American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 527: Difficult ghost girl

Goofy and Scott are caught off guard by the black market seller's sudden change of mind.

Gao Fei glanced at the suitcase that the seller put in his hand, and thought to himself, "Anyway, this guy has brought the goods over, and he will grab the goods after a while. lighter..."

However, Gao Fei was not in a hurry to turn his back on him, but just waited and watched.

Scott Lang felt deceived and asked angrily: "Why? Didn't we already negotiate the price on the phone, are you people so unprincipled?"

The seller sneered and nodded, "That's right, we people in the black market never follow principles! Otherwise, what's the name of the black market?"

"Damn..." Scott only felt that his logic was flawless and could not refute at all, "What you said really makes sense..."

He was very cooperative and agreed to re-offer.

"Then you can set a new price, don't set it too high, just raise the price appropriately, do you hear?"

The black market seller was stunned for a moment. He had never encountered such a bullying buyer before.

Scott, who was so cooperative, made him embarrassed to do the next thing.

But after adjusting his mentality, the black market seller still sneered and said, "Okay, then I'll re-bid..."

"My new price is..."

"...Your life!"

Having said that, the black market seller yanked a gun from his waist and was about to fire at Scott's head.

Unfortunately, before he could adjust his posture, the figure in front of him flickered, the gun in his hand was taken away by a ghost, and he got a hot slap in the face, and when he looked down again, the gun in his hand ran to Sri Lanka in confusion. In Cortram's hand, the muzzle was pointed at the seller himself.

"Hit! What happened?!"

The seller looked at Scott in confusion, and Scott looked at the seller in confusion.

Scott didn't react, and suddenly there was a gun in his hand. He felt that the gun was stuffed to him, and it was probably Goofy who was sitting next to him.

But looking back, Gao Fei was looking at the menu leisurely, as if he didn't know anything.

And everyone in the restaurant, including the waiters, kitchen staff, and diners, were all pretending to be people from the black market. When they saw that their accomplices were subdued by Scott as soon as they shot, they all stood up in unison. Bring up the weapon hidden under the body and under the table and aim it at Scott.

"Boy, be honest!"

"Drop your weapons!"

"Don't be impulsive, do you hear me?"

"You are surrounded, you are dead today!"

Seeing such a terrifying battle, Scott was horrified on the spot. He really couldn't understand why so many people targeted him, and he didn't offend anyone!

"You...why can't you get along with me! I'm just an ordinary person. Although I have done some wrong things before, I have already received the punishment I deserve! I got divorced, lost custody of my daughter, and went to jail. ...why can't you give me a chance to rehabilitate?"

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"Besides... The things I did in the past were not a big deal of murder and arson... You... can you let me go?!"

He was clearly pointing a pistol at the seller in front of him, but he was cowardly.

At this time, the black market buyer said in a deep voice, "Scott, do you know why we want you to die?"

Scott pondered: "Because... I bid too low yesterday?"

"What?" The seller was stunned by Scott's answer. It took him a long time to react, and he cursed gloomily: "Damn! If you don't know, honestly say you don't know, don't give me wild guesses about other things. An unintelligible answer!"

"Okay! Okay!" Scott said quickly, "I'll pay attention next time!"

The seller snorted coldly and asked a second question.

"Scott, do you know who runs our black market?"

This time Scott was smart: "I don't know, I won't answer that question."

The seller is a little disappointed: "You can take a guess."

Scott gritted his teeth and didn't let go: "Don't think I'll be fooled. I don't know if I don't know this time, and I won't guess."

The seller is simply fascinated: "You can guess, I'll let you guess this time."

Scott grinned. "Hey, do I look so gullible? Dude, I'm not stupid, I won't be fooled."

The seller's head was smoking with rage, and if it weren't for the gun in his hand, Scott would definitely have slapped him hard.

"Okay... You don't guess, you can, then I will tell you directly." The seller said, "The boss of our black market is Darren Krauss!!"


Hearing this, Scott Lang finally came to a realization.

No wonder these people killed him, they were all Darren Krause's lackeys!

At this time, the seller said indignantly: "Our boss once fought the evil robot Austrian creation in order to save this country! He took the five most loyal patriots around him, put on his wasp battle uniform and went to Virginia in an attempt to save the country. Let Ultron fall into collapse..."

