American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 551: Hit by Gao Fei on the spot

Venom is also unlucky. Before, he had been obediently in Eddie's body. He just got out and indulged himself, adding a meal to nourish himself, but he was smashed by Gao Fei.

At this moment, this alien black monster with a huge body and a big mouth looked at Gao Fei at the door with embarrassment, and Gao Fei at the door was also looking at him at the same time.


Venom swallowed nervously, the muscular eldest brother was so delicious that he secreted too much saliva.

He squinted at Goofy, thinking about what he should do.

Is it to turn around and run away?

Or do you just kneel down and capture it?

Or... simply rush up to fight this powerful Asian, maybe have a chance to kill him?

Venom pondered for a while, and felt that as a glorious alien creature, he must show some backbone!

I would rather die standing than live on my knees!

So Venom took a deep breath, grinned and stuck out his tongue as he walked towards Gao Fei.

But he was hostile to Goofy, and Eddie, who was one with him, felt it immediately.

"Venom, what do you want? You want to attack Goofy?"

"I warn you, if you dare to hurt Gao Fei, I will perish with you, believe it or not?"

"Listen, if you dare to touch a single hair on him, I'll..."

Venom growled impatiently: "Oh! Shut up! Eddie! If you don't resist, you will die! Do you really want to die that much?"

"He's my friend and he won't hurt me!" Eddie said, "I bet..."

Venom sneered: "Don't be naive, there are no such reliable friends in the world, it is better to trust yourself than others..."

Having said that, Venom had already walked to Gao Fei, and he opened his mouth wide, ready to speak to Gao Fei.

However, feeling the murderous aura on Venom, Gao Fei also responded quickly. He did not fight back immediately, but made the Extremis virus on the verge of exploding by stimulating the energy in his body.

In this way, once the venom bites Goofy, Goofy can explode in the next second.

Venom would not dare to swallow a large bomb alive, even if he fell ill again.

And Gao Fei just showed the clue of energy, and Venom immediately sensed it.

"Fuck, I can't beat it, I can't beat it..."

Venom, who had wanted to fight Goofy **** at first, cowarded before he started, and instantly retracted into Eddie's body and released Eddie.

"Hey! What the **** is going on in your head?!" Eddie asked angrily.

"What do you know? You don't know anything! In the 05 seconds just now, I have already judged the result of this battle. Once the two of us start, I have no chance of winning, this is killing me! Death!" Venom whispered.

"Then you ran away? Leave me alone with this?" Eddie asked.

"I didn't run! I'm in your body now, we are still one! I didn't leave you!" Venom said plausibly.

"But you just disappeared!" Eddie said angrily. "It looks like I'm the only one from the outside!"

"Aren't you friends with that Asian guy? Didn't you say he wouldn't hurt you? But I don't know him well, and he's very likely to hurt me! So I think it's better for you to represent the two of us, no? ? Stupid!" Venom explained.

The two of them were beeping endlessly, and Gao Fei was tired of listening.

With a cough, Gao Fei forcibly interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Ahem, Eddie, I should have something to tell me? After all, I just saw be exact, you and the alien symbiote devoured a person together." Goofy said .

"Oh, shit!" Eddie turned to Goofy depressed and said helplessly, "Yes, Goofy, you have seen it, I ate people... To be precise, it was me and the alien symbiote that ate people...and I want to confess, this is not the first time I cannibalize, we gnawed the heads of three security guards when we were at the Life Foundation..."

Before Eddie could finish speaking, Venom quit immediately.

"Idiot! Why did you explain what you did before? Goo Fei didn't ask you, why didn't you recruit yourself? Oh... You are really a pig teammate, I'm going to be killed by you! That's it, One life has become four lives, and this Asian will definitely kill us!"

Eddie is too lazy to deal with Venom, he is not willing to deceive his friend Goofy.

Goofy nodded lightly: "Thank you for your honesty and trust, Eddie."

Eddie shrugged helplessly, then said that he would not shirk his responsibility.

"Gao Fei, you also know that now I have committed an unforgivable mistake. I have four lives on my hands... uh... I have four lives on my lips, I am a murderer, I..."

Before Eddie could finish speaking, Goofy waved his hand.

"The security guards of the Life Foundation were killed because they tried to hurt you, and you broke the fact that they were breaking the law; and the guy you just ate was a drug dealer, and he shot you first... "

Goofy Road,

"You can forgive both of these things. I don't think it's a big deal if you eat them."

"What?!" Eddie was stunned on the spot, and Venom was also extremely shocked.

"It really is your friend! He chose to cover up the crimes you committed!"

Eddie looked up at Goofy, he felt that this Goofy was not the same as the righteous policeman he had known before.

In the past, Gao Fei always enforced the law impartially. Even if Eddie's murder was justifiable, Gao Fei would deal with the matter according to regular judicial procedures.

But with a big wave of Gao Fei today, he actually wiped out these four lives?

This is by no means Goofy's style.

"Gao, Gao Fei...Why do you want to make a good face for me? The one I knew before would never do this!" Eddie said.

Gao Fei smiled and nodded: "Yes, Eddie, you know me very well. You know that I would never bend the law for personal gain. But now I am different, I have changed..."

"I was not only your friend before, I was also a police officer, a law enforcement officer who shouldered the security of New York..."

"But a few days ago, I quit my job in the Super Patrol and officially left npd, I'm no longer a policeman, I'm just your friend now..."

"So as a friend, I don't think there's any problem with you killing those four people, and I don't plan to continue to hold you accountable, but in fact, I'm not qualified to hold you accountable anymore."

Hearing this, Eddie finally came to a realization.

"You... resigned?"

"You actually resigned?"

"Oh, I'm very happy for you, because the job is so hard, you should have a good rest. After all, you now have a prison and a school, and your life is too full, every day on the street Patrols will wear you out."

"But seriously, I think the people of New York will miss you. npd lost a strong policeman like you, and it must be their loss..."

Eddie said with a smile.

Gao Fei waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, Steve has taken over my position and has become the new captain of the Super He is born a spiritual leader and a moral benchmark, he will Better than me."

After speaking, he decided to quickly turn the topic back on track, after all, Eddie still has a mysterious alien symbiote on him.

"Okay, I think it's time for us to talk about you, Eddie."

Gao Fei pointed at him and said,

"How did you know this alien friend? How did he come to earth from aliens? What are his plans in the future? How many people is he going to eat?"

Goofy's series of sharp questions asked Eddie and Venom in a cold sweat.

Especially the silent venom that has been hiding in Eddie's body, he is almost scared to pee.

"Damn, I thought as long as I didn't talk, this Asian guy would forget me..."

"It seems that I'm still too naive, this guy's memory is better than I thought..."

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