American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 525: trade with daughter

Dr. Pym was indeed a suspicious man, pointing out many suspicious aspects of Goofy's trip to San Francisco right out of his mouth. Goofy knew that if he wanted to gain Dr. Pym's trust, he might as well explain his intentions straight to the point.

"Dr. Pym, I don't think I'll go around in circles with you, so as not to cause more misunderstandings by guessing, I came to San Francisco this time for your Pym particle." Goofy said bluntly. .

"What?" Dr. Pym's expression changed on the spot.

"What?" Scott Lang's expression changed on the spot.

Scott Lang knows the old man Pym too well, and the Pym particle is his lifeblood. Anyone who hits the idea of ​​the Pym particle will kill him.

"You… are you going to take my Pym particles?" Dr. Pym snapped. "Is that so? Goofy?"

At this moment, Dr. Pym even made up his mind that if Goofy really wanted to take away his Pym particles, then he would immediately sub-atomic all the particles into the quantum realm, and he would rather die than let Goofy succeed.

But Goofy shook his head and said, "I won't take it, Dr. Pym, I'm not as savage as you think. In fact, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you."

"Deal? What deal?" Dr. Pym still didn't trust Goofy.

Goofy said: "That's it, I know that your wife Janet and your daughter Hope are all trapped in the quantum realm, and the second generation of Ant-Man Scott accidentally entered the quantum realm a few days ago... This is enough to show It is possible for humans to go back and forth between the quantum realm and the real world, isn't it?"

"Indeed," said Dr. Pym.

"Dr. Pym, I know that you are a master in the quantum field, but I think it is not enough for you and Scott to rescue Hope and Janet. If you want me to join the rescue team, then I ask you I promise, within a week, I will bring your daughter out of the quantum realm."

Gao Fei said confidently,

"If I'm lucky, I'll even be able to bring out your long-lost wife."

"What?" Dr. Pym asked in a low voice, eyes lit up by Goofy's words.

Dr. Pym's wife, Janet, was trapped in the quantum realm nearly twenty years ago, and her life and death are now unknown. Dr. Pym doesn't even have any hope of surviving her. can save her.

"You think Janet is still alive?" Dr. Pym asked excitedly.

"Yes, although the quantum field is dangerous, I believe that Janet has the ability to protect herself, and I believe she is still alive." Gao Fei said.

After hearing Goofy's answer, Dr. Pym's expression was very excited at first, even a little happy, but soon his face was pulled down and turned into a stinky and long bitter gourd face.

The skeptical Dr. Pym was cranky again.

"You just said this to make me happy, and let me give you the Pym particle. How much do you know about the quantum field? Can you know more about the quantum field than me? I don't care about Janet's survival. Hope, how could you possibly conclude that she is alive?" Dr. Pym said solemnly.

Goofy was not angry when he was questioned by Pym, he knew that Pym had such a bad temper.

In fact, Goofy was planning to take advantage of Dr. Pym's bad temper.

"Dr. Pym, I know you've been studying the quantum field, but to be honest, I don't think I have less knowledge in this field than you." Goofy said with a smile.

"What?!" Pym became anxious as soon as he heard it, you're a brazen brat.

Scott was also taken aback, why did Officer Goofy provoke Dr. Pym?

Dr. Pym snorted first, then sneered again: "Hmph, Goofy, I know you are amazing, you are saving the world and creating Ultron, but you don't have the capital in front of me in the quantum field. boasting."

Goofy smiled lightly, and said: "Dr. Pym, am I bragging? I think I might as well let the facts speak. Your wife has been trapped in the quantum realm for nearly twenty years, and you have never been able to She was rescued, but what if I could rescue your daughter and your wife?"

"Impossible! This is nonsense!" Dr. Pym said. "I don't believe you have this ability!"

"But what if I have this ability?" Gao Fei said, "If I have this ability and really save your wife and your daughter, does that mean that my professional level is higher than yours? "

"You..." Dr. Pym blushed, but after a while he suddenly came to his senses.

"I see, you kid is deliberately provoking me, you want to bet on this to deceive my Pym particle, right?" Dr. Pym asked.

Since Gao Fei was seen through, he did not hide any more, he admitted frankly: "Yes, Dr. Pym, I am indeed provoking you, but this is also the condition I put forward - if I can put your wife and you together The daughter from the quantum realm, then you have to give me the Pym particle, how about that?"

Dr. Pym squinted silently, considering the proposal.

In fact, with Goofy's current ability and status, he could have directly snatched the Pym particle and walked away, but he didn't do it, which was enough to save Dr. Pym's face.

Scott Lang unabashedly stood on Goofy's side.

