American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 563: Wanda's plan


Gao Fei came to the residence of Star-Lord and others to meet them as scheduled.

As Goofy said last night, he will be the tour guide for this Missouri trip.

In addition to the original plan to travel with Goofy to Ultron, Missouri, Charles Xavier and Wanda Maximoff are new "tour guide assistants". Goofy did not explain the two students to Star-Lord and the others. He was not obliged to explain the reason for the escort.

With the help of the teleportation machine in Baxter Building, Goofy and the Guardians of the Galaxy went from New York to Missouri in a blink of an eye. They settled in a small town in the southwest of Missouri, Star-Lord. Her mother is a girl who was born and raised here.

Compared with thirty years ago, Missouri is more prosperous today, with large supermarket chains in small towns, as well as some banks and movie theaters.

Although the far end of the town is still a vast expanse of farmland, the farmland and farms are only a part of it, not the whole of it as it was thirty years ago.

"Oh... I almost don't recognize this place!"

Standing on the street of the town, Yigo looked at the row upon row of houses in the distance, and said with emotion,

"It looks unfamiliar here, but I vaguely remember the smell of the breeze blowing here. It can only be smelled by the fields, the smell of crops..."

Peter Quill squinted at the farm and warehouse in the distance, and whispered: "I still remember playing hide-and-seek with my mother when I was a child. I always liked to hide in the warehouse of my grandpa's house... As long as I hide there, mother I can't find me..."

Hearing this, Egg sighed, walked to Star-Lord's side, and put his arms around his shoulder kindly.

"She's just playing hide-and-seek with you now, Peter, but she's hiding in heaven, and you'll find her there sooner or later..."

This sentence made Peter Quill almost burst into tears, and even the always giggling Rocket Raccoon was silent.

However, Goofy only thought that the old man, Egg, was creepy - he could pretend to be a loving father so perfectly.

"Where is your mother's tomb? I can't wait to see her." Egg asked in a low voice, tears running down the corners of his eyes.

"Let's go."

The naive Peter Quill was completely bewildered by Egg's acting skills. He led the way and led everyone into a cemetery.

Peter Quill's mother, Meredith Quill, is buried in this cemetery. Her tomb is ordinary and no different from the surrounding neighbors, so even Peter Quill, who has been there once, thinks. It was not that easy to find her, and it took five minutes to find her.

Her tombstone is also the most common standard model, with nothing on it except her name and date of birth and death.

"Is this the love of my life, the jewel in my eyes?"

Egg's acting skills continued to be online, and tears streamed down at the tombstone of Star-Lord's deceased mother.

Peter Quill wiped his tears silently and whispered: "Yes, this is her, she has been waiting for you to come back to see her, always like this..."

"It was I who failed her..." Egg sighed, while not forgetting to grab Star-Lord's arm, "But I will double your compensation in the future, child, you have suffered."

Star-Lord looked back at his father, but he did not continue to speak.

The worship of the dead is quickly over, but Egg insists on being left alone to chat with his Meredith.

Goofy took the Guardians of the Galaxy to find accommodation first, and they planned to stay in Missouri for two days.

In the end, everyone chose a hotel in the center of the town. Although the environment here is simple, it is better than clean.

After booking the room, everyone went back to their room to rest, but until this time, Egg still hadn't come back.

This gave Gao Fei a good opportunity to discuss countermeasures, and they took the opportunity to plan a plan to deal with Egg at night.

Charles Xavier actually had an idea for a long time, and he had discussed the feasibility of this plan with Goofy before.

"Although my ability can directly read other people's consciousness, the risk is too high... Ordinary people with slightly stronger mental power can detect my spying on their consciousness, not to mention the almost A creature of God..."

"Yes." Gao Fei nodded, "It is very possible to read Egg's consciousness directly, and it is very possible to scare the snake directly, and once a creature of this level of Egg becomes wary of us, we will not be able to get information from him any more. It's easy."

At this time, Charles looked at Wanda and said with a smile: "Although this has always been a problem that we have not been able to overcome, Wanda has proposed a good solution."

Goofy asked curiously, "Oh? Wanda, what can you do?"

Wanda said: "That's right, Principal Goofy. Charles reads Eggo's consciousness when he's awake, and there's a high probability that he'll startle the snake, but if Eggo isn't in a awake state, then..."

Gao Fei couldn't help but say: "You want to give him (harmony) medicine!"

Wanda black line on the spot.

"Principal Gao Fei... Do you think I can come up with such a ridiculous method? What's more, ordinary drugs are ineffective against higher creatures like Egg..."

Gao Fei smiled awkwardly: "I'm just joking."

Wanda smiled perfunctoryly and continued: "What I said corresponds to the awake state is Egg's sleep state, and Egg will definitely be less vigilant in sleep state..."

"But sleep alone is not enough, because sleep is not as vigilant as waking, but it's enough to detect Charles's tricks..."

Charles interjected in dissatisfaction: "Wait, why does my powerful mental ability turn into a trick when you put it in your mouth?"

Wanda reluctantly corrected himself: "Cough, okay, but it's enough to discover Charles' powerful mental ability, is this okay?"

Charles nodded with satisfaction: "That's fine."

Wanda continued: "It's not enough to fall asleep, I also need Egg to dream, and peaceful dreams are not enough to completely reduce his vigilance. The easiest thing to reduce his vigilance is nightmares... violent nightmares..."

Goofy suddenly realized: "You mean, you use the ability to make Egg start having nightmares after he falls asleep, and Charles uses the mind reading technique to read Egg's consciousness after your nightmare control takes effect - this way, Egg wouldn't find out his consciousness was stolen, would he?"

"That's it." Wanda said with a smile, "Principal Gao Fei is really smart."

Charles smiled and said: "Wanda's idea is really wonderful."

While chatting, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door, Gao Fei hurriedly signaled the two to shut up, and Ultron explained the situation in advance - "It's Star Lord who is here."

Sure enough After half a minute, Star-Lord knocked on the door.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Goofy, it's almost time for lunch, are you ready to taste the authentic Missouri flavor?"

Gao Fei walked out of the room and said with a smile, "Of course I'm ready, I'm already hungry."

But Star-Lord's next sentence was not about food, but lowered his voice: "Gao Fei, when I went back to my hometown last time, you didn't accompany me back, why did you accompany me this time? Besides that. , you also brought a robot and two super-powered teenagers?"

Peter Quill's usual bohemian face suddenly changed to a serious expression,

"It's not my overthinking, is it, Goofy? You're not acting like this against us, the Guardians of the Galaxy, I know. You're against my father, Egg, right?"

"Goofy, you don't trust Egg, do you?"

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