American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 547: Eddie who refused to tell the truth

The words of Venom directly made Eddie stunned.


Are we in a group?

"Who are you as a team? Who are you as a whole?"

Eddie said in disgust,

"I swear I'll get you out of my body!"

"Don't be so ruthless, I'm your savior after all." Venom said solemnly, "If you didn't have me, you would be killed by those people in the Life Foundation, that evil Mr. Drake won't let you go, He will come after you!"

"I'm not afraid of him!" Eddie said confidently. "If he dares to come to me, I'll make him look good!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... I didn't expect you to be a good bragging." Venom sneered.

"I'm not bragging!" Eddie said solemnly, "Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now, I'm going out to meet my friends. Be quiet for a while! I don't want him to find out you exist. ,do you know?"

"Are you begging me? Why doesn't your tone seem to be begging me? It's hard to ask someone to do things with this attitude. I have to consider whether to agree to you..." Venom said arrogantly.

"Shut up! Parasite! Don't make trouble for me!" Eddie said in a deep voice, "I'm going out now, from now on... be quiet!!"

After finishing speaking, Eddie tidied up his clothes and walked out of the bathroom, while Goofy was still sitting quietly in the booth.

"Sorry, I... drink a little uncomfortable." Eddie explained embarrassingly, deceiving Goofy to make his conscience uneasy.

Venom obviously discovered this, and whispered: "Since you don't want to lie to him, why don't you tell the truth? Just because I took you to gnaw a few people's heads? Trust me, if Goofy is really your friend. , he won't break up with you because of this trivial matter!"

Eddie couldn't help rolling his eyes, it seemed that it was too difficult to shut up Venom.

But he decided that no matter what Venom beeps, he'd be fine as long as he didn't speak.

"It doesn't matter." Goofy said with a smile, "How is life in San Francisco? Are you still adapting to your new job?"

"It's not bad." Eddie said, "Everything went well, you can see it, my new column "Eddie Broadcast" is also a little... a little popular here."

Venom sneered: "Everything went well? Well! You almost died at work today. If it wasn't for me, you would have been shot by Drake and the vicious security guards of the Life Foundation. boom!"

Eddie shook his head gloomily, trying to shake the voice of Venom out, but he failed, and Venom was still chattering in his mind.

At this time, Goofy asked: "By the way, Eddie, I heard that you are going to report on the Life Foundation recently? It is said that this is a company that can be compared with Pym Technology in San Francisco and even the entire western United States. From which angle do you plan to start reporting? them?"

"Life... Life Foundation?" Eddie hesitated and hesitated. "This is a very interesting company. Its founder is very young. When he was nineteen years old, he developed a new drug for the treatment of cancer..."

"I heard that they conducted a space experiment a while ago, but it seems that there was an accident. Ultron was also investigating this matter before. It is said that they brought back some new life from outer space... Is there such a thing?" Gao Fei didn't let Eddie finish his words, and directly brought the topic to the right track.

Hearing this, Eddie broke out in a cold sweat!

Gao Fei's news is so well-informed?

Could he already know about Venom?

Before Eddie could speak, the venom in his mind was not calm.

"Ah, this guy's news is so well-informed, bad, he must already know, he must know about me and my kind..."

"Eddie, did you say he came to San Francisco to destroy me and my kind?"

"Damn it! It must be like this! Does he know that I'm hiding on you now?"

"I have long thought that this guy is not easy! He looks like the kind of Terminator who will end everything as soon as he makes a move..."

"It's screwed, Eddie, we're all screwed! He's going to get rid of us!"

Eddie himself was already nervous enough, only to be even more nervous when Venom said that.

Ultron has just been established, and New York has so much going on.

Gao Fei is so busy with his work, not dealing with government affairs in New York, why did he suddenly go to San Francisco?

He must have come for the alien symbiote event!

Maybe he just planned to wipe out the alien symbiotes in one go!

Thinking of this, Eddie is going to freak out!

He has been infected with venom, if Goofy is going to clean up all the alien symbiotes, does that mean he has to die too?

"I don't want to die!!" Eddie growled in his heart.

Even if it were to die at the hands of Goofy, even if it were to perish with the evil aliens, Eddie didn't want to die! !

Thinking of this, Eddie was so nervous that he was about to explode. He looked up at Gao Fei. He could only see Gao Fei's lips moving, but he couldn't hear any words he said.


Eddie stood up trembling, shook his head and said,

"Sorry, we finally met again. Today should be a very happy day, but my current state is really... a little... not very good..."

Goofy nodded and said: "Yes, Eddie, I saw it. Your face is ugly, you are shaking all over, and you are sweating a lot. Do you need me to take you home?"

"Oh, no! No!" Eddie waved his hand quickly, "You don't have to take me home, I can go home by myself... Goofy, how long will you stay in San Francisco? Let's talk..."

"Okay," Goofy said. "I'll be in San Francisco for a while, so call me when it's convenient."

"Okay." Eddie nodded and handed Goofy a business card.

Here's his phone number in San Francisco, which Goofy hasn't saved yet.

And the Venom in his head objected: "Eddie! What the **** are you thinking? This guy is obviously here to kill us, and you want to meet him again?"

Eddie hurried out of the bar, cursing in a low voice: "Shut up! He's my friend! Of course we'll continue to meet! Besides, he's not here to kill 'us', he's here to kill 'you'! You and your evil kind!"

"We're not evil!" Venom said helplessly, "We just want to find a habitat..."

After speaking, he seemed to have found his conscience, and reluctantly admitted, "Okay, maybe most of us are evil, but I'm not too evil, I don't actually like killing people, I'm a pacifist."

"Bullshit!" Eddie retorted, "You gnawed off several people's heads!"

"Pacifists also have to fill their stomachs!" Venom plausibly said, "How can you be a pacifist when you starve to death?"

"Bah!" Eddie rolled his eyes, then suddenly reacted, "Wait, I should tell Goofy the truth, maybe he has a way to save me, he has a way to get you out of my body! The one who killed before. It's you, I'm just being controlled by you, I'm innocent!"

"What?" Venom was deeply shocked, "You're going to betray me! You're going to betray me, aren't you? Is that so? Eddie Are you going to betray me? "

Eddie said: "Damn, Venom, don't give me the outline, we are neither friends nor partners, there is no betrayal..."

However, before he finished speaking, Eddie suddenly felt that his body was out of control. He only felt that he suddenly ran like a fly, galloping all the way towards the distance.

"What the hell?!" Eddie asked loudly.

"You traitor, I don't want that Goofy to catch me!!" Venom shouted and ran.

And at the same time.

A black off-road vehicle suddenly appeared at the door of the bar.

The window rolled down, revealing Mr. Drake's sullen face.

"Looks like he blends well with the alien symbiote...hehe."

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