"Dr. Pym, aren't you very worried about Hope? And Officer Goofy said he could... get your wife back, isn't that your greatest wish? I think you're guaranteed to win this deal. Really, Dr. Pym, why didn't you say yes to Officer Goofy?"

When Dr. Pym saw that his chosen successor had turned his elbows out, he gave him an angry look.

Scott Lang quickly timidly retreated behind Goofy to seek shelter.

At this time, Dr. Pym pondered for a while, and finally nodded: "Goofy, I can agree to your proposal...but..."

Goofy knew there was a but as soon as he heard the beginning of the sentence, and he asked with a smile, "Come on, Dr. Pym, but what?"

"But since it's a bet, you can't just set up a bet, if you save my wife and daughter, then I promise you to give you my Pym particle... But if you fail to get my The wife and daughter are rescued at the same time, remember, they can't be without one of them, then you have to send me the original program of Ultron!"

Dr. Pym said solemnly.

When Gao Fei heard it, a lion opened his mouth.

Dr. Pym was really ambitious when he wanted Ultron's original program.

Once Ultron's original program is obtained, Dr. Pym can even modify Ultron directly, which means that he may affect Ultron's current form and even shake the foundation of the entire nation.

But Goofy was so confident in himself that he knew he had a 100% hope of getting Hope and her mother out.

So he nodded towards Dr. Pym and said, "Okay, then we're done."

Dr. Pym originally just wanted to give Gao Fei a problem and let him retreat or at least hesitate for a day or two, but he never thought that Gao Fei was so courageous, and he agreed directly.

"Are you sure you agree with my request? What I want is Ultron's original program!" Dr. Pym asked in surprise.

Gao Fei nodded with a smile: "Of course I agreed, because I know I won't lose this bet. Since I say I want to save Hope and Janet, I will definitely save Hope and Janet."

"I hope you're not bragging." Dr. Pym sneered, in fact, he still doesn't believe that Goofy has this ability.

Goofy shrugged and said to Dr. Pym: "Okay, Dr. Pym, where are all your research materials in the quantum field? I need to borrow them."

Dr. Pym was a little surprised: "What? Wait... don't you call yourself an expert in this area? Since you are an expert in this area, you don't need to borrow this content from me, right?"

Gao Fei smiled: "Dr. Pym, please don't act like a child, okay? I'm helping you save people after all. If you want to reunite with your wife and daughter as soon as possible, then be quick and invite me quickly. Go to your study and study."


Dr. Pym thought about it, although he didn't like the tone of Goofy's words, but there was nothing wrong with Goofy's words.

"Come with me."

Dr. Pym pointed to his study and walked in with Goofy.

The next night, Dr. Pym went back to his room to sleep, Scott Lang stayed on the sofa of Dr. Pym's house, and Goofy sat in Dr. Pym's study to study the knowledge of the quantum field.

Of course, one night's time is not enough. Even if Goofy has a super brain, it is impossible to catch up with Dr. Pym's level overnight. He still activated the time pause and bought himself almost infinite time.

To Dr. Pym and Scott Lang, the night was only about seven hours long, but to Goofy, it was several weeks long.

After Gao Fei's long study and study, when they met again in the study in the morning, Gao Fei, as he said last night, could surpass Hank Pym's professional level in the quantum field.

"Boy, did you gain anything from watching it all night in my study?" Dr. Pym asked while reluctantly serving Goofy a cup of

He didn't believe that Goofy could make a major breakthrough in just seven hours.

However, Gao Fei said with a smile: "Of course there are gains, I found that you are studying quantum channels."

"Yes." Dr. Pym did not hide, "Quantum channels can directly connect the quantum realm and the real world, which is safer than subatomic body directly into the quantum realm... If we can create quantum channels, then we will find Hope and Janet have more hope."

But Gao Fei shook his head: "It's not that simple. The world in the quantum realm is wider than the real world of human beings. Finding someone in it is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack... Dr. Pym, your rescue plan has just begun."

"..." Dr. Pym was speechless and took a sip of coffee.

At this time, Gao Fei handed the blueprint of the quantum channel to Dr. Pym and said, "By the way, I took the time to modify the model of the quantum channel. How about the modification?"

Dr. Pym looked disdainful and sneered: "It's only been one night, and you have just come into contact with the quantum channel. What can you modify? It's good that you can completely digest my design, I tell..."

However, halfway through the words, Dr. Pym suddenly froze!

I saw that the quantum channel in his hand was modified beyond recognition, and all the programs and components were optimized. If his previous design was only 60 points, then the design drawings in his hand now reached at least 82 points!


Dr. Pym was speechless.

And Gao Fei's system background pops up a prompt.

[The worship value from Hank Pym +5! 】

[The worship value from Hank Pym +5! 】

[The worship value from Hank Pym +5! 】

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