenly become fat?"

Gao Fei quickly clarified: "Steve is just a little fat, a little fat... It can't be called a fat man, he just doesn't have eight-pack abs, and his proud (harmonious) hips also tend to be out of shape..."

"After all, I haven't seen each other for more than a month, and a month is not enough to gain weight, but if this trend continues, I'm really worried about what Steve will do in the future..."

Hearing this, everyone also expressed concern.

"How can Steve be so depressed? Did Bucky's death hit him so hard?" Bruce Banner asked, "I mean, he's Captain, Captain America, and he should be able to withstand this. Strike, come out of the depression, right?"

Goofy frowned, he didn't really hold out much hope.

It's not that Steve hasn't lost Bucky.

He lost Bucky in Captain America: Infinity War, and he lost Bucky in Avengers: Infinity War.

But in "Captain America 1", Bucky sacrificed honorably to complete the mission, and this was Bucky's own choice. Although Steve was heartbroken, he was not hurt too much.

In "Avengers 3: Infinity War", after Thanos snapped his fingers, everyone was taken away. Not only did Bucky turn into ashes, but Steve's pain of losing Bucky was not so unforgettable.

But this time was different. This time, Steve saw Bucky first and rekindled hope in his heart, but Ultron strangled Bucky to death in front of him. This torture was really cruel.

Moreover, Bucky's death was not glorious. He was originally a hero and was killed on the spot as a criminal. In the end, even the funeral could only be held secretly.

So Steve couldn't accept it in his heart, which finally led to his emotional breakdown.

At this point Tony Stark stood up and said: "Guys, do I think we should do something? After all, I watched Steve go from a hot, big (harmonious) chest sweetheart to losing abs, A fat house with a raised (harmonious) hip is really a cruel thing, isn't it?"

"Tony is right." Reed was the first to nod in agreement.

However, after finishing speaking, he quickly clarified: "But my starting point is different. I'm not coveting Steve's figure, what kind of chest, butt, etc. I'm just thinking from a friend's point of view."

Tony glanced back at him after hearing this.

"So you mean I helped Steve cheer up, just for his body?"

Reed quickly spread his hands: "I didn't mean that, don't misunderstand me."

Then Bruce Banner asked in a low voice, "But friends, how can we help Steve?"

Skye suggested: "By the way, Ultron's program does not contain a lot of psychological analysis data... If it doesn't work, let Ultron deduce whether there is a good way to save Steve."

Tony frowned and said: "Ultron? Ultron is still busy running the entire country, and it is estimated that he has no time to be a special psychiatrist for Steve."

Everyone's discussion was in full swing, but in the end, it was found that Gao Fei never made a statement.

Tony patted Goofy's arm and asked, "Hey man, Steve is your partner, you should have the best relationship of all of us here, and now we're discussing how to get Steve back together. , why have you been silent?"

Goofy smiled and said, "You guys really decided to save Steve?"

"Of course." Tony said, "Although this guy is a stubborn old man, and many of his ideas are ridiculously naive, he is our friend after all, so just pull him when it's time to pull him."

Reed also nodded and said, "Yes, Goofy, you must have planned to save him too, didn't you?"

Goofy said: "If you all think so, then of course I will not oppose your decision. In fact, I want to save Steve, I have a way here..."

Reed laughed as soon as he heard it: "I said you will not sit idly by Steve, and that's true. We just discussed the prototype of a plan here, and you actually came up with a solution."

"No wonder you've been silent just now, so you guys have been pondering specific methods." Tony asked impatiently, "Come on, tell me what you think, and then let us geniuses give you some revisions. Opinion."

Bruce Banner also asked curiously, "Officer Goofy, is there any way to cheer Steve up?"

Goofy said: "Bucky's death hit Steve too hard, unless we can bring Bucky back to life..."

"What?!" Before Goofy could finish speaking, Johnny said in shock: "Boss, Bucky has been dead for more than a month, and his body has been cremated. Now you want to bring him back to life?"

Reed suddenly remembered that Goofy seemed to have brought Harry Osborn back to life once before, and he asked curiously: "Goofy, have you developed any ability that can bring people back from the dead? Just like the above Resurrection of Harry Osborn?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "Resurrection is not a simple ability, it is not something I can develop if I want to. Last time Harry Osborn's resurrection was due to the mental power provided by the surrounding people. In fact, with myself It doesn't matter much..."

In fact, Gao Fei can indeed develop the ability of resurrection, but he did not choose this option.

"Then how do we bring Bucky back to life?" Bruce Banner asked. "Officer Goofy, you mean to bring Bucky back to life?"

Skye raised another question: "Officer Goofy, Bucky has been brainwashed by Hydra, and the evidence shows that this brainwashing cannot be eradicated at a deep level...Even if we resurrect Bucky, doesn't he have to live? In your own remorse?"

Goofy nodded and said: "Yes, it is true. The Bucky killed by Ultron was the Bucky who was spoiled by Hydra. This Bucky killed many people and lived in his own remorse..."

"But what if we're going to save a normal Bucky who hasn't been ravaged by Hydra?"

"Everyone knows that Bucky unfortunately fell from the train and fell off a cliff when he was on a mission. Then he was captured by Hydra and cultivated into their murder tool. This was a turning point in Bucky's life, which made his life completely become very dark..."

"What if we could go back to that point in time, save Bucky at that time, and make up for Steve's regrets? In this way, wouldn't Steve's heart be unraveled?"

"You a time machine that can travel back in time?" Tony Stark asked.

"That's it." Gao Fei nodded.

"Does time travel really exist?" Skye doubted, "But if the past is modified, isn't the present not the present?"

"No." Bruce Banner shook his head, "If we revise the past, then the past becomes our future, and everything that happened on the timeline of the past will happen in our future. These are two A very different timeline, so the paradox you describe doesn't exist."

Reed looked at Goofy and asked, "So Goofy, how are you going to build this time machine? Is it like when you travel back in time and control Tony to complete Ultron?"

Goofy shook his head and said, "No, this can't bring back Bucky and save Steve."

Goofy's traverser template can indeed traverse, but his traversal is only a traversal of system-bound consciousness.

This transmigration can only be completed by him alone, and he cannot communicate the past and the present, nor can he bring the people or substances of the past back to the present.

To save Bucky and save Steve, Goofy must develop another time machine.

Facing everyone's questions, Gao Fei explained patiently: "That's it, guys, when I was on a mission, I accidentally met a friend, Scott Lang from San Francisco, who has mastered a particle that can control The distance between particles makes human beings expand or shrink at will..."

At this time, Johnny suddenly interjected: "This is a good function! Boss, in addition to allowing the whole person to expand or shrink at will, can this particle make a certain part of the body expand or shrink at will?"

Goofy raised his head and glared at Johnny, who immediately didn't dare to beep any more.

Reed expressed shame at his brother-in-law's rudeness, and whispered, "Goofy, you continue."

"Okay." Gao Fei said, "When the human body shrinks to a size smaller than the atomic level, subatomic phenomena will occur and enter the quantum realm..."

"In the quantum realm, the concepts of time and space are completely different from our macroscopic time, where time exists in a completely different way..."

When Goofy said this, Tony, Reed, and Dr. Banner, the high-IQ guys, already understood.

"We can use this principle to build a time machine!" Bruce Banner said excitedly, "and then go back to World War II to save Bucky Barnes!"

"That's right." Goofy nodded, "In this way, Steve can make up for the regrets in his life and untangle this knot, and Bucky can also avoid his miserable life and avoid being bewitched by Hydra. A tool for murder."

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