"But you traitor! Scott Lang! Because you betrayed our boss, my boss was arrested, and the five patriots beside him died on the spot!!"

"So we have to kill you, Scott Lang, and we're going to avenge our bosses and those patriots! You **** traitor, you scum who took refuge in the evil robot Ultron, you…"

Hearing this, Scott was scared to pee, it seems that these people are serious, they are really going to kill him.

"Please, don't kill me, I actually..." Scott weakly begged for mercy.

However, before he finished speaking, another voice sounded from beside him.

"What's your opinion on Ultron? Come at me, don't bully Scott."

As soon as he heard this voice, Scott suddenly reacted!


Why am I so cowardly?

Are you used to being cowardly?

I came with Gao Fei this time!

I have a strong bodyguard by my side!

Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei had already stood up from Scott's side. He took off the sunglasses used to conceal his identity, revealing his original appearance.

Although Gao Fei is now well-known and considered the most influential Asian face in the world, foreigners are very sorry for the recognition of Asian faces. These people did not recognize Gao Fei's identity for a while.

The seller saw that Gao Fei dared to challenge a room full of gangsters armed with firearms at the same time, thinking that he must be an idiot with abnormal brains, he patted Gao Fei on the chest and said with a sneer, "Dude, this is not your place to show off. , In addition, I have an opinion on Ultron, what does it have to do with you?"

Gao Fei smiled lightly and replied, "Because Ultron was designed by me."

After all, he violently stimulated the energy in his body, and the Desperate Virus was instantly activated, and there was a faint effect of Carrie opening the double star form.

"I'm here to help you remember..."

Gao Fei said with a sneer, while the light on his body became brighter and brighter,

"Do you recognize me now?"

Before he finished speaking, someone in the crowd recognized him.

"Goofy! He is Goofy!"

"It's really Gao Fei! He is now in the double star form! This is the form he used to smash through the alien spaceship!"

"Damn it! Scott actually got Goofy!"

"Oops! We've been tricked! They're trying to kill us all!"

"Quickly withdraw! Quickly!"

These people are all thieves, none of them would be stupid enough to fight with Goofy, the black market seller was so frightened after finally recognizing Goofy, he grabbed the suitcase on the table and wanted to run away.

However, Gao Fei raised his hand to hold the suitcase, and said solemnly, "I've brought the goods, do you still want to take them away?"

The seller saw that his life was more important than the goods, so he quickly dropped the components and turned around and ran away.

In a blink of an eye, only Gao Fei and Scott Lang were left in the restaurant, and the important components for building the quantum channel were finally Scott glanced at Gao Fei admiringly, in the background of the system While providing worship value to Goofy, he said with a smile: "It's amazing, Officer Goofy, you scared them all away when you showed your face! Now we get the components for no money, really... Wait, Officer Goofy , wouldn't it be inappropriate for us to do so?"

Goofy said: "Please, Scott, they've all pointed their guns at you. What's wrong with you grabbing their components? Just treat it as the mental damage they paid you."

"Haha, you're right!" Scott said, "We can now…"

However, halfway through the words, the suitcase on the table suddenly floated up, and at the same time, Gao Fei saw a figure between the entity and the illusion emerge, and the guy took the suitcase.

"Fuck!!" Scott Lang was scared to pee on the spot, "What is this? A ghost?"

Goofy nodded and said, "Yes, she is indeed a ghost."

"What?" Scott's face was deformed with fright. "Officer Goofy, don't scare me!"

Goofy didn't have time to explain to him, so he went to grab what the ghost had.

And he knew that this half-human, half-ghost girl in a white battle suit, the famous ghost girl in Ant-Man 2, was also one of the victims of the quantum realm.

Her name is Ava Starr, and she is the daughter of a former colleague of Pimhank. Her parents also tried to build a quantum channel, but their design was unsuccessful, and the quantum channel explosion killed the couple together.

Luckily Ava did not die in the accident with her parents, but was left with unhealable wounds from the explosion. After the explosion, her body will forever hover between the physical and the void, this strange entanglement The state will cause her to suffer from severe pain from time to time, and the pain is unbearable...